You've tried most of the "usual suspects" I would suggest you try some penetrating oil, ( liquid wrench, PB Blaster, Kroil) and let it soak before you give up. WD-40 and silicone lube are OK, but not optimal for this job. As Don Hudson said heat can also help. If you can get a good hold of the nut try a longer bar if you haven't already. Probably isn't much room on the upper bolt, but give me a long enough lever and I could move the world.... I could not unbolt the upper a-arm on my Satellite until I slipped the hollow of the bumper jack over the ratchet and used the longer lever. It came right off after three weeks of soaking, tapping, etc, etc.
Good luck, Rob
From: joestill1@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joe) Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Imperial Club) Subject: IML: Please Help with Frozen Nuts on a Shock Absorber Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 15:38:58 +0000
I have been replacing the shock absorbers on our car and have one that just will not cooperate.
Long, greasy, dirty, gritty story made short: I got down to one rear air adjustable shock, the nut for which would NOT BUDGE off of the top bolt which attached to the frame near the gas tank (bottom bolts all came off fine). Anyway, surprisingly, I was able to get the bolt out from the other side so now I have an air adjustable shock off the car with the bolt attached to it and I can't get it off.
1. I have tried air tools, good old fashioned elbow grease, and pounding on it with a hammer. I have tried soaking the rusty nut in WD-40, Silicone lubricant, hell, I even tried soaking it in Marvel's Mystery Oil. I also tried tightening a bit before I try to loosen it, but the dern thing will not come loose. Are there any techniques I am NOT using that might help free up this rusty nut like applying heat or somesuch?
2. If I cannot get this rusty nut free from the mounting bolt, is there a source for this part? That is the bolt/nut/shaft assembly that fits one top rear shock absorber and attaches to the car frame. I have checked the site, I have checked the Whitney, Kanter, & Eastwood catalogues with no luck (lots of sources on shocks). Any ideas on a source for this part if I can't get it free from the dern shock?
Thanks everyone.
By the way, the information on the site about mounting shocks, buying shocks, using shocks, etc., was INCREDIBLY helpful!
-- Joe Allen, Texas '61 4D Crown Southampton
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