Posts: 4134
    Location: Connecticut | For sale today is a pair of driver quality 1957 thru 59 Plymouth, Dodge, Desoto, or Chrysler convertible top latches. There is a bit of corrosion on the underside. Not visible when installed. The allen head pins that hold the J-hook part of the latch to the assembly have been freed up. So you can set the hooks before turning the allen head pin clockwise to secure. 195 + shipping for the pair. I accept paypal or personal/bank check. PM if interested. Thanks, Ron
(1957-9 Convertible Top Latches sm.jpg)
(1957-9 Convertible Top Latches rear sm.jpg)
Attachments ----------------
1957-9 Convertible Top Latches sm.jpg (240KB - 63 downloads)
1957-9 Convertible Top Latches rear sm.jpg (235KB - 60 downloads)