Good morning Imperial people... The results of the trivia contest are in for the month of Feb. and are as follows.. Phill Patterson in the hills of Carolina and his pair of green '68s answered properly and first as listed below... As a result he should be getting an Imperial key ring and an Imperial candle bounced off his head soon... All of the answers to the Imperial trivia can be found on the OIC web pages.. For the month of Feb question #6 was disregarded as it can not be correctly answered.. Results are based on who gets the most correct answers in the soonest.. March Imperial trivia will be posted by March 8th for your enjoyment... There is a prize attached to each month .... Thank you to all who participated and please do again.. Robb <admin> #1 Last year full full frame answer: 1966 #2 First year for 440 answer: 1966 #3 Style of brake pad used on a 1968 answer: D-10 #4 Last year of full size Imperial answer: 1975 #5 Last year for convertible answer: 1968 #6 How many '67 YM27 's were non A/C answer: #7 Who drive Mrs. BlueBerry Answer: Hugh Hemphill #8 Who has a '56 Imperial refered to as TAXI Answer: Moron/Mike Trettin #9 Who has a 'suede '62 Imperial coupe Answer: Mikey62/Mike Sutton #10 What 'bird' graces Imperials Answer: Eagle