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What did you do to your FL car today?
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Posted 2015-07-01 7:52 AM (#483297 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 8446
Location: Perth Australia
I hate following left foot brakers, they tend to rest their foot on the brake pedal and that causes the brake lights to flick on and off because the brake light switch (when adjusted right) makes the lights come on as soon as the free play in the pedal is taken up

I dont brake as well with my left foot, its not as smart as my right one

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Posted 2015-07-01 11:27 AM (#483320 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
Here in BC it's an automatic FAIL on the driving test to use your left foot on the brake pedal.
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Posted 2015-07-01 12:48 PM (#483332 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2312
Location: Arizona
In 40 years of driving I've only seen two people who seemed to be touching the brakes without knowing it. I learned to left foot brake in drivers education. Since then it's fallen out of favor and not many people do it now because it's easier to just teach people to use the right foot. As with all skills, you need to learn it and practice it. If you do you can reduce the reaction time for braking substantially and can effectively cut 20+ feet off your stopping distance because you will be able to apply the brakes at least a quarter second faster than if you use your right foot. At 60 mph you go 88 feet per second. 1/4 of 88 = 22 feet. You will wind up 22 feet farther away from whatever is in front of you (at 60 mph) if you learn to left foot brake. That can easily be the difference between a rear end crash and just cussing.
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Posted 2015-07-01 1:09 PM (#483333 - in reply to #483332)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7547
Location: northern germany
all GOOD drivers use the left foot for braking in an automatic car. in fact if you go fast even manual transmission drivers have to us the left foot sometimes. fact is you reduce stopping distance using the LEFT foot also you can use the brake and accelerate at the same time which is required if you take a curve real fast. no way around it, unless you have another body part that can reach the brake pedal.

when i approach an intersection or wot on the left lane on the autobahn i have the left foot on the brake no matter if i have the right of way or not. over the years braking with the left foot saved my fury more than once. using the right foot i probably would be writing this from cloud seven.

brake with the LEFT foot.

Edited by 1960fury 2015-07-01 1:15 PM
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Posted 2015-07-01 11:46 PM (#483375 - in reply to #483333)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2490
Location: Kansas City, KS
Today, my black Imperial moved under it's own power for the first time in decades. (finished disc brake conversion and got ignition wired up)
It was still running a little rough so had to keep one foot on the accelerator, this is the only time I will ever use the left foot for braking
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Posted 2015-07-02 11:46 AM (#483418 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2312
Location: Arizona
Sounded pretty good. My wife, in the other room, asked if I was watching a video of an earthquake when she heard it.
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Posted 2015-07-02 1:19 PM (#483433 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2490
Location: Kansas City, KS
Thanks, Jim. My neighbors thought the same thing when it fired up the first time.
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Posted 2015-07-04 11:54 AM (#483602 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 963
Location: San Antonio, TX
Drove the 57 DeSoto sedan... on the road! Replaced master cylinder and line. New gas and fuel filter, and now she's driving. Nice.
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Posted 2015-07-04 5:11 PM (#483623 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 836
Location: Layton, Utah
Went to a huge car show today in Logan Utah. Over 800 cars. The only forward look cars was my 61 Newport Wagon, and Doug West from Idaho brought his 58 Plymouth Belvedere, his sister bought the car brand new. And he brought his 59 Adventurer convertible. The 59 is immaculate. So is the 58 plymie. He also had his 68 Hemi Charger. Good choice in cars I must say.










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Posted 2015-07-19 1:47 PM (#484853 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 963
Location: San Antonio, TX
Serviced the A/C and went for a cooooool ride.

And more cleaning of course. I am pretty happy with the way these turned out. Question though for the gurus. The lower panel is embossed thin vinyl or some sort of rubberized fabric. Soft to the touch, but definitely not fabric. Has the same pattern as the seats. On my 4dr hdtp the lower panels are fabric. Interesting. Is this something they did on other trim patterns?

Edited by macedon 2015-07-19 1:56 PM




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Posted 2015-07-19 2:48 PM (#484857 - in reply to #484853)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Dunno, but my SWAG would be that the OEM printed-vinyl "upholstery inserts" would/could have been replaced by a former owner,
at some time, and, that the printed-vinyl material WAS OEM to the car.

