re; abs brake problem. ihope i am not in for that one. i have only had my imperial for about 2 monlths. it acts up brake wise once in a while. but not the kind of problem that david has. all of a sudden i'm driving and my brake lights come on as well as the parking brake light. and i switch over to manual brakes. don't follow to close. man doyou hav eto push hard on those babies. give it a few minutes and i'm back to abs. looking inside the hood. looks like someone rewired the abs system. even the chysler dealer looks puzzled. but only once in a while. this happens. what a surprise. dealer says. i will always have my manual brakes when it happens. but strange they can't fiqure it out. i don't know enough about the electic system to start fooling with it. maybe some one else would know.
john , ottawa
From: David Whitney <hazegreen66@xxxxxxxxx> Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: IML: My turn for the '90s ABS brake problem Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:47:42 -0700 (PDT)My mechanic informs me that the slow fluid leak from behind the master cylinder can only be remedied by replacing the fabled ABS system at a cost of $2000, and parts are on back order 'til December.At my request, he contacted the service department of a local dealer who informed him their shop stopped honoring the "lifetime" warranty on portions of this work two years ago.I am not up on the latest, so can someone please let me know if this is, in fact, a new twist in the never-ending saga of '90s Imperial ABS brakes?Thanks, David Happy motoring, David '91 K-Imperial driver '66 LeBaron dual air and every option known to man --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.
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