My Imperial has been standing out side for some time and the windows are
filthy. It seems to be that even after I have washed it with soapy water
and then used regular Windex there still seems to be an awful lot of ground
in dirt on the windows. I scrub and scrub away but the windows never seem
to get smooth. This in turn seems to make them more liable to attracting
dust in the air and needing to be cleaned more frequently than I'd like. (I
confess to being a bit compulsive about clean windows.)
I encountered this on an old company truck that was never washed. Where the
wipers moved on the windshield was OK but the surrounding area was so bad
you could hardly see through it and repeated washings at this point became
pointless. Is the glass ruined or is there a good product or procedure to
use other than good old fashioned elbow grease. I find after repeated
attempts things get a bit better. Is there a good way to deal with this?
Hugh and poor old Mrs. Blueberry.
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