Hi GFSers, Some updates for you. I received an inquiry regarding trim pieces from a John Flowers. I requested photos and found that he had several, maybe a complete set of '56 Fury turbine wheel covers. He also looked to have a complete set of gold anodized trim, to include the often missing gas filler door cover. If anyone is interested in purchasing the items he can be reached at 803-600-7949 or at his email addy of flowjo43@xxxxxxxxx The condition of the items looked good in the photos, but, as you all know, an eyeballs on view is the most accurate. Our Registry added another '57 and '58 Fury. I will be doing our website annual update and already have received a couple of items from you. If you have changes in your contact info, or changes in car status, ie, under resto to restored, special events etc., let me know. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best Regards, Jack Lewis __._,_.___ Posted by: William Lewis <reatawhippets@xxxxxxxxx> __,_._,___ |