Posts: 3589
      Location: Blythewood, SC | Stealing an idea from Ramcharger Central, what did you do to your FL car today? Did you drive it? Work on it? Buy something for it? Wash it? Ignore it?
Fess up!
I must admit, I walked past the 57 in the garage this morning and realized how dirty it is and that I have not driven it since early January. I plan to wash it today and use it to run errands tomorrow. |
Posts: 3156
     Location: NY & VT | I thought about it... wistfully - winter still has us in it's grip. :-( |
Account Suspended
Posts: 2827
      Location: At "The Rock" in upper East Tennessee | Drove her wishing I had time to wash and detail her some. The last time I drove her there was a little salt on the road and now I have that dang white film all over the sides and tail.
Edited by 58Donnie 2009-02-27 10:26 AM
Elite Veteran
Posts: 967
       Location: Canada | Paid $50.00 for a NOS front parking lens..... |
Posts: 3969
         Location: DFW, TX | Swapped jets and power valve, and adjusted the float level on the Holley on my wagon, it is much happier. Drove it on a half hour cruise then got some food and headed home.
Received my Wilcap 392-302 transmission adapter last night!  |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I translated 2 chapters of the '60 Chrysler Service Manual into Swedish, scanned in the pictures to the chapter, enhanced them and changed the text to Swedish. The chapters was Mirror-Matic and Automatic Beam Changer. |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | I started my 62 let her idle for fifteen minutes or so, later I'm gonna go to my dad's and start the 57 and let her idle for five or ten minutes then I'm gonna vacuum it out. I keep getting this yellow dust blowing around when I drive it, the seat cushion material is dried out and blows in my eyes and mouth and stuff when I drive so that's next on the list.
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | 57windycoupe - 2009-02-27 6:08 PM
I started my 62 let her idle for fifteen minutes or so, later I'm gonna go to my dad's and start the 57 and let her idle for five or ten minutes then I'm gonna vacuum it out. I keep getting this yellow dust blowing around when I drive it, the seat cushion material is dried out and blows in my eyes and mouth and stuff when I drive so that's next on the list.
I remember the yellow crusty foamrubber powder that seemed to be EVERYWHERE in the car together with what I think was laurel leaves coming out from the fan ducts every now and then! |

       Location: Parts Unknown |
For the past month I have shoveled snow from the shop site onto bare areas like the street, sidewalks, lawn ... to melt off. I had over 8 feet of the stuff in late December. Down to a lot of bare spots and about a single foot where it lingers. After a drying spell, the ground will be firm enough to work and the shop project will begin again in earnest.
Utilities in the ground first, then foundations, then interior slab, then up with the structure, THEN bring in the cars and the fun can begin !
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7827
       Location: Williams California | I drove the Dodge today.
I noticed the brake pedal acting strangely, and found that the brake booster bellows is beginning to crack. Luckily I have a spare. ---John |

       Location: Parts Unknown | big m - 2009-02-28 10:25 AM
I drove the Dodge today. I noticed the brake pedal acting strangely, and found that the brake booster bellows is beginning to crack. Luckily I have a spare. ---John
Glad you were able to secure a spare. I know a guy in your area that has a whole yard dedicated to these old cars in case you need a contact.  |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 515
 Location: Lubbock, Texas | I went to pick up the rebuilt ac radiator for it today. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7547
    Location: northern germany | had these shipped to me. big block 4 (FOUR!) bolt FINNED valve covers!!!!!
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Posts: 2721
    Location: Minneapolis | Funny you should ask... I chipped ice of my garage floor that formed underneath my '61 today. Water seeped in a few days ago and froze with this sh!tty 10 degree weather. I am so fvcking fed-up with winter, I HATE living in Minnesota. The crap EASILY outweighs any of the good things here in the rustbelt. AAAAAAAUUUGGGGGGHHHH!!! Thanks for asking. |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | 57windycoupe - 2009-02-27 12:08 PM
I started my 62 let her idle for fifteen minutes or so, later I'm gonna go to my dad's and start the 57 and let her idle for five or ten minutes then I'm gonna vacuum it out. I keep getting this yellow dust blowing around when I drive it, the seat cushion material is dried out and blows in my eyes and mouth and stuff when I drive so that's next on the list.
