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What did you do to your FL car today?
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Posted 2009-04-26 6:24 PM (#171929 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2244
Location: Yorba Linda, Ca
Saturday we went to the Spring Fling--an all Mopar show in Van Nuys Calif.
There were 4, 59 Dodges there. 2 Convertibles, a Red & white Coronet, 2 door hardtop
that the restoration was just finished (John, Big M) supplied some of the parts.
And Mel was there with her 59 Coronet 4 door.
Aivar was there with his "New Ride"--a 60 Black Polara Convertible with a 383 and ram insuction.
We had some fun , on the way home and whilst Aivar's wrencher, Warne, drove my 59 home,
I manned the camera and we got some footage of Aivar's "New Baby", "Highballin' it Home!!!!
I'm not fussy bout my car, I bought it to enjoy it and I will let other ppl drive it, and I allow folks to
put their kids in the car and take pictures. (I guess I should try that joke somebody else mentioned)
after they get the kids in the car , I will tell them, "I don't mind at all, and I will keep an eye out for the car's owner
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Posted 2009-04-27 3:43 AM (#171962 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1480
Location: Australia
took my sub to the body shop... when i was driving off i felt like i was giving my child up for adoption... my yard is so bare now... i feel really sad adriana
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Posted 2009-04-27 10:14 AM (#171979 - in reply to #171962)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

Gary, thanks so much for your attitude with kids.  I see more and more folks with "hands off" signs on their cars even at local cruise nights.  Though, I understand those with restored vehicles, it makes it difficult to keep the little ones continued interest in these.  Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago when my son and one of his clasmates and I went to a local cruise night, all the FL's I saw there had these signs.  But, luckily, an older gentleman with a road racer car (like a formula car), (probably much more cash in his that the FL guys), offered the boys to sit in his car so I could take a picture, when he noticed I was warning the boys "not to touch."  I thanked him greatly and the boys loved!  He commented that its how you keep the young ones interested and that letting the kids sit in his car was one reason to have it, he said it wasn't much fun just parking it in a lot and looking at it!  What a great attitude!

Not, that I don't understand some of you guys, but try and do something to get/keep the little ones interested.  You can't take it with you!


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Posted 2009-04-27 10:25 AM (#171980 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 2244
Location: Yorba Linda, Ca
I don't know what the big deal is with those "Don't Touch" signs are there paint jobs such lousy quality that ya cant wipe off a fingerprint, or whatever?
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Posted 2009-04-27 12:32 PM (#171984 - in reply to #171980)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6203
Location: Big pimpin'
Well allow me to try and explain...The inevidable "oopsy" will happen alot more frequently if you allow the average public to "Grope" your car...While I do allow certain folks to sit in Chrisitne and the General Lee, it's ONLY after they have proven to me that they RESPECT my car and me...If they come up to them Expecting to just touch and feel all over it, then I get real ill really quick, as my motto is, if you didn't Build it, clean it, or drive it here, Don't f**kin' touch it! Period!

I guess it's just a different Car show croud then when I was coming up, but I wish I thought My dad woulda seen me doing what I've seen some kids do RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR PARENTS....knowing full and well that if "Little Johnny" or "little suzy" were to have an "oopsy", they first of all, COULDN'T, but wouldn't pay for any damages, as their line of thinking seems to be "Well, if you didn't want it touched, you shouldn't have brought out for the public to see it" This is NOT the reason car shows are put on...WTF ever happen to look, but don't touch? Yes, fingerprints wipe right off, but I didn't just spend 4 hours wiping on my car just so some little kid can put fingerprints all over it..

Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-27 12:42 PM
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Posted 2009-04-27 5:35 PM (#172019 - in reply to #171984)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10086
Location: So. Cal
I went to the fling also, but in my Barracuda. Of all the cars there, I was most impressed by:
1. a green '70 Satellite with a 2yr old "driving it" in the driver's seat and the father looking on proudly. He told me he takes her for short slow rides around the yard without car seats so she can really enjoy it and you could tell by the way she acted with it.
2. a jaw-dropping cream '70 Satellite wagon in the swap section, loaded with blankets and pillows in the back and 4 little siblings playing a game. This family was using this great car for what it was intended without fussing about ruining upholstery or paint. Forgot to bring my camera out of my car. Darn! that would have made a nice picture.

Paint never lasts. It gets chipped and scuffed in no time. But memories last forever. For me I try to involve my son as much as I can so that we can hopefully share a common interest as he gets older. Even if he doesn't enjoy cars as much as I do, at least we will have a lot of good times together that we will be able to look back on. Unfortunately, my daughters have zero interest in cars. Oh well, maybe they will when they get closer to driving age.

