Hi All, Seems like there have been several non-imperial related messages lately so this is a good time to check in and remind people about the IML rules and to remind everyone that they can write the moderators (AKA Impcops) if you have any problems or concerns about other members comments or messages posted on the IML. Thanks! Jeff and Steve (your friendly neighborhood impcops) IML Rules: The List is dedicated ONLY to Imperial material that can be considered relevant to other owners of Imperials or NYB's. If it's not Imperial related, or it starts off addressed to one person, please double check your message or send it off-list to concerned parties. Please help to make our job easier, and the content of the emails that we all receive Imperial-specific. Take a moment to look over the posted rules that are part of the agreement that you accepted by joining us: IML Rules of Etiquette, written by the IML Administrators, January 1999. SHORT LIST OF DO'S: 1. Everything here is Imperial focused... keep it so. (If you feel it is not, take it to the Salon. ) 2. CHANGE your subject line, probably every time you post! 3. Trim your posts, and use plain text. 4. Respect other people and their cars! 5. Diversity is our strength - this is a worldwide, multicultural club! SHORT LIST OF DON'TS: 1. No Personal Attacks, No Politics, No Religion, No Bashing. 2. Post no graphics or other large files to the entire list. 3. No short, one-line responses like "Cool!" or "That's right!" 4. No personal replies to the whole list - send those to the person concerned. The rest of the details are at this link on the club website:http://www.imperialclub.com/IML-specific/Etiquette.htm <http://www.imperialclub.com/IML-specific/Etiquette.htm>
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