I finally had an opportunity to read the Hemmings
edition it was featured in. An extraordinary and exemplary car and a
pretty good article, too. It's always nice to read an unvarnished opinion
of our Imperials. The writer had mainly good things to say. He
longed for a more cushioned ride, an aspect of the Imperial we take pride in
being at the opposite end of the spectrum. He also states that it
will cost more to fix up these cars than you will ever make from selling
them. Personally, I am pretty far from the intersection of cost and
benefit when it comes to these cars. However, I dare say there is a
significant number of old car hobbyists who hold onto these cars for the same
brief duration that the owner of a brand new car does. How much it will be
worth if money and time is invested into it is part of their purchasing
equation. Financially, I passed the point of no return, if you'll excuse
the pun, so long ago that I have been over the edge of the cliff like the
cartoon coyote for longer than you should really be able to suspend disbelief
and the laws of gravity. It seems there really is something to this blind
faith stuff after all. It allows you to perceive rewards where few others
can. Also, after you've driven a car with a 392 Hemi, nothing else
compares or even come close.