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Posted 2009-04-27 5:45 PM (#172020 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK
LAst Weekend i Attempted to Start Both the 59,s.. The Dodge was Dead so took the Chrysler out for the Sunny Afternoon,, This Weekend i Charged the Battery and took the Dodge out,, Both Cars have been Stored All Winter, But once started Drove Faultless,,, Glad the Weather has finally Improved and Looking Forward to the Coming Sunny Months,,,

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Posted 2009-04-27 6:15 PM (#172025 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Going back/up to Gary's comment, I was at a WPC Club National meet, in the mid-80's, somewhere, when a well-known,
then, 300C owner (name available upon request; now deceased) was outside in the parking lot, attending to his black car.

The upholstery looked so inviting that I happened to reach into the opened side windows, and caressed the upper passenger's
side seat leather.

Mr. nice guy (did I mention that the b-a-s-t-a-r-d's dead, now?) said "Please(???...) don't touch the car".

...don't think that I voted for his car, in the attendees' show-judging.

Edited by d500neil 2009-04-27 6:17 PM
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old mopar guy
Posted 2009-04-27 8:51 PM (#172038 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1508
Location: new york
I think there's a fine line with the" do not touch" thing . I was at a car show in about 1968 ( I was 7 )with my grandfather( Not a car collector) ( Italian , never owned a car till he hit a horse in 1955 and bought a 55 Plymouth ,only car he ever owned.)and the owner of a 1916 Buick touring let my grandfather put me behind the wheel! That started it all I have owned over 150 Vintage cars , and years after this i became friends with the Buick owner (he had it till his death a couple years ago now his son has it)But I think to keep the younger generation interested is very important, Or some day our old cars will have no caretakers and will become worthless scrap! I also think if you restore your car so mint that your afraid to take it to a show or cruise night,with out standing guard over it ! You should just leave it in the garage!
But thats just me! HAPPY MOTORING! Victor...
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Posted 2009-04-27 10:04 PM (#172058 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 496
I was at the show too. So were my kids. And they had fun.

Their lesson for the day was: The only car you can touch is mommy's car.

Max made sure nobody else touched the car, and Leo played a fun game of "drop the ball into the top of the grille and watch it roll out the bottom."

If anyone drives their car on a road, it will get far more damage than a few tiny fingerprints. Little kids don't wear rings and watches! If you want it perfect, leave it in a glass case and take the bus.

Where will this hobby be if kids leave a show with a memory of some old dude yelling at them?


(max and leo.JPG)


Attachments max and leo.JPG (81KB - 524 downloads)
Attachments Leo.JPG (90KB - 527 downloads)
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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2009-04-27 10:21 PM (#172063 - in reply to #172058)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Location: Parts Unknown
C-300 - 2009-04-28 7:04 PM

Where will this hobby be if kids leave a show with a memory of some old dude yelling at them?




You got it all wrong. My best memories are of the old dude with the DeSoto yelling at us kids to get off his lawn. Had he never yelled, .... who knows, .... I may have never taken an interest in all his old junk, including his car (?).

Most times the old dudes were yelling at us kids is because we were up to no good and pulling the kind of pranks only kids who own no property or have no job to lose can risk attempting ! We had the times of our lives back then and it would not be the same without the memories of Mr. Fudge hollering "Alright you F$#@ing kids, ... I'm gonna come out there and break your $#@ D+nmed necks" !!!!

Now that I am getting old, I am practicing my curmudgeonly lines.

"You young whippersnappers are all hopped up on the dope"

"Hey you kids, ... get off my lawn !"

I plan on growing big, bushy eyebrows and letting my ear hair cover them like a briar patch. Oh yeah, ... and don't forget the black dress socks with the polyester shorts !
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Kenny J.
Posted 2009-04-27 10:26 PM (#172064 - in reply to #172063)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Inactive by user's request

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Doctor DeSoto - 2009-04-27 7:21 PM

Most times the old dudes were yelling at us kids is because we were up to no good and pulling the kind of pranks only kids who own no property or have no job to lose can risk attempting ! We had the times of our lives back then and it would not be the same without the memories of Mr. Fudge hollering "Alright you F$#@ing kids, ... I'm gonna come out there and break your $#@ D+nmed necks" !!!!!

Get with the times, Brent.

Now you have to say, "I can't touch you 'cuz you're minors, but I've got a six foot-five fifteen year old nephew just out of 'juvey' who'll kick your ass for $200!"

That line works VERY well.

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Posted 2009-04-27 11:24 PM (#172069 - in reply to #172064)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6203
Location: Big pimpin'
"Their lesson for the day was: The only car you can touch is mommy's car."
Ok, Say they had a lapse in memory and decided to touch another persons car? what then?

