1956 Dodge Sierra Emblems: How to remove
Posted 2022-12-31 12:24 AM (#626647)
Subject: 1956 Dodge Sierra Emblems: How to remove


Posts: 30
The emblems on my wagon are hanging loose. How do you remove them? Are they held on the back with nuts etc.? Same with the tailfins which are loose. How do you get at the back of them? Any reference I can refer too? Thank You
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Posted 2022-12-31 2:44 AM (#626649 - in reply to #626647)
Subject: RE: 1956 Dodge Sierra Emblems: How to remove

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10396
Location: Lower Mainland BC
I presume that your Sierra is similar to this one (below).

The Sierra name plates have integral unthreaded cast studs and they are held to the car with stamped metal self-threading nuts that cut into the unthreaded cast studs. If you your car has inner fender liners (cardboard) you will need to remove the liners to access those nuts. A 1/4" drive socket set will be your friend. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.

The chrome fin extensions (and the chrome tailight "hoops") will have 10-24 machine screw studs that go through holes in the fenders and are held to the body with 10-24 nuts (and some kind of lock washers)

See examples below (under the wagon photo)

Edited by 56D500boy 2022-12-31 2:54 AM



Attachments ExampleDodgeSierraNamePlate_BacksideShowingCastStuds.jpg (20KB - 123 downloads)
Attachments 56DodgeSierraChromedPotMetalFinsWith10-24Studs.jpg (34KB - 97 downloads)
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Posted 2022-12-31 11:53 AM (#626659 - in reply to #626647)
Subject: Re: 1956 Dodge Sierra Emblems: How to remove

Exner Expert 10K+

Posts: 10086
Location: So. Cal
The only caveat to what Dave has said, is that most of the time, the emblems are held on with small one-way tabs that are quite difficult to remove without breaking the pins off. I find it best to take a small die grinder and very carefully cut the tabs before trying to remove them. Cutting them close to the pins eliminates their hold on the pins. If the tabs are rusty, I have had success using a pair of pliers to bend & break the tabs off. But it's more risky because when it comes loose, you can hit the pin.
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