-------------- Original message from "Ryan S" <sign_in_name_20@xxxxxxxxxxx>: --------------
> Alan, That would be great if you could give me the pin layout for the black
> and grey plugs. If its not too much trouble.
> I really think that this is the solution, as long as the antannae is up, it
> should work. But how can I get the ant. to stay up??
>> style='FONT-SIZE:11px;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma,sans-serif'>
> size=1>
> From: alan1416@xxxxxxx
> mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IML: 90 Imperial
> Radio
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 05:54:26 +0000
>I have the Factory Service Manual's # books in set, the one they have at
> the dealers. I can tell you the pin read out for the Black and Gray plug if
> that will help. if it down that means no power is being sent out the wire
> you have it hocked to and when the radio is on there is as it is telling the
> anta. to go up. the 1995 Chrysler CD i put in my 90 IMP out of the NewYorker
> keeps the anta. up as long as the power is on. must be Y mine playes
> fine.
>Alan Jordan
>90 IMP
>-------------- Original message from "Ryan S"
> <sign_in_name_20@xxxxxxxxxxx>: --------------
> The antannae right
> now....is broken off....BUT I know that it is in the DOWN
> position,
> when I try to play a CD.
> Which booklet is the pin layout
> in? I have blue one which is the car manual,
> and the grey one,
> which is how to run the radio.....but I could very easily
> be
> missing one?
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