I know the General Lee is NOT a F. Looker, but the principle is the same here...Yes, little kids have fingerprints, but I watched one with a small 1/24 scale, METAL, toy car, walking in and out of the cars at "Dukesfest" one year...I also watched one of the guys act VERY calm about it and didn't say anything at that time...The very next minute, the "oopsy" happened....Yep, little joe stumbled and fell against one of the cars (Not mine), but the end result was inevitable....Dude went OFF! Told the lady who we guessed? was the mother of the kid, all kinds of "Parenting" things she was doing wrong...He then began to tell her how she OR her kid could even begin to emagine the time, money, and work that went into the car that "Little Junior" there just put a huge gouge in....He then began to inquire about the cost of repairs....She of course denied any wrong doing as her son couldn't have hit his car.....I watched all this happen and even told her that I saw "Little Joe" fall and catch himself against the car, scratching it in the process..She began to tell me where I could go and that she wasn't paying for anything as neither one of us could PROOVE it was HER son that damaged the car.....

Ever since then, I've been leary of "Junoir", even around Christine.....Don't get me wrong here, there's always the one little kid that has the correct up bringing to be at a car show...I have offered to put them in the driver's seat of BOTH cars in order for the parents to get a picture for his buddies at school....Those are the ones you guys speak of so highly, but I'm refering to the other side of the coin that goes with this....The ones that think they can pick, prod, poke, and generally touch anything they see....Like I brought my car out simply so they can pick at it....

Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-27 11:36 PM
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Posted 2009-04-27 11:37 PM (#172070 - in reply to #172064)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 496
Wow. Lots of assumptions on this site. Plenty of us have had perfect cars -- and know that they were only perfect the second the restoration was over. Most of us also know the difference between looking and touching -- my wife has made that clear to me. I like that whole blind thing, though -- I'll run that by her and get back to you!

And what's with the all-caps YELLING? I don't know about the rest of you, but my cars bring me joy... not anger and plans for incarceration. So some (blind?) guy touched it. Now you have something to do to "repair the damage" and post to this thread. If the car is so mint it must not be driven much. That sounds like a lot of fun! I guess you could post, "I trickle charged the battery today and worked on flat-spotting my tires."

So to get back on topic... what I did to my FL car today was...

wiped off a few tiny fingerprints and some dribble, cleaned the bug carcasses off the grille and windshield, and touched up the two stone chips I got on the way home from the show. And now I can say,"People were drooling all over the car!" To me, that is not only cool... it's very funny!!
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Posted 2009-04-27 11:44 PM (#172071 - in reply to #172070)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6203
Location: Big pimpin'
"Where will this hobby be if kids leave a show with a memory of some old dude yelling at them?"

Well, I guess they will grow up to be an old guy that gropes the other guys seat fabric, then doesn't understand why people get so pissed off............
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Posted 2009-04-27 11:55 PM (#172073 - in reply to #172069)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 496
Ok, dukeboy... we'll call up the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang child catcher and lock them all up under the castle. We'll even lock up the good little children - on the off chance that they may slip up or have a "lapse in memory."

I'm amazed at some of the posters on this site. Were you ever young? Did you leave your humanity in the glove compartment?

Accidents happen, of course... but if you choose to go to a show in a public park on a weekend... you have to understand the risks. And it's not just the little kids. They are the least of your worries!

There are dogs on chains, adults on bikes, old people with walkers, people in wheelchairs, blind people with canes. Where will the worries and complaints end?

We are talking about old cars. Old, mass produced transportation devices. Now... if anyone touched my kids or my wife... then you'll see me angry. But my car?!?!? Come on.... A little perspective goes a long way guys.

My point is... if you have a feeling that something horrible might happen to your car, make sure the car is insured, and stay close to it all day. Just be careful that the guy in the Carmy doesn't cut you off and slam on their brakes while you are on your way home.

If you don't want to chance it, leave the car at home -- and hope that there are no earthquakes, fires, floods, UFO landings, etc. that might hurt your most precious posessions.

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Posted 2009-04-28 12:07 AM (#172074 - in reply to #172073)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6203
Location: Big pimpin'
Look guy, I'll put it to you like this.............If you actually built every square inch of your car, I'd think you'd be along the same line of thinking....If it helps you to understand, touching my ride is like me touching your wife....Some things are just understood correct? You don't get our way of thinking and it's fine...But don't try and tell me It's wrong to complain when it should be understood that you keep your hands to yourself at car shows...

Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-28 12:09 AM
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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2009-04-28 12:35 AM (#172080 - in reply to #172073)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Location: Parts Unknown
A little perspective is right.

When was the last time you saw a 58 Fireflite convertible ?

Now, when was the last time you saw a kid ?

I'm only giving you one guess, but ONE of them is common as dirt.

Toss them little booger-eatin' monsters off a bridge and go polish your car !

We have an old locker like the one from Cool Hand Luke we put the kids in when they get out of line. Of course, that is AFTER the flogging.