The printed vinyl material is probably Unobtanium, and there weren't any alternatives to the using of actual factory
upholstery in the subject car.

I've never seen anyone selling sections, or sheets, of the OEM printed vinyl material, so, you gotta go with what's available,
and that may have had to be the attachment/securing of actual upholstery-cloth to the doors and/or to the quarter panels.

Edited by d500neil 2015-07-19 2:52 PM
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Posted 2015-07-19 8:27 PM (#484897 - in reply to #484857)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 963
Location: San Antonio, TX
Thanks. I'll repost in the section technical.
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Posted 2015-07-26 9:37 AM (#485148 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2788
Location: USA - KY

REALLY liking that door panel printed upholstery pattern...very FL era.

Best of luck finding the upholstery pieces that you need.

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Darryl T
Posted 2015-07-26 4:39 PM (#485182 - in reply to #485148)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 449
Location: McCleary WA
I got to take the '57 convert on its first outing! Got it out of the upholstery shop Thursday, and Friday and again Saturday drove it to the huge Goodguys car show in Puyallup WA. It was a big hit and performed flawlessly. Everything worked, no overheating, and drove great. The new American Classic radials seemed to ride good. Drove it a total of 320 miles and even beat a big rainstorm getting home. Great weekend. Still need to get it leveled out and tie up a few loose ends, but overall it is finished. A total restoration in about 17 months. It's nice to be retired....

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Posted 2015-07-26 5:54 PM (#485195 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2312
Location: Arizona
Looks great and will look even better level.
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Viper Guy
Posted 2015-08-02 4:03 AM (#485872 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2007
Location: Branson, MO
Took my '59 Firesweep to the 150th anniversary parade in Lee's Summit, MO (pop. 90,000). Got lots of "thumbs-up", hand claps, and fantastic comments. Some even recognized it as being a DeSoto and not a Dodge or Chrysler. Many indicated it was the prettiest car in the parade which was music to my ears.

"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
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Posted 2015-08-02 9:31 PM (#485961 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Darryl, have you been able to crank up the torsion bars, yet?

Your ride is actually standing at about the same overall height
as Horrie (looking at the clearance above its rear quarter panel opening).




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Posted 2015-08-03 1:02 PM (#486128 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1484
Location: Pacific Northwest
swapped out a faulty turn signal switch. still no horns though. Dang-it!
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Posted 2015-08-03 3:11 PM (#486144 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2312
Location: Arizona
<p>I made a new airhorn/aircleaner gasket to replace the one made from a cardboard box the prior owner made!!!</p>

Edited by jimntempe 2015-08-03 3:13 PM

(air horn to air filter gasket scan carter 2 barrel.jpg)

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Viper Guy
Posted 2015-08-17 3:26 PM (#487400 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2007
Location: Branson, MO
Took mine to the "Cruisin' at the "K" in Kansas City, MO. The "K" is Kaufman Stadium where the Royals play and Sunday the 16th was open to 250 cars with pre registration required. I was there with my '59 DeSoto and there was one other FL car there which is a '61 Plymouth Fury. These are pictured below and ironically they are the same color combination. How's that for coincidence? By the way, the Royals won again in extra innings 4 to 3 over the Angels and was brodcast by ESPN so many of you baseball fans might have seen the game which was nip and tuck - very interesting all the way.

"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"

Edited by Viper Guy 2015-08-17 3:31 PM



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Viper Guy
Posted 2015-09-13 9:02 PM (#489556 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2007
Location: Branson, MO
Took my '59 DeSoto on about an 80 mile cruise with the AACA of Kansas City. Had a great BBQ lunch, shopped at an antique store along the way, and visited the Civil War museum and battlefield in Lone Jack, MO. There were 26 cars but only three MoPars with mine being the only FL. The rest were all GM and Ford except for the one casualty that was an old Austin Healy with a brake problem and had to be towed home. Sure was fun driving at a cruise rather than parking and just sitting around BSing. That gets a little boring after awhile.

