If in doubt, throw em out. Your fsm should give a dimension on it, it may
give a wear allowance or not I dont recall offhand. B/RB rocker shafts are
dime a dozen cheap since they interchange completely. The lifter MAY take
up the slack, but you only have a limited amount of travel inside the lifter
body for the plunger to use.
If you do replace them note carefully the orientation of the rockers as you
remove them..they are left and right and the difference can be easily
overlooked. The other thing that is CRITICAL is to orient the oiling holes
in the shaft correctly with the head and rocker arms. Its easiest to take
them off the heads, then take ONE shaft assembly apart and lay the rockers
out the way they come off the shaft, and then just slide them on the new
62 Crown Coupe
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