RE: IML: Hello after a long absence,
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RE: IML: Hello after a long absence,

I seem to recall that Carmine had a web site which
showcased his Mopars past and present does he still
and ,if so, does anyone know what the address is?

Chuck M.

--- Dick Benjamin <dickb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> For those who weren't around in the early days,
> (1996 or so) Carmine was one
> of the major players in the beginnings of this list
> - I long ago lost track
> of how many cars he has had, but he is very
> knowledgeable about anything
> MOPAR, and his posts are always well written and
> enjoyable.  He also has an
> incredible nose for finding pristine low mileage
> cars in hidden places -
> like Phoenix for example.  It's a pleasure to hear
> from him again - one of
> the good guys, for sure!
> Dick Benjamin (still here, Carmine, bent low and
> gray, but still trying.)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of C
> Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 11:21 AM
> To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: IML: Hello after a long absence, 73
> Imperial road trip story if
> you'dike to read...
> Hello,
> I haven't written to the list in a long time, but I
> have a few spare moments... Writing to you from the
> business center at the Rio Suites Hotel in Las Vegas
> after completing a trip from Detroit, MI to Las
> Vegas,
> NV. The big (mist) green monster is resting in the
> parking garage, scaring all the tiny Korean rental
> cars.
> You don't want to know how many gallons of gas I
> burned, and neither do I, lol.
> I drove the car out here because I have a home to
> sell
> in Phoenix, and an ex-girlfriend was attending a
> convention in LV. She agreed to split the
> gas/driving
> if she could use the car in LV and during some work
> in
> Phoenix... So you see, some people are still using
> these cars as "cars".
> Come Saturday afternoon, we'll be heading to
> Phoenix.
> I'm going to spend a month +/- out here trying to
> sell
> my house. Obviously, that won't take 24 hours a day,
> so I decided to drive out in the '73 and use the
> time
> to fix a number of minor issues.
> Hopefully, by the time I drive her back to MI,
> she'll
> have every small item fixed, no more small
> dents/etc.
> and fresh F1 mist-green paint. The trunk holds all
> my
> bodywork tools, a welder, hand/power tools and a
> 1970
> Zenith Color TV (another hobby, lol). She is packed
> to
> the top!
> Just thought you IML folk might be interested.
> Carmine F.
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