This is one of the three Chrysler Phaeton Parade cars. They are older than '56, but were updated with '56 sheet metal. There was one in Los Angeles, one in Detroit, and one in New York. I believe all three cars are still in existence. There also was a '55 K.T.Keller Convertible that was made special for him by Chrysler Corp. It has recently been restored. I think that there are pictures of all four of these cars on the OIC Web Site.
Paul W.
In an email dated 12/7/2005 6:48:25 am GMT Daylight time, Anne Zedaliswrites:
>Jim....I just answered to Tim when it should be to you....
>Where did the 1956 Convertible for the Mayor of Hollywood come from....
>HemiDriver@xxxxxxx wrote:
>ONLY ONE Imperial CONVERTIBLE was made in 1956 -- for KT Keller a Chrysler big shot-- I would have some oubt that the convertible windshield (which is likely from a '56 Chrysler) would fit.
>Imperials didn't come in convertible body style in 1956.
>Good Luck... Jim
>Yahoo! Mail
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