My '65 was parked for almost 20 years, and I noticed the same problem, once I got it out and running again. I was able to bring back the dash lights by doing the above. I leave them on a medium setting to minimize the amount of current and maximize bulb life. They are not fun to change.
Paul W. -----Original Message----- From: smoorehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 6:38 pm Subject: IML: Waking a sleeping ImperialI am very excited about my new imperial and I have been tinkering with it every chance I get. Ive driven it twice now and I just replaced the carrier assembly, I had the unplesant experiance of it coming apart on my first drive. while I was at it I was going to replace the speedometer cable because the other thing I noticed was not speedo the first time but I had my wife follwing me just in case of truble. Well I was not excited about trying to disconect the cable from the instrement panel if anyone has tryed to do this on a 66 imperial it is less than ideal. so I disconected the spedo cable from the trans and hooked my cordless drill to it and at first I thought it was not working I had my wife watching the dash and then I reversed the drill and then switched back and whala it works I guss that it stuck and I jarred it loose but now it functions great and with no jurking also while I was looking under the dash contimplating the spedo cable I found out why the automatic parking brake release wasent working the vacume hose was pulled loose I found the nipple at the base of the column and pluged it in and when I put it in reverse it works its so cool now I have to get the head light switch out and fix it because I have no dash lights all the lights work but when you pull the switch no dash lights. does any one know an easy way to do this ? as far as I can tell you have to take a lot off to get to it any help sugestions would be appreciated. Sonny Moorehouse
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