(Tongue firmly in cheek)

Personally, I would not restore a car to such a level that I sh-t my pants every time it might get a scratch. That would take ALL the fun out of it. On the other hand, if someone has wonton disregard for the eleventy-billion-skillion hours it took to resurrect this rust pile, I would not waste any time squaring them up. There is a balance there, but being the guy who puts the cuffs on bad dudes (and dudettes), I am not one to sit and watch bad behavior go unchecked.

Personally, I think parenting has become a ridiculous charade of mamby-pamby boo-boo kissing and a bunch of kissing of another sort. A good ass whooping (or threat of a repeat performance) kept kids of my generation from doing a lot of stupid things and generated a level of respect before we kids even knew what respect was. After we got older it began to make sense. I heard a lady today telling another how her two boys, ages 17 and 18, refused to get a job and were laying a guilt trip on her and her husband for not providing what sounded like a "trust fund" like all their friend's parents were doing ! Sounds like two kids whose parents never delivered the appropriate measure of "respect" when the time was right. Now, they have a couple of freeloading douchebags who think they were born into royalty on their hands. Nice work, mom and dad. My state has over 18,000 parasites like that in our prison system and we all pay $35,000 a head per year to give them all a little room and keep them off the streets. Because SOME people refuse to grow up and be parents, we all get to be caretakers for a staggering mountain of buttheads who never were lurned no gooder.

Kids are great when the parents are great. By degrees, it goes downhill from there.

Now, what were we talking about ?
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Posted 2009-04-28 12:36 AM (#172081 - in reply to #172074)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1084
Location: Auckland, New Zealand.

My point is... if you have a feeling that something horrible might happen to your car, make sure the car is insured, and stay close to it all day. Just be careful that the guy in the Carmy doesn't cut you off and slam on their brakes while you are on your way home. If you don't want to chance it, leave the car at home -- and hope that there are no earthquakes, fires, floods, UFO landings, etc. that might hurt your most precious posessions.

 No thanks, I'm not going to leave my car at home because people can't control their children. Or "stay close to it all day". I enjoy driving my car, like the way it was designed. My problem is with irresponsible people who don't give a darn about other people's stuff, that they have worked long and hard to achieve. Take a look at the picture above, of the kids in the car, one playing trampoline on the front seat. How long you think the ForwardLook fabric is going to put up with that before it gets tears in it? Or a big dent in the headliner where cute little Johnny bounced a bit too high. "Oooh there there Johnny, never mind, it's only a completely irreplaceable headliner, we can always go out and buy a brand new Camry..."

Buy them cheap chinese toys to play with. When they are old enough, they can work at a horrible job long enough to be able to afford the things they want.

It is not OK to touch other people's stuff, completely unnecessary, and it does cause damage.


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Posted 2009-04-28 12:39 AM (#172083 - in reply to #172074)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 496

You are funny... because the people who know me know that I have been in this hobby since I was born. I have restored dozens of Mopars, most of them from the Forwardlook years. I have owned (and my father has owned) several low-mileage "reference" cars that only made my restorations even more accurate. I have worked for Metalcrafters -- building Chrysler concept cars from scratch. I grew up around a collection of the most rare forward look cars there are. Not just rare. The most rare.

I can also tell you that none of you have any conception of "building every square inch" of anything, until you have built a concept car from absolute scratch. From sheet steel and english wheels, to handmade glass and one-off cast plastic parts. Even then, I was part of a team of over 100 people who built those cars. Even when I was working at Metalcrafters I saw the cars for what they were... CARS.

I have restored cars to show quality... but I would never consider what I did "building every square inch."

If you think touching your ride is like touching a woman, well, hmmm.... I don't really know what to say.

And don't talk about my wife like that. It's plain rude.

When a car is restored, it is a thing of beauty. From that day forward, it will only degrade. Sure, we can hope that it will be well preserved, but it will never be as fresh as it was the day it was done.

I remember one of my trips to the Pebble Beach Concour d'Elegance. A man showed his Duesenberg and won his class -- a very high honor. After the show, when the cars were leaving, he took off for the trailer area with a roostertail and a dust trail. I thought that was the most amazing thing EVER -- and other people assumed the guy was crazy! I ran to the loading area and caught up with the guy. I asked him, "Why the dirty burnout?" He said. "Kid, I spent $350,000 restoring this car because I always wanted a Dusenberg. My restorer wanted it to win an award. It did... and now I finally get to have fun with my car!" With that, he smiled, got in the car, revved it a couple times and tore off down the road with another burnout.

As with anything in this hobby, we each have our opinions. but one thin I learned early on -- never make assumptions... because you might end up being wrong.

Some here don't know me, yet those who do are probably enjoying the commentary.