"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"

Edited by Viper Guy 2015-09-13 9:44 PM
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Posted 2015-09-14 11:04 AM (#489603 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 502
Location: London, England
I've been getting a few things done, trying to get her ready for the road since we plan building work early next year, and she needs to be mobile! So in the last couple of months:

New door panels, rust-treated the inside of the roof, and just finished restoring the instruments with specialist needle paint and custom factory-style gauge overlays... Next job is the windlace, polishing the sill plates, buy a spare, fit the trunk panels, take the rear screen out for a new headliner and a new fuel pump as I think mine is gunged up.





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Viper Guy
Posted 2015-09-14 2:11 PM (#489619 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2007
Location: Branson, MO
Boy, Ian - by the look of the things you have done, you could go into the restoration business. Lookin' good!

"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
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Posted 2015-09-14 5:37 PM (#489647 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1497
Location: Fairfax, Minnesota

Since I tore out my carpet and sent it to ACC so they could try to figure out why their carpet didn't fit my Windsor (they didn't) and I am waiting to hear back from Gary Goers, I thought I would see if I could get the old carpet clean enough to use in the mean time. My first attempt was simply blasting it with the hose to get the loose debris out. What surprised me was the amount of heavy white suds that continued to appear, no matter how long I sprayed (I am talking about well over a half hour total time). 

I finally decide to use some half strength Jungle Jake Cleaner and a scrub brush on the stains- probably ground it dirt and tar from shoes. It took out everything including some rust stains from under the sill plate.

It still isn't pretty, but I had nothing to loose. At least it should take a dye job fairly well, if I am forced to go that way for now.

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Posted 2015-09-14 7:56 PM (#489655 - in reply to #489647)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
Ray, try some Dupli-Color spray paint from the local auto parts store. I changed the color in my Saratoga from green to a blue-green just spraying on Dupli-Color in a nice dark metallic turquoise. Masked everything off and sprayed fairly close with nice even strokes back and forth, had latex gloves on, and wiped the paint in with the gloves on to spread the color out where needed. Worked like a charm and the blue green matches the interior much better than the green. It took 2 of the bigger cans to do mine.
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Posted 2015-09-14 9:27 PM (#489661 - in reply to #489655)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1497
Location: Fairfax, Minnesota

imopar380 - 2015-09-14 6:56 PM Ray, try some Dupli-Color spray paint from the local auto parts store. I changed the color in my Saratoga from green to a blue-green just spraying on Dupli-Color in a nice dark metallic turquoise. Masked everything off and sprayed fairly close with nice even strokes back and forth, had latex gloves on, and wiped the paint in with the gloves on to spread the color out where needed. Worked like a charm and the blue green matches the interior much better than the green. It took 2 of the bigger cans to do mine.

Ian, Thanks. Are you talking about actual paint or the fabric spray? 


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Posted 2015-09-14 9:33 PM (#489663 - in reply to #489661)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
Ray - 2015-09-14 6:27 PM

Ian, Thanks. Are you talking about actual paint or the fabric spray? 


Ray I just used actual car touch up paint, and it looks great.
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Viper Guy
Posted 2015-09-18 4:51 PM (#489988 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2007
Location: Branson, MO
What a day! We are moving from the Kansas City area to Branson, MO and I took my DeSoto to its new home in Branson. Unlike normally, I trailered it instead of driving it, which I would have preferred. But due to the number of vehicles out numbering the number of available drivers, I put it on a trailer and now have it garaged safe and sound.

On the way down, I stopped at Jim Raysic's Chrysler dealership in Clinton, MO so he could see my DeSoto. He asked me to swing by with the car when I was taking it to Branson which I was pleased to do. Jim has an old time replicated DeSoto dealership in downtown Clinton where he has several old cars (mostly MoPars) on display. He opens this up by appointment to individuals and groups.

I'll definitely miss the fun I had in Kansas City with it but I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities in Branson and nearby Springfield. I am also looking forward to meeting in person the DeSoto restoration guru, Bob Schmidt, who has his shop in Branson. Some of you might be familiar with, or at least heard of Bob.

"It's delightful, it's delovely, it's DeSoto"
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Posted 2015-09-20 2:56 PM (#490088 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 502
Location: London, England
Not a very productive weekend, but I got the inside of my roof painted with Eastwod rust encapsulator (I had some left over) as it had some surface rust. Also, at some point in the past condensation when it was under a cover must have beaded up in places and made some small pits in the metal.

