-------------- Original message --------------
From: YBSHORE@xxxxxxx
Imperialists,Has there ever been a device made whereby the oil breather cap filter which sits on top of the oil filler tube, which inevitably drips said viscousness, which is then sometimes sprayed through the entire engine compartment depending weather/driving conditions, or dripping onto the hot block and making for not-so-delightful aromas for the non fossil fuel people, etc., can a device be had that can "recycle" this dripping oil back into the crankcase via some hose overfill return or the like, or run it straight to the ground with a different style cap? This problem occurs for me after extended "full operating temperature" excursions, which is my preferred driving getaways.How do other Imperialists deal with this apparently designed to drip cap?Respectfully,ybshore'55 NY'er Deluxe Sedan'56 Imperial Sedan