dad's '62 imp has the same thing, its doesnt fly around the car though, just comes out of the front seats on to the back carpet, we call it palenta, cos thats what it looks like, lol... seeing i only just woke up, yesterday i recieved a french brochure for my suburban, hunted down the illusive parts i need and think i have finally found them, hunted for ICHIKO's, and listed a heap of things on ebay trying to raise money for when oscar goes to the body shop in 2 months, then sat out with oscar and ate an icecream, today and tomorrow (weekend) and every night next week im working after tafe, until i go over to melbourne for the chrysler show next weekend... adriana  |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 781
      Location: Montreal, Canada | I did as usual: daydreaming about when I will drive my '59 wagon again.
Posts: 2721
    Location: Minneapolis | I dont start mine in the winter, no reason too, probably does more harm than good. I figure if I cant run it on the roads for a half hour and get her good and hot that the condensation will sit in the cylinders and settle through the exhaust. Maybe I am wrong, but I just dont do it. |

       Location: Parts Unknown | forwardlookparts - 2009-02-28 4:37 PM
Funny you should ask... I chipped ice of my garage floor that formed underneath my '61 today. Water seeped in a few days ago and froze with this sh!tty 10 degree weather. I am so fvcking fed-up with winter, I HATE living in Minnesota. The crap EASILY outweighs any of the good things here in the rustbelt. AAAAAAAUUUGGGGGGHHHH!!! Thanks for asking.
I get to asking myself why I live where I do from time to time. OK, ... only as the end of winter drags on too long.
We do have 8-9 months of really great weather !
My answer comes via Arne Nilsson while on a visit a few years back. He said the reason them Swedes have such nice cars is because of those long, nasty winters. You just hole up inside a shop and work on them ! What else you gonna do ?
This will be my last winter without a "hole" to hole up in !
Ask the guys in Phoenix about the weather and they will bitch about the heat ! No place is perfect, and if it is, the cost of a postage size plot of dirt is worth more than a car guy can afford.
Posts: 2721
    Location: Minneapolis | Gimme the heat, especially DRY heat! I dig that scene, man! All year 'round! |

       Location: Parts Unknown |
I was born in California. Lived there through the early 60's. It was wonderful. Still got a heap of family there. Unless you have a stout six figure income, you can pretty much forget setting up shop there from scratch. Even on the outskirts of BF Egypt it is stupid expensive. And let's not even get started on taxes ! Big M can prolly chime in with some expertise on this ...
I settled for the long winter because you get at least 8 really good months and culture is reasonably at hand, and I can afford to live within my means. Sadly, Santa Barbara is out,  |
Posts: 273
    Location: Los Angeles, Ca | I looked at my car today. I had the garage open and was working on another car. I'll wash it next week and get it ready to take my friends out and around LA for next weekend who are flying into town from New Jersey. What better way to be shown around LA than in a vintage ride.. |
Posts: 2721
    Location: Minneapolis | I would be happy with Pacific Grove. I fell in love with that place a few years back. Will go back this year if I can tear away from here and take my pop to the Pebble Beach Concours this August.
But I have a huge distrust of CA's utilities (like everyone else) and would definitely "settle" for somehwere in the southwest like the Phoenix area. |
Posts: 2824
     Location: Snohomish, WA. | I perused epay for tempting overpriced parts I might need, contemplated piecing together the trunk extensions and cutting the quarter (Left) for tacking in the lower rear patch panel, and then did a few minutes dreaming on what the car will finally look like when I'm done. Then I continud on by and went out the door to go to work on my friggin' day off. But I am grateful to have work to go to, so screw my FL today. 4 Trillion dollars is hard to come by.
Mike |
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | I suspect the Utilities in Calif are cheaper than Phoenix, (alto like you), I do't trust them. We rarely have to run the AC in the summer, and in the winter, I sometimes run my gas fireplace which is a lot cheaper to run than the forced air furnace.