And, I was thinking about why it wouldn't run right off-idle, and then it hit me - the carb was gunged up after she sat for a couple of years, so was the gas tank, but I'd never replaced the fuel pump! So I ordered a new one. Of course, being in the UK I won't get it for a couple of weeks...
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Posted 2015-09-21 4:39 PM (#490215 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 480
Location: Georgetown Texas

I replaced the forward leaf spring bushing and the transmission mount. both were past their expiration date.





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Posted 2015-09-26 7:47 PM (#490704 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 475
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Went to the local Cars and Coffee gathering and ended up next to one of the four Batmobiles made by George Barris and used in the original TV series.




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Posted 2015-10-02 1:24 PM (#491197 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 295
Location: Tallapoosa, GA
Drooled over the pics of my Plymouth. She isn't home yet, probably not 'til early December until it gets shipped here......sigh.....

Time to watch "Christine" again for the 2,849th time!!!! lol...
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Posted 2015-10-05 9:58 PM (#491499 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 110
Location: Falcon, CO
Took apart a front clip to get some better parts for my 57 Dodge Coronet. I hope to get it in for paint this winter. Most of the stainless is in better shape than what is on my car, and I need the passenger side front quarter panel as mine has a lot of hidden putty from a cheap repair back in 1979 (hey, I was in college then and couldn't afford quality work). It only took about 8 hours and half a can of WD-40 with some assistance on the last two bolts.

Don H.





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Posted 2015-10-11 4:39 PM (#491976 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 3575
Location: Netherlands
Went to one of our last smallish (Mopar) meeting here with my '57 Chrysler.
Ofcourse I was the only FWLK car there.


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Posted 2015-10-11 7:02 PM (#491985 - in reply to #490088)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 537
Location: Upstate NY
You did a remarkable job with the speedometer painting.Where did you get the paint? iT looks so good that I want to do the same to mine or send you mine to do! cOngratulations on your fine work and attention to detail.
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Viper Guy
Posted 2015-10-17 12:30 AM (#492442 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2007
Location: Branson, MO
I drove my '59 DeSoto Firesweep to the Velvet Celebrity Car Museum in Branson, MO in preparation for winter storage in climate controlled comfort. I still have access to the car anytime but while at the museum it is on display for the many daily visitors to feast their eyes on a very out-of-the-ordinary automobile. The museum houses about 75 cars at any given time and features movie cars, cars of the "stars", classics, and antiques. I am fortunate to have my car placed in front of President Truman's Lincoln presidential limosine and directly across from a 1970 Plymouth Superbird. You can visit for more info.





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Posted 2015-10-17 9:36 PM (#492476 - in reply to #492442)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
I hooked up the wiring for my Mirror-Matic this afternoon. The original wiring calls for the mirror's power wire to be connected to "H" terminal on the headlight switch, which is the hot wire for the headlights. The wire that is already connected to this terminal runs to the dimmer switch, shown in the factory wiring diagram. The way the setup works is that when you pull the headlight switch on, at this point the power is also sent to the mirror-matic. With Headlights off, no power to the mirror, thus saving the electronics in the mirror from being used when you don't have the headlights on. Well the headlight switches on our cars can be a little difficult to remove at the best of times. You have to reach up under the dash, find and push in a small release button which allows removal of the switch knob and shaft. Then you can screw off the bezel from the front of the dash and remove the switch from behind the dash. In theory at least !! I happen to also have a modern AM/FM CD player mounted on the left under the dash, which just adds to the problem of getting to the switch. So after giving it some thought, I pulled the carpeting back away from the dimmer switch on the floor, and ran the mirror wire with a thin brass connector directly into the hot terminal on the dimmer switch connector. While not "factory" it achieves the same exact purpose with a lot less hassle. The mirror works great too. I love the "thunk" when the mirror pops to the night position! I'll be taking it out for an evening drive in about an hour when it gets dark .



