Bill (and others):BINGO!!! Bill, you are the master!! My broadcast sheet has a "7" & a "1" in the box between Trim & Trans. - that indicates that the car originally came with a 413 High Performance. That also confirms the Chrysler 300 Club's position that all L's had the HP engine in them.
Thank you so much for the help on this subject. I will now probably keep the old '67 Imperial 440 in her - that will enable me to stay on this website and continue to gain the HUGE amount of knowledge from everyone here! You guys are the BEST!!!
Oh yeah, by the way, anyone have a spare 1965, 413cid HP laying around? I'd even trade a bona-fide '67 Imperial 440cid!!
Dan Richardson 300L Family Heirloom----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Watson" <wwatson5@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:53 PM Subject: Re: IML: '65 413 engine codes
Not sure what the build code is for a 1965 413 V8, which is what "582" is. The sales code, though, which I do have, is listed on the top line between "TRIM" and "TRANS".The heading has two lines, "ENGINE" and "34-35", The first digit in the boxis for sales codes starting with "34-" and denotes engine size. All 413engines are 347, and thus all 413 engiines would have "7" as the first digit in the box. The second digit is for sales code "35-" and is for the versionof the engine. The HP engine was sales code 351 while the regular engine was 350.Thus the code in the box labelled "Engine" would be "71" for the HP versionof the 413 and "70" for the regular version. Bill Vancouver, BC----- Original Message ----- From: therichardsonfamily@xxxxxxxxxxxTo: IML Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:48 PM Subject: IML: '65 413 engine codes Hello everyone: I have a 440 from a 1967 Imperial in my 300L right now. (the required Imperial subject)Does anyone know what the engine code on the build sheet is for a 1965, 413,non-High Performance? My 300L build sheet has engine code "582", which I believe is for a HP 413. I am curious if the build sheet code on a 1965 Imperial (which would surely not be a HP) is the same, or different. Any other info on the subject would be very helpful, also. By the way, I would send money for the video purchase also, even though it wouldn't pertain to me. Thanks in advance for any help, Dan Richardson 300L Family Heirloom ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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