I purchased a 64 convertible that was missing the the complete top assembly. I was fortunate enough to find a complete assembly in good shape. Now that I have it, I figure that I should clean & paint it before installing it in the car. While looking it over (it still has the the original top material on it which will be replaced) I also would like to replace the original rubber weather-strip pieces. They slide into a channel that is attached to the arm assembly. Does anyone know if these are unique to the 64-66 cars? I couldn't find anything in the archives pertaining to the rubber. Anyone have any advice about the difficulty in taking these apart to paint? Where to find replacement rubber? If I had to, I could just leave it alone, install the whole assembly and have a top put on, but since I am restoring the car, and it's already removed (wow, it's heavy!) now's the time to tackle it.
While I'm on the subject of rubber weather stripping, any recommendation where to get new ones for the doors and trunk? I see trunk weather stripping on Ebay but its not for the convertibles (correct?)
Thanks in advance!
N. Attleboro, Ma
64 Convertible