Hello All 56ers: My turn on the over heating. When I got my 56 it had a bunch of miles on it and therefore only drove it a mile or two before total tear down. In hindsight, I'm glad I did. The engine was full of sludge (paraffin) from the old oils. The engine water passages, radiator and heater were nearly plugged. I got a new radiator and heater core. After totally disassembling the engine, the block and heads were "boiled" at the rebuild shop overnight and then shot peened. After all this it was magnifluxed before rebuild. The other day when I was underneath looking around, I see that a couple of the soft plugs are weeping a little. My suggestion on the overheating is that the block and heads are probably plugged. To try to remedy the situation, you could try using a cooling system cleaner and then knocking out the soft plugs from underneath. Be prepared for a lot of hot water. When things cool, you could then try a hose to remove sludge. The plugs are easy to reinstall. If this does not take care of the heating problem, then it is time for a teardown and rodding. If you do not burn oil and have good compression, then a total rebuild may not be in order. The 56 Fury is supposed to have a 14 pound pressure cap on the radiator. I am running a 7 pound and it works fine. The higher pressure will help keep the engine from overheating under hard use, which I doubt that any of us do anymore these days with our prize possession. Who wants to take their restored Fury out and race it?? If you decide to try the 14 pound cap, you may find that the hoses will leak if you do not have good clamps. I don't know if the old style spring clamps would hold that pressure. I have used the heater core trick to keep a Jeep Cherokee from overheating and it works!! It got me to the next town where the radiator was boiled and unplugged. Now, I have a question of ya'll. What do you use to keep the gas tank plug from leaking? I cannot find a good seal, and my attempt at making one hasn't worked so far. Any suggestions?? Regards, John Teske [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goldenfin/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: goldenfin-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/