Yes, but Seattle is not Southern California. We also have smog testing here in Spokane WA.
I always wonder if the newer cars that you see pumping out so much smoke that you cannot see the back of the car passed the smog test?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Keligian"
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IML: down to crunch time: getting the '82 Imp through smog
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 21:58:45 -0700
Wow. Emission tests really are not a waste and do a lot to help air quality. I remember what California was like in the 60s. From what you said it sounds like it is running too rich when it is being run on the dyno. Even though the car has a carburetor, a 1982 model has electronic engine controls. It could be a problem with the carb, it could be an oxygen sensor....and the list goes on. It is best to have it checked by someone who knows the system. If it is running so rich that it is failing the test repairing the problem will save you a lot of money on wasted fuel as well as improving air quality.
Fred Joslin
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