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Posted 2009-04-28 12:45 AM (#172086 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 5140
Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA
The problem is --lack of parenting.On the one hand, you see children who are well behaved , respectful of others property and do not yell and scream when in public. and they listen to their parents. On the other hand you have the parent that does not pay attention to what their kids are doing, let them just run amock , give them no quidence except to yell at the kids who generally don't pay any attention- .These are the parents that become quite indignant if someone holds their kids accountable for mis-behaving. These type of parents pass down their own bratty behaviour to their children. Go to a resteraunt and observe--You can spot the difference in a short time....................MO
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Posted 2009-04-28 12:59 AM (#172087 - in reply to #172086)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6203
Location: Big pimpin'
Whatever guy, I can see by your last post you just don't understand......"If you think touching your ride is like touching a woman, well, hmmm.... I don't really know what to say."

I'll say this, you touch my ride, and I'll show you rude.........

Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-28 1:02 AM
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58 Ray
Posted 2009-04-28 1:04 AM (#172088 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Location: Colorado
Hmmm.....interesting turn to the thread. Anwyay, back on topic. Nothing to exciting but I finished polishing some windshield chrome and re-tightning some exhaust manifold bolts! Waiting for better weather to really finish up some stuff!! Cruising soon.

Edited by 58 Ray 2009-04-28 1:07 AM
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Posted 2009-04-28 5:12 AM (#172095 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 254
Location: Victoria Australia
You girls should start a new thread, maybe call it something like ' Bitches Bitch Corner '
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Posted 2009-04-28 10:23 AM (#172109 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 468
Location: Cushing, Wisconsin
Well today I'm going to pull my axels and third member from the 57 Windsor and get the sure grip axels and third member ready to go. I need a new thrust block kit so I'll be waiting a few days for that.
I agree with Chaney, once my car is done I don't want anyone but the people who respect myself and my car can touch or even sit in it.
This is not a cheap hobby and any damage is too much damage when it can be avoided.
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Posted 2009-04-28 10:31 AM (#172110 - in reply to #172095)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

All I can say is "sh$t happens."  Sometimes it happens out of no one's fault, just an accident.  If you don't want any chance of an "accident" keep your car at home, or rope your car off and let one-at-a-time "approved" folks go with you to look at your car.  We have TONS of lawyers around today who are more than very willing to file a lawsuit on your behalf against children and their parents.

I just wish our car was in enough shape to drive to a cruise night and have a kid bump into it!, but, sadly, we still are only able to stare at it in the driveway way unfinished.

So, that is what we did today with our FL.........oh, and check to see if the SSDI spies are watching to see if I go do some work on it! LOL  (darn, I could really use a shop to hide in! lol)

Jay :-)

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Doctor DeSoto
Posted 2009-04-28 10:35 AM (#172111 - in reply to #172095)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Location: Parts Unknown
I see two problems here.

Bad parenting - meaning two sessimally mature humans (able to conceive offspring) who think that is as far as the responsibility goes, and ....

Those persons who think car shows are an acceptable and desirable form of entertainment/expression.


A call to the Valley a couple years ago. Found a 12 year old girl in a stuporous state. A bag in one hand and a can of paint in the other, .... a gold circle "painted" around her mouth and nose. The dog had the same ring. No parents within miles. WTF ? They had some drinking to do and left the kid to navigate life. Probably for all of her 12 years.

And then there is the same parental mentality type who feels the need to shore up their perceived status with some car show ribbons and trophies.

Humans are little more than animals that have an enhanced ability to reason. Some of us made it farther out of the woods than others. To not recognize this means you are part of the problem. If children were taught to do the RIGHT thing instead of what was "fun" or what they impulsively "wanted" to do, we'd all be in a better place. But RIGHT is rarely the easiest route and delivers results slowly. Today we just want our jollies and want it all for free and want it NOW.

Wasn't it Thomas Paine who said, "Give me convenience, or give me death?"

Now, go do the RIGHT thing.
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Posted 2009-04-30 11:51 AM (#172327 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 907
Location: Magra, Sweden
Started up last Sunday and got out of the garage for the first ride of the year. Went visiting friends and did not take the closest way back home, ending up on a few miles gravel roads. Just like it was in the 50s in Sweden. We have had the most lovely summer weather so I've been driving to work for a couple of days, oboy it draw some attention and my work mates loved to see it.
Driving and show off the car is my reward of this hobby, hide it away in secret isn't my thing.
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Posted 2009-04-30 1:02 PM (#172340 - in reply to #172327)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 13103
Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island
That's the spirit m8!
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58 Ray
Posted 2009-05-01 12:38 AM (#172409 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Location: Colorado

If you don't want kids around your car hire a pig and offer free kisses. That's sure to get some folks to stay away, otherwise shut up and enjoy!!


 Lastly, I polished my sportone trim again before I add the Jim Rawa inserts.

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Posted 2009-05-01 7:50 AM (#172428 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 3951
Location: Bama
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Posted 2009-05-01 8:00 AM (#172430 - in reply to #172409)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Expert 5K+

Posts: 6203
Location: Big pimpin'
58 Ray - 2009-05-01 12:38 AM

If you don't want kids around your car hire a pig and offer free kisses. That's sure to get some folks to stay away, otherwise shut up and enjoy!! 

