If you’re asking about the original type, it is in stock at NAPA stores. I believe it is an SL134. It is possible that the wire ends will have to be modified on your wiring, but take the old one in to the store and ask them to see if they have one with the right wire connections – they may have another number that will not require any wiring ends be changed.
Dick Benjamin
From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Joe
Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions and advice. Y'all, as usual, have been a tremendous help. The dual M/C set up is on my list of things to modify but I am still in the sorting process and need to replace/repair/rebuild the single M/C I got so the car is drivable while sortable -- the dual set up will also have to wait until my ship comes in, as it were, for now.
Next question: Any one have a source for the brake light sending unit (switch) found on the bottom of the M/C? One of the two prongs has been damaged on the one I have and while I think I can repair it or have it repaired, I would prefer a new/NOS/used one. I took a gander at some of the parts-supplier-sites suggested and on eBay and didn't get a hit.
Any suggestions?
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