Re: IML: Compilemts for the 58, rebukes for others.
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Re: IML: Compilemts for the 58, rebukes for others.

Well Guys and Gals,
In that case I'll kick off my smart Charles Jordan pumps and stay a
while.  I really never cared how any of the Imperials sold, just so they
sold enough to survive.  If you wanted to see yourself coming and going
in the 50's you bought a Chevy.  By the way, does your 58 bumper have the
inserts or is it smooth like my Southampton was?

On Sat, 21 May 2005 10:51:18 -0500 "Hugh & Therese" <hugtrees@xxxxxxxx>
> Ahh, Mr. Stephenson, owner of an 80's Imperial, fan of the 58, 
> complimenter 
> of the 56 and the 64.
> A man after my own heart, not afraid to say his piece and rattle a 
> few 
> cages.  But lo!  What is this?  he is quitting due to the 
> sensitivities of 
> others?  Surely he jests.
> I wrote a piece, minus any deep knowledge about design vocabulary, 
> about how 
> to tell the 57, 58 and 59 apart.  I personally don't care for the 
> 59, except 
> its fabulous rear bumper, but think the 60 and the 61 are rather 
> fabulous, 
> and my opinion stinks just as much as the next person's, thank you 
> very 
> much.
> The changes over the three years are there to be seen and cataloged. 
>  I'm 
> not sure how well the 59 sold, decently I dare say, but sales of the 
> 58 were 
> way down from the previous year, for reasons we also like to thrash 
> out 
> around here.
> So we are an open forum after all and you might expect a mild rebuke 
> or two 
> if you dismiss other peoples favorites or try to claim your own 
> subjective 
> opinion as being superior to others.  No need to take your toys and 
> go home. 
> Kindness to those with whom you disagree and a healthy skepticism of 
> your 
> own prejudices will serve you well around here, Mr. Stephenson, but 
> I for 
> one see no reason to split over so small a difference.
> Hugh
> 58 Owner 
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