Somehow, I can pretty much bet this ain't the tune you'd be a singin' if your car was on the recieving end as soon as you got those Rawa inserts on and they got peeled off the side of the car.......

Won first place, Viewers choice at the cruise night.....that's bout it for now....

Edited by dukeboy 2009-05-01 8:02 AM
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Nathan D. Manning
Posted 2009-05-01 9:05 AM (#172434 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Opened the garage door... flipped on the light... uncovered the car...
I then walked around it to inspect for paint chips or scratches... unlocked the door... and sat down on the driver's seat...
I put the key in the ignition... and thought very seriously about taking a drive.

Then, all at once... my body started to shake with uncontrollable tremors...
My heart started racing and I could feel the blood pumping through my veins.
"What dangers could lurk on the other side of this garage door?!?", I thought to myself.
Terror gripped my soul as I envisioned Kids, Bikes, Blind guys with canes... Huge birds with leaky asses that may poop on the finish!

What if it RAINS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I broke into a cold sweat as my mouth went dry and I felt clammy.
I was too worked up thinking about what might happen... so I got out of the car quickly.
I made it out just before my severe agoraphobia caused me to piss my pants, which could have potentially wet the seatcovers.

I covered the car, shut off the garage light, closed and locked the door... and went back to take a nap.
Then I had a dream about actually driving and enjoying the car as it was intended.

But alas, If only dreams could become reality.

Seriously, though...
I pulled my '56 out from the carport and drove to work this morning in a light rain.

This is coming from a guy who has a low budget and ZERO experience at body work.
If something happens to my car, I have to HIRE someone to fix it.

If I had the tools and/or knowledge to do these things for myself, I'd probably be WAY more "careless" about enjoying my cars.

After all, when they rolled off the line... they were meant to be driven and ridden in.


Edited by Nathan D. Manning 2009-05-01 9:11 AM
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Posted 2009-05-01 9:52 AM (#172437 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 3156
Location: NY & VT
Aaron, some of us know your background and your Dad's from old WPC days and true dedication to FL cars... and some will just never understand that possessions can possess you. It will all be rust and dust someday, and so will we. Seems like they just dont' really understand what's important in this life, and you can't tell them either. They just like to berate others with the same old Puritan values of the Scarlet letter's always someone else being licensious and bringing the rest to ruination... geez, someone might be actually having fun somewhere... get a life.
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Posted 2009-05-01 9:58 AM (#172439 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!

Posts: 5358
Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK)
Go for it, Thord, Nathan, Chaney!!!! The D@@@ things are meant to be driven, to be seen, not locked away as if owned by Scrooge McDuck. Like Jay, I just wish mine was completed to the piont that it was driveable.................MAYBE by the end of Summer????? But, the new tires and repainted wheels are on it now. If only I could get that Da## top windshield moulding back on correctly....................Walt
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Posted 2009-05-01 10:14 AM (#172441 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1480
Location: Australia
all i can say about this argument is that people, yes should control their kids, because some are out of control and show no respect for other peoples property just like their parents... i get really angry when i see kids leaning all over peoples cars (i suppose growing up with classic cars and the car scene i was taught to respect peoples cars and property early on), how ever saying that a while ago at a car day a dad and his son came up to my dads imperial and they asked if they could get a pic of the son in the drivers seat, which of course we had no problem with... so if people show some respect and go about it the right way well you have no problem with helping or letting them appreciate your car... i understand that people dont appreciate kids putting their hands all over there car, leaning on it or even grown people opening car doors with out the owners permission... all this i also do not care for! once i have my suburban on the road if a young child liked my car and asked to sit in it or even to be taken for a drive in it, well yes i would be happy to oblige, even if they wanted help finding a car or researching one or finding parts for their own or doing a school project about cars or what ever id be more than happy to help... but its clear that some people just dont appreciate old cars or any cars in general and the time, money and love that goes into them... i think if people are happy with children leaning and putting there hands all over their car or even kicking a footy around right near them well then they obviously must not respect their own belongings either...

i remember at one cruise night a while back a tank fairlane pulled up next to dads newly painted 58 desoto (not that that really has anything to do with it) and when the kid got out their car they opened their door and WHAM! smashed it straight into the side of the door where i was sitting (ok, this is not the childs fault, the mum should have helped their child out of the door and the child should have been taught to be careful) but even so when they were approached about it the mum couldnt care less... mark my word, if this ever happened to my suburban or even if i caught a grown person leaning or half sitting on my car, god help them i would do my tree... ok, yes cars are to be used and enjoyed but people just need to show respect for other peoples property aswell as their own and also show some manners, thats how easy it is... i adore kids, but my god some of them are right little s**ts and its often not their fault either... ok if they touch the paint because its shinny and it caught their eye so be it or if they try and look in the window and they hold the door frame, thats fine (and you'd be overreacting if you got your nose out of joint).... well this has become more of an essay about parenting than what i started out typing but hopefully i get my point across... there is a difference and a fine line... its probably hard to get your opinion on this matter across properly in a typed message but hopefully this makes sense... cheers adriana

