I did something really dumb today. The lock on the trunk on my '68 convertible has always been a bit of a problem. When opening it, I have found I have to press down on it from above while turning the key, otherwise the latch won't release and the trunk won't open. Well, I've gotten used to doing this, so no big deal. Except today I was getting ready to leave on a trip and I accidentally moved the plastic trim that covers the taillights (inside the trunk) so that it was partially covering the latch (the trim was loose-- another one of those things I was going to get around to one of these days). Anyway, as I shut the trunk I realized it was there and . . . dang it, it's jambed. I cannot get the trunk open. Anybody got a solution for this? I am about to remove the back seat and try to crawl through, but doubt if I can make it . . . Mark with a crate of fresh fish locked in his trunk and it's 80 degrees outside . . .