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Posted 2015-10-18 3:07 AM (#492503 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
That was innovative thinking Ian - much easier to connect that way. Yes, the MirrorMatic is a very cool gadget that works like a Dream!!!
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Posted 2015-10-19 12:11 AM (#492607 - in reply to #492503)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
wizard - 2015-10-18 12:07 AM

That was innovative thinking Ian - much easier to connect that way. Yes, the MirrorMatic is a very cool gadget that works like a Dream!!!

Sven, thanks for the advice and photos on running the wiring through the dash pad mirror bezel and down through the mounting hole. Much neater than drilling a hole through the dash pad and using a grommet, as per factory.
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Posted 2015-11-05 4:51 PM (#494272 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 3490
Location: Montreal, Canada
Finally found the time to change the long molding on the left side quarter of my car. When I got the car, this molding was missing and the restorer used two 4 door moldings to make one. This was very well done and clean, but ever since I had found a complete molding, I had wanted to install it. Did it yesterday evening.

A pic of the "before" molding with the junction in the middle, then a pic of the "after", with the correct molding installed.

Edited by soiouz 2015-11-05 4:53 PM



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Posted 2015-11-05 6:23 PM (#494284 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1484
Location: Pacific Northwest
New Shoes!


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Posted 2015-11-05 6:39 PM (#494287 - in reply to #483623)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 85
i love all shown but man that newport wagon takes the cake to me , well the conv, does also but man the wagon is sweet
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Posted 2015-11-05 8:36 PM (#494306 - in reply to #487400)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2654
Location: Minor Hill, TN
My '61 fury is currently getting a face lift it will be a while before she is done. My late Uncle Ricky's '79 corvette needs to be finished then my dad and I will do more work on the '61.
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Posted 2015-11-06 1:49 PM (#494353 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Just in the middle of scraping off old undercoating on JoseFin - real dirty work. pictures will follow later, right now it's a mess
Anyway, there's no grave rust issues at all - all metal is just bare, greengrayish primer and grayish paint under the undercoating - obviously it did good to the car over the years. Now, it has started to fall off in large pices and it didn't look good.

As a Swede (after all it was we that started to paint everything satin black on the chassis ), all will be painted satin black over a good rust proof primer.....
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Posted 2015-11-06 10:54 PM (#494414 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
Sven, I scraped off the loose bits of factory tar undercoating on mine, then resprayed it with new stuff. The original stuff was put on quite thick, and like yours it did a good job over the years, but being a SO-Cal car helped too. You would be surprised at how much that tar acts as a sound deadner as well, that's why I chose to leave it there.
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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2015-11-07 1:48 AM (#494422 - in reply to #494414)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Location: Parts Unknown
That black/white 61 Belvedere is HOT ! What a great example ! I always liked
the Belvedere trim best of the upline models. The lettering integrated with the
side trim is great design.

Anyone here remember the lavender one of these that sat long the old highway
to Bucoda in Centralia ? I think that car was a ram car too.
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Posted 2015-11-07 4:30 AM (#494424 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Thanks' for your comment Ian - in my case, this was not an option, I have found so much undercoating that seems ok but then proved to be a loose chunk instead - I will clean off all of the old stuff now.
The rear wheel wells will be covered in some new undercarriage treatment, but the rest will be painted. The sound deadener function will be secondary - first I must make sure that the rust doesn't get a hold.

The Pictures doesn't really show the true colors of the undercarriage paint, but as I wrote, it's greengrayish or even graygreenish and the part over the tank is more like gray metallic actually.




Attachments IMG_0978_red.jpg (78KB - 442 downloads)
Attachments IMG_0979_red.jpg (92KB - 455 downloads)
Attachments IMG_0981_red.jpg (88KB - 446 downloads)
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Posted 2015-11-07 2:19 PM (#494473 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
Wow - that undercarriage is very clean! Your car was also a Southern California car wasn't it?

Edited by imopar380 2015-11-07 2:21 PM
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Posted 2015-11-07 3:01 PM (#494475 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
Now it's clean Ian - you know the saying; in order to get something clean something else must get Dirty - that would be me in this case
The car is sold in Florida far as I know, but I will check this with Chrysler Historical soon.
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Posted 2015-11-07 5:58 PM (#494502 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 7213
Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada
Sven, I actually remember seeing the car on Ebay once quite a few years ago, before you bought it, with those other wheel covers on it.
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