Edited by suburban61 2009-05-01 10:30 AM
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Posted 2009-05-01 11:34 AM (#172450 - in reply to #172439)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

wbower3 - 2009-05-01 6:58 AM Go for it, Thord, Nathan, Chaney!!!! The D@@@ things are meant to be driven, to be seen, not locked away as if owned by Scrooge McDuck. Like Jay, I just wish mine was completed to the piont that it was driveable.................MAYBE by the end of Summer????? But, the new tires and repainted wheels are on it now. If only I could get that Da## top windshield moulding back on correctly....................Walt

Come on Walt!  I'm waiting for you to figure it out so I know how to do it when my time comes! LOL  They were so easy to take off........why can't they be so easy to get back on?


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Posted 2009-05-01 11:58 AM (#172453 - in reply to #172450)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

Nathan, man I hope I never get to that point! :-)  You said it well.

We can rail all day about what parents and kids should and shouldn't do and who should take responsibility, but in the end, no one can prevent every bad thing from happening.  A child could be very well mannered and one day he is very excited about something and opens the door to quickly and far, something he usually never does cause he knows he shouldn't hit the car next to him.  But, he's excited and happens.  Even well mannered kids do things for whatever reason that may result in something happening that we wish didn't, but that's life.

Like many here, I prefer to have my car out in the public, grocery store parking lot, gas station, where ever, just so I can have the fun of driving it.  If something happens, I will deal with it at that time.  I will not worry so much that it takes away from my fun.  But, like Nathan, I'm not a rich guy who builds cars that cost in the tens of thousands.  If a kid opens a door on my car, well, I'll be upset for a short time, work with my neighbor to fix the dent, and move on.  I'd rather have a car built less expensively, so I don't have to worry about these things.  Those with expensive built cars, just don't take them out much and stand around it to keep people away unless you are there to make sure nothing happens, though that still is no guarantee against accidents.

I cannot control how parents raise there children, nor do I wish to.  I've got enough issues to deal with on my own.  Like the bumper says "s**t happens" and there is nothing we can do to prevent everything bad that can happen from happening.  For every ten bad kids, there is one who has eyes wide open for the car hobby and I want to encourage that child to keep it up, for we could lose this hobby if we don't keep encourage the younger generations to keep it going.  My son is so excited to have his own car, the only 6 year old I know that owns his own.  He knows what he must do to keep it, being good in school, doing what he is told, and helping to work on his car and save money he gets for parts he needs for the car.  We just ordered new wheel cylinders from eBay using the $100 I had given him months ago from a cash job I had done for a friend (I'm paying the shipping).  He was very excited as we watched the bidding on eBay and when we won it, he was jumping around very excited!  That's what this hobby is all about.  I am so very proud of him.  I'm hoping to teach him to save money and use it wisely, something my parents never did and I pay for that now.

So yeah, there are going to be kids and parents who will probably scratch or put a dent in our Dodge, but I don't want to park it in the garage and never take it out for fear something is going to happen to it.  There is just too much fun to be had for my family and friends.  I hope you all get to have the same fun!


Edited by jsrail 2009-05-01 12:01 PM
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Posted 2009-05-01 12:03 PM (#172454 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 496
Last night I opened the hood, sat Max on the fender (oh my, could it have been SCRATCHED??!?!?!?!) of the 56 Dodge and played "what's that?" with him. He asked "what's that?" and I explained. He knows what a generator is and what it does. He knows all about: "carburetor, heater hose, radiator hose, radiator, fan, fan belt, air cleaner, valve cover, and engine." We also worked on spelling... the "SUPER RED RAM" decals made that easy.

As for the whole kid argument. Kids are kids and will do kid stuff -- like put a grilled cheese sandwich in the VCR, or paint themselves green from head to toe. Things like that can happen even with great parenting and constant supervision. Pure evil? -- I think not. Pure fun? Depends if you like the color green or not.

Have a nice day!

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Posted 2009-05-01 1:19 PM (#172459 - in reply to #172409)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 265
Location: North Carolina
58 Ray - 2009-05-01 12:38 AM

If you don't want kids around your car hire a pig and offer free kisses. That's sure to get some folks to stay away, otherwise shut up and enjoy!!

