From: "mike and linda sutton" <mikanlin62@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:23:08 -0700
The majority of the accel pumps I have seen have leather cups on them,
though now the cheapout carb kits are offering some sort of synthetic, what
that synthetic is I dont know. Regardless of that, personally I would NOT
use a rough abrasive on the bore of the carb itself. Perhaps say, 320 grit
or finer paper, but my choice would be scotchbrite. If the things that
badly pitted in the bore, its gonna have pits in other places as well.
Generally speaking the leather cups will seal very very well, its not meant
to create a large amount of pressure anyway, just enough volume to avoid a
flat spot when accelerating.
I would advise setting the pump stroke to the correct length as well as
using the correct numbered hole in the pump arm, any extra beyond whats
necessary is just wasting fuel - you may not think much gets pumped out but
it can be surprising.
Personally I dont think it matters who did it on their car or who
mentioned it to the list, it isnt really fair to name names just because
one person or another mentioned it. As far as causing an online scuffle,
Ill call my shots and take my chances and anyone who is bothered by it is
free to send me a private message anytime. If they care to flame me online,
then cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war ! :)
62 Crown Coupe
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