RE: IML: My turn for the '90s ABS brake problem
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RE: IML: My turn for the '90s ABS brake problem

re; abs brake problem. ihope i am not in for that one. i have only had my 
imperial for about 2 monlths. it acts up brake wise once in a while. but not 
the kind of problem that david has. all of a sudden i'm driving and my brake 
lights come on as well as the parking brake light. and i switch over to 
manual brakes. don't follow to close. man doyou hav eto push hard on those 
babies. give it a few minutes and i'm back to abs. looking inside the hood. 
looks like someone rewired the abs system. even the chysler dealer looks 
puzzled. but only once in a while. this happens. what a surprise. dealer 
says. i will always have my manual brakes when it happens. but strange they 
can't fiqure it out. i don't know enough about the electic system to start 
fooling with it. maybe some one else would know.
john , ottawa

From: David Whitney <hazegreen66@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IML: My turn for the '90s ABS brake problem
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:47:42 -0700 (PDT)

My mechanic informs me that the slow fluid leak from behind the master cylinder can only be remedied by replacing the fabled ABS system at a cost of $2000, and parts are on back order 'til December.
  At my request, he contacted the service department of a local dealer who 
informed him their shop stopped honoring the "lifetime" warranty on 
portions of this work two years ago.
  I am not up on the latest, so can someone please let me know if this is, 
in fact, a new twist in the never-ending saga of '90s Imperial ABS brakes?


Happy motoring,


'91 K-Imperial driver
'66 LeBaron dual air and every option known to man

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