Well, seems like since I have no engine managment computer AT ALL in my '81, I plan to just strip the sensors and run the without any electronic stuff. From what I hear, it will be more reliable that way, and probably easier to repair. I think what my problem is, the carb rebuild that was just done last August was done incorrectly, resulting in the car stalling and not starting now. I wasn't able to start the car at all yesterday, engine turns but no fire. Actually, it would fire a couple of times but only once and then shut off again. My buddy says the most common reason would be a bad carb rebuild, and what do you know! It was done just last August, so it's a likely culprit. He's going to inspect my car this coming Tuesday and check it out for me. As far as emissions test goes, that's my only worry. From what my friend's buddy told him, he actually has a car of the same era, with all the electronics stripped out of it, and he put a standard air cleaner with no hole for the computer, and made it all look factory, so if i do the same, and get a new air filter, and just make it appear as if it was totally normal, then maybe I can get by with emissions, hopefully they won't say a word about it. Wish me luck with my $500 Imperial, I hope it's not too much of a money pit. On the other hand, I was going to spend about 2 grand on a car, so if i have to drop some "love" into it, I won't feel so bad about it. I've already purchased a few parts and stuff, some original shop manuals, original owners manual (cost a pretty penny I might add) and a couple sets of Chrysler keys, and I plan to order the original Cartier crystal key pretty soon. I need help with my radio situation though! ANYBODY with some insight on this would be VERY helpful to me. I think i'd like to try and refurb my factory one, but not until after I get new speakers, because it's hard to say what it will sound like with SHOT speakers, hah! Thanks everybody for the help, I do love my Imperial though, issues and all. -Matt ----------------- http://www.imperialclub.com ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to http://imperialclub.com/unsubscribe.htm
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