Let's get a grip. Who knows what the factory actually made. (A few years back a 1960 300F, 4 speed convertible was discovered, prior to that, only the 7 hardtops were know to exist.) On the cover of the 58 Plymouth brochure is a red and white Belvedere. I am sure many of those were produced. And I am sure there were some with the GC 350 option. Which included the heavy duty suspension and the GC wheels. As for Stephen King picking a red Fury, Fury sounds better for a killer car than belvedere or impala or fairlane. And red is a good killer car color. I was called by the production company making Christine and I got the impression they didn't care what the pedigree of the 58 Plymouth was, they just wanted cars. I offered to rent a couple of mine, but they only wanted to buy. I did rent mine to the movie "Cat's Eye a year or so later. --- In goldenfin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, archangel1390@xxxx wrote: > > > Doug, > > You seem to write with a lot of authority when you say you know they > made one red Fury at the factory. What are you basing your beliefs on???? What > proof do you have? > > A letter from Chrysler? > > A Photo of the car coming off the assembly line? ( Not a movie photo) > > An address and name where the car is now? > > A friend that can take photos of the car and produce a build sheet showing it > is a red Fury. > > Have you actually seen the car yourself and something that proofed it red > from the factory? > > Do you own this red original Fury? > > Ect, Ect, Ect. > > I own a Marketing and Research Business and have done research for > more than 30 years on very technical projects. I spent a good bit of time on > the 56-57-58 Furys which I started racing at different race tracks back in 1957. > I have over the years owned seven-----56 Furys----four-57 Furys and three-58 > Furys. These cars totaled more than 160 wins on drag strips on the East Coast > as well as setting 2 NHRA records. > Please tell me what you are basing your facts on and Please, Please, > don't start by saying "This guy told me................... > > Ron Allyn Swartley > > 56 Fury (Stock) > 56 Fury ( 392 Hemi ) > 58 Fury (Golden Commando ) > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Give the gift of life to a sick child. Support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital's 'Thanks & Giving.' http://us.click.yahoo.com/5iY7fA/6WnJAA/Y3ZIAA/BBiolB/TM --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goldenfin/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: goldenfin-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/