My Electric bill is typically $60 and my gas was $40 this time, cause I ran the gas fireplace quite a bit during some "Chilli days" (for us).
As usual I drove my car today, went to Carl's Jr for lunch.
I am also contemplating what to do with the incorrect door panel material SMS sent me.
I called them, they said , we will check and call you back---that was over a week ago.
I waited 2 1/2 years after I placed the order for the door panels, so needless to say
I am not the least bit impressed with their service.
I suspect, that due to the economy, they just grabbed something that was handy and shipped it so they
could get the Money
Gary |
Posts: 3951
         Location: Bama | I blew some smoke on my car this evening. I bumped the door on the bumper wing too. |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1150
    Location: Southern California | I took a road trip today to Lemoore ca where I met James (5859) nice guy with some cool cars. We made a deal and I bought his 57 Custom Royal. The car needs work but is complete and drives Here she is, can't wait to bring her home 
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     Location: Colorado | Scheduled a glass guy to come and put the front and back glass in next week. Took my lock cylinder in to get re-keyed. Starred at my car in the garage for awhile |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | bad58mike - 2009-02-27 11:40 PM
I took a road trip today to Lemoore ca where I met James (5859 ) nice guy with some cool cars. We made a deal and I bought his 57 Custom Royal. The car needs work but is complete and drives  Here she is, can't wait to bring her home : )
Very nice Dodge 2ht. And it was a good trip |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I sat in the car admiring the lines and listned to some Rockabilly tunes. |
 Expert 5K+ Passed away 30th Sept 2024. You will be missed Chuck!
Posts: 8954
          Location: WHEELING,WV.>>>HOME OF WWVA | stripped big reds center dash of gauge pods and stripped for a repaint . really tough paint , took 4 strippings and only got 95 % of the paint gone .----------------------------------------------------------later |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Yes Chuck, the original paint is a real bummer to strip - I had to strip my speaker mesh 4 times too and ended up sanding away the last paint.
Then the stripper is not the same as it was in the old days...... |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1150
    Location: Southern California | I went into the garage this morning, took the cover off and admired my 58 Plymouth while listening to Jerry Lewis and cleaning my white walls  |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Aaaah Mike - The Killer, one of my favourite artist!! - have you heard the Last Man Standing album? |
Posts: 123
 Location: Boise, ID | I gazed at my '61 Windsor sitting in my garage and did a "mental" restoration for the ten billionth time, wishing money was no object... |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1150
    Location: Southern California | Great one Wizard! I love most of his early stuff  |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Oh Yes Mike - just recently I digitalized the album Duets (presumely with Elvis and Perkins)
Edited by wizard 2009-02-28 12:18 PM
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Posts: 15
Location: Redding, California | took my 56 imperial hardtop out for a spin. the guy at the lumber yard had a weird look on his face when i loaded some 6' cedar planks into the trunk. |
Posts: 2721
    Location: Minneapolis | Probably wondering why you were using a classic FL as a lumber truck! They wouldnt fit in the Mustang, eh? |

       Location: Parts Unknown | imprl56 - 2009-03-01 9:31 AM
took my 56 imperial hardtop out for a spin. the guy at the lumber yard had a weird look on his face when i loaded some 6' cedar planks into the trunk.
Fletch ~
Cut yerself an extra slice of raisin pie for that maneuver ! If I were closer I'd come and pin a blue ribbon on you myself ! I'll take an old car in actual use ANY DAY over a parking lot full of over polished gleamers at a "car show" ! Besides, which of the two is actually showing off the car in its true context, anyway ?
You are my kind of guy.
Thanks for putting a smile on everyone's face who saw you. That is the ultimate ambassadorship of promoting the Forward Look .... just driving them like they were meant to be driven.
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | The weather was kinda mild here today so I thought about taking the '60-NY out for a spin, but it was covered with dust and other stuff so I stayed inside and worked on the '57 instead.
Been cleaning up and painting the underside of the '57 lately as the rear-axle and springs were out. New poly-bushings and a fresh coat of paint are on the rearsprings and rearaxle now.
Also hung back the almost 'one piece' exhaustpipes.
