From: randalpark@xxxxxxxActually J.C. Taylor does exactly that. Maybe because I have been doing business with them for 30 years without a single claim, and have over 15 cars on my policy, but they haven't questioned anything. I suspect that they might want more documentation if a customer was asking for coverage on a higher priced car. I valued my '60 Custom Sedan at $25,000 and that is the highest of all that I have on the policy. Every couple of years they ask me to review the numbers and make sure that they are still in line with my expectations, but they also get paid more for every dollar of value placed on the car. I have enjoyed a flawlessly executed business relationship with them, and would recommend them to anyone.Paul W. -----Original Message----- From: DR CHALLENGER <drchallenger@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 6:53 pm Subject: Re: IML: Declared Value insurance -no insurance company will insure for WHATEVER valve you choose, they have a figure and if want higher you will need an apprasail showing your value.ÂÂFrom: YBSHORE@xxxxxxxÂÂFellow Imperialist's:  Kenyon, as usual, is right. There are several insurance companies that cater to our vintage needs. JC Taylor will insure YOUR car forWHATEVERÂvalue you choose [and based on existing condition of vehicle with pictures] andÂyou will pay as such.....that said, these companies understand how wecareÂfor our cars ( low mileage, limited driving , baby care ) and it istaken >intoÂheavy consideration....and if recollection serves, although I wish IcouldÂcarry more, my cars are all in the same 3+/2- condition and my '68 300for >25KÂwith all the inherent collision, and personal injury to 250K, etc.,-evenÂwindows- costs me about $170 here in Massachusetts and my '56 Imperial with 25KÂworth of coverage costs just about that as well, the '55 New Yorker is20KÂand $130 or so, these rates existing on vanity/antique plates ONLY......according to my insurance agent, I can raise 'my stake'anytime, >paying for theÂprivilege of course, but satisfied....... Â  ----------------- -----------------ÂThis message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for theÂAdministrators should be sent to iml.webmonster@xxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to ;  ________________________________________________________________________Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to iml.webmonster@xxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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