Ha... I think the next time I see your car I'll sit on the fender and slide off it.. So just shut up and enjoy..
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Posted 2009-05-01 2:43 PM (#172470 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
I'm sitting on both sides of Aaron's fence : OK; big-DEAL if Aaron plops his own kid(s) down, on his OWN car's fender,
and scratches-it-up , but, it IS a big-deal if "Aaron" (metaphorically, Aaron!) plops his kid down on MY car's fender,
and scratches-it-up.

Or, if Mr. Parent allows his kid to run his Radio Flyer into the side of my car.

Finger-prints are one-thing; actual (potential-) damage to someone else's property is something ELSE.

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Posted 2009-05-01 3:03 PM (#172474 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!

Posts: 5358
Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK)
Chuckie, you need to be careful whose fender you slide off. You could very well end up with the owner's size 12 in amongst the gonads!!!

Adriana Darlin', you're bang-on about parenting. My wife (yeah, I'm married) raised our four to respect other people's property. It was my sister-in-law's son that we adopted that was the problem. His momma and the aunty he lived with before adoption, let him run loose. Took two years and a lot of whoppins to lead him to the straight and narrow. Now at age 35 he's resurrecting vintage autos ( non-Mopar dern it). Still and better yet, I haven't had to whop him in a year or so. They never get too old to discipline, but people forget that fact.

Jay, once I get it figured out, I'm gonne patent/copyright the procedure and then sell it to people. Want to reserve a copy now? You know, get in on the ground floor, so to speak!

Hey Chuck, lest I forget, if you do buy a pig and offer free kisses, be sure you have 'em wash their hands BEFORE they kiss your pig. You don't want IT to get swine flu...........

Uncle Walt.

Edited by wbower3 2009-05-01 3:06 PM
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Posted 2009-05-01 3:15 PM (#172480 - in reply to #172474)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ

wbower3 - 2009-05-01 12:03 PM Jay, once I get it figured out, I'm gonne patent/copyright the procedure and then sell it to people. Want to reserve a copy now? You know, get in on the ground floor, so to speak! ........... Uncle Walt. :bleh:

Sign me up Walt!  I may have to fly you out to my place!


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Posted 2009-05-01 3:18 PM (#172481 - in reply to #172459)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 3969
Location: DFW, TX
I think that's why my beater station wagon is so much fun, I never worry about what someone might do to it.

I've had a lot of cars that were nicer than it is, but obsessing about every minor scratch or flaw takes away from the experience. I enjoy having a car that is thorougly usable, yet I don't mind if I find a whole group of my friends leaning against it.


Attachments group.JPG (134KB - 508 downloads)
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Posted 2009-05-01 3:51 PM (#172489 - in reply to #172481)
Subject: RE: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1590
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Now that looks like fun!  That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! :-)
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Posted 2009-05-01 6:13 PM (#172510 - in reply to #172474)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 265
Location: North Carolina
wbower3 - 2009-05-01 3:03 PM

Chuckie, you need to be careful whose fender you slide off. You could very well end up with the owner's size 12 in amongst the gonads!!!

Hey Chuck, lest I forget, if you do buy a pig and offer free kisses, be sure you have 'em wash their hands BEFORE they kiss your pig. You don't want IT to get swine flu...........

Uncle Walt. :bleh:

LMAO!!! I hear ya Uncle Walt.. :). The majority of people would get bent out of shape if I did that to their car.
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Posted 2009-05-02 7:54 AM (#172548 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1444
Location: Oconomowoc Wi
Got a line on an old Chrysler small block dual point distributer... Pertronix, Here i Come.!!!
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Posted 2009-05-03 8:56 AM (#172648 - in reply to #172548)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?


Posts: 1444
Location: Oconomowoc Wi

Bart_59_Dodge - 2009-05-02 6:54 AM Got a line on an old Chrysler small block dual point distributer... Pertronix, Here i Come.!!!


Bought it for $ 50.00... needs to be cleaned up and have to check if the vaccuum advance works, This is an older style dual point with a gasket rather than an o ring to seal to the engine. It is a Chrysler / Prestolite Distributer. Anyone have an idea how old it is based upon that discription?

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Posted 2009-05-03 10:43 AM (#172662 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!

Posts: 5358
Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK)
Bart, if you post the part number off the unit, some one with the Big Book will look it up and tell you. I saw on another post recently that there can be a difference in vacumn advances, so you might want to find one of those analog distributor testing machines, you know the pre-computer age machine that spins up the unit, and have the advance checked to be sure it's compatible with your intentions. Uncle Walt

Edited by wbower3 2009-05-03 10:45 AM
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Posted 2009-05-03 11:23 AM (#172665 - in reply to #165059)
Subject: Re: What did you do to your FL car today?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 468
Location: Cushing, Wisconsin
Tomorrow I'm installing a new starter on the 62 again, I think this is the fourth one. But I'm going to use a newer dodge ram gear reduction unit, so we'll see what happens. Also still waiting on my thrust block kit so I can put the sure grip axles into the 57 and start driving her for the summer.
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