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | Tomorrow, Sunday, March 1st, we will be going to a local car show. BadMike58 will be there too with Christine, so our cars can "Hangout" together whilst we enjoy the show. Just to warm you guys up a bit, It was 88 F here today or 31C for our Euro Friends.
Gary |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 988
        Location: Kansas City, Kansas | 58Donnie - 2009-02-27 9:24 AM
Drove her wishing I had time to wash and detail her some. The last time I drove her there was a little salt on the road and now I have that dang white film all over the sides and tail.
Eeek! Don't sit quietly on the pavement next to the rocker panels! You'll be able to hear the rust bugs chomping at the metal. |
Posts: 279
     Location: Los Angeles, CA | 57windycoupe - 2009-02-27 9:08 AM
I started my 62 let her idle for fifteen minutes or so, later I'm gonna go to my dad's and start the 57 and let her idle for five or ten minutes then I'm gonna vacuum it out. I keep getting this yellow dust blowing around when I drive it, the seat cushion material is dried out and blows in my eyes and mouth and stuff when I drive so that's next on the list.
I used to get this too, so I took a half cow hide and draped it over the front seat. Problem solved! Eventually that hide will go into the new upholstery I figure.
Started up the '59 and let her idle until warm. I think my choke spring isn't working right, it take a bit to get her started. |
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | Too bad the show is so early, Mel, 7am till 11, or you could bring your friends.
The show is in Turtin Calif---close to where BadMike58 lives
Gary |

     Location: Colorado | Installed door lock cylinders, tested brake and turn signal lights. |
Posts: 4533
    Location: Ripon, WI | I started mine yesterday. Man it was loud in the garage! I can't wait till it is warm enough to get it moving again, if I can afford the gas! |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Today I've been admiring my Dodge while dismantling and cleaning all internal parts of a brand X aut trans. When finished I seated myself behind the wheel, closed my eyes and daydreamed about dry roads with no salt. Opened my eyes looked at the steering wheel and tomorrow I'm going to order the epoxi putty to fix all the cracks... |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7827
       Location: Williams California | I cleaned out years worth of junk and debris from a rust-free '59 Fury 4-door HT that I and M'lisa picked up on Friday. Didn't find a sack of 100's or Jimmy Hoffa in the trunk, though. ---John |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I bought yet another option for my Saratoga |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1084
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand. | I piled myself, Michelle and 3 friends into the Fury, and took a spin over to a buddy's house in the afternoon, drank a few beers while looking at his 58 Fury and 2 Cadillacs in the garage (1 an Eldorado Biarittz Convertible...), called into a local restaurant on the way home, sat outside in the Autumn evening and ate our meals 4 feet away from the Fury. Coming up 600 miles on the clock now, and it's really starting to feel like driving a brand new car rather than a bunch of bolted together parts! Just started to rain as we pulled into the driveway at home, after a great day out in the sun!
57 Fury. |
Posts: 279
     Location: Los Angeles, CA | Just saw your post Gary. Maybe next time?
Started the '59 today and moved it for street cleaning days... plugs were fouled out and super oily. Ah, more fun ahead  |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | Been in the Garage for a Hour ,
Measured a Part for Mel above on the 59 Dodge..
Went to Fit NOS Parking Lamp Lenses to the 59 Chrysler as mine are Cracked and Faded, But found the Rubber Seals behind the Lenses part missing and Dry Rotted, So need to find a Couple Large "O" Rigs at Work tomorrow before i can fit the New Lenses.. Wondered why the Originals were slightly loose and the Screws tight.. LOL
The Lenses i bought have All the Correct wording on them,, Can anyone confirm these are Original NOS and Not Re-manufactured..
This was the Description from the Auction..
"1959 Chrysler NOS parking lamp lenses in the original Mopar packages I opened for the
first time for the picture. Part Number 1754894."
Edited by Rebels-59 Coronet 2009-03-02 12:17 PM
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 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Been in the garage for the past few weeks due to weather....I'm like a kid waiting on Xmas now.....C'mon Summer d@mmit...
Edited by dukeboy 2009-03-02 1:02 PM
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 781
      Location: Montreal, Canada | Rebels-59 