----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Richardson"
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IML: Oil usage theories
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 20:27:49 -0600
Steve, et al:
I do have some leaks but, the usage seems to be
from driving, not leaking. A few normally
expected drips from a 40+ year old - not
As I am a bit nervous about hastening the
demise of the bottom end, I think I will just
continue to add oil for now, maybe 20W50 in the
Summer. She really needs to be completely
rebuilt, but then that drags the tranny in for
a needed overhaul too. See, you guys are great
at spending my money, aren't you! 3K engine +
1K trans, yuck!!
For now, I'm just driving her and having fun!
New tires, wheels, and an entire exhaust
system, are gonna' get my next couple a G's.
I'll let you all know when she blows. (BTW,
anyone have a '65 413 High Performance block
for sale?)
Thanks again, as always, for the advice from
everyone. This is the absolute best resource!
Dan Richardson
300L Family Heirloom
----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve B."
> Dan:
> You probably do need valve seals as most
> engines do at this age, but I don't think
> they are your problem. You've seen the
> Chrysler minivans around town that look like
> mosquito foggers with all the blue smoke
> coming out the back? Well they aren't using
> the kind of oil you are using...
> Failed valve seals let the oil in to the
> combustion chamber, if you were actually
> burning that much oil there would be clouds
> of oil behind you and those plugs would have
> been black clumps of goo instead of nice and
> brown.
>> From your description of the plugs it doesn't sound like you are burning
> much/any oil.
> You most likely have a leak somewhere. Valve
> cover gaskets (wet oil on the plug threads
> suggest they are leaking), oil pressure
> sending unit, rear main seal... I don't know
> where it is but I don't think it is a valve
> seal problem. Try putting some cardboard
> under the car and rev the engine to hiway rpm
> for a few minutes and see if you can see
> anything leaking.
> Steve B.
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