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Sheet metal fabrication options
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Posted 2023-03-23 10:05 AM (#628453)
Subject: Sheet metal fabrication options


Posts: 83
Location: Okielahoma
Does anyone in the states make anything decent? I’m not doing the eBay stuff or the Schott over lay panels. I have a 59 CRL and here’s my status. I contacted Jan Fridberg and he is providing the floor braces and just a few trunk panels because to make any more (rockers, rear sill, trunk side vertical pieces) he needs the car in front of them, so that’s a start but just a small piece of the puzzle.
I then contacted Lennart Svard and he said had everything I needed for complete trunk and floor pans, rockers, quarters, everything! I was very excited! We exchanged a few emails and he mentioned he was 8 months out, which was fine, I said let’s go but now he’s gone quiet for three weeks now and I’m not sure what to do, I’m sure he’s very busy and now I feel like I’m nagging if I send another email asking to put my order in line. I need to start on this in a few months if not sooner, but I’m also willing to wait on the correct stuff and I need pretty much all of the lower end. Rust free 59 Dodge metal in salvage form is all gone. Wondering what my options are for top notch metal panels. Thanks Jim
And if anyone here knows Lennart, I humbly ask to put in a good a word for me, I’m a good guy to deal with, I swear!

Edited by jwheath68 2023-03-23 10:20 AM
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Posted 2023-03-23 10:52 AM (#628456 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10089
Location: So. Cal
Just use the Schott rockers. If you cut them to fit in flush and you just need the outer & lower sections, you can use them perfectly. Be patient with Lennart. Give him your order of what you want, and ask him to inform you when he is ready to make them. Then wait. John at Big M sometimes has good sheet metal that he comes across. I got a trunk floor from him. But being used, you sometimes have to fix them before use, which is what I did. A lot of the more simple shapes, you can either make yourself, or find a good metal fab place to make for you. Remember that you don't usually have to replace the entire panel. Most people can't fab that up well. Just replace the smaller sections that are rusted. Those sections are often not too difficult to fab.
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Posted 2023-03-23 11:40 AM (#628458 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options


Posts: 83
Location: Okielahoma
It worked!, the minute after I posted this, got an email from Lennart, they’re getting ready for a big swap meet over there this weekend so he’s been preparing for that. Schott will be my final go to if for some reason I can’t get everything from Lennart, I’d rather have the inner and outer made by the same fabricator anyway but always good to have a backup plan.
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Posted 2023-03-23 5:31 PM (#628465 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10089
Location: So. Cal
The inner & outer rockers are huge, and would cost a fortune to ship. They also aren't difficult to fabricate. I just made the inner rockers by myself. They are mostly just flat metal. I highly recommend you just purchase them from Schott. It would be pointless to ship those from Sweden.
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Posted 2023-03-23 8:43 PM (#628468 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options


Posts: 83
Location: Okielahoma
You're right, it depends on shipping, if the number is heart attack inducing then I'll go another way.
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Apollo 61
Posted 2023-03-23 10:53 PM (#628471 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options

Elite Veteran

Posts: 785
I would also recommend John at Big M
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Posted 2023-03-24 2:23 PM (#628483 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options


Posts: 83
Location: Okielahoma
I’m getting some rust free fenders delivered from John as we speak, also talked to a place called Classic Fabrication in Mass, long long time Cadillac metal provider, they now make outer rocker skins for ours, as of this writing $55 a pop
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Posted 2023-03-24 9:02 PM (#628503 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5126

DO not use those outer rocker skins... Get the Schott rockers... trust me

Their base inner rockers are avg and can work...

The floor pans you can typically make yourself with a cheap harbor freight brake and make much better.

I did use the steering wheel cover and it worked out okay.

You can make those trunk drops also.



Edited by mikes2nd 2023-03-24 9:05 PM
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Posted 2023-03-24 9:08 PM (#628504 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5126
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Posted 2023-03-24 10:20 PM (#628506 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options


Posts: 83
Location: Okielahoma
Mike are you referring to Classic Fab in Wilmington? Or Classic 2 Current on eBay? Do you have information on their products as being substandard? I've heard nothing good about Classic 2 current on eBay but I don't think Classic Fab is that outfit but I can't verify that as yet.

Edited by jwheath68 2023-03-24 10:25 PM
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Posted 2023-03-26 5:25 AM (#628540 - in reply to #628453)
Subject: Re: Sheet metal fabrication options

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5126
I thought they resell classic to current? I think thats what they do on ebay... I dunno could give them a try, the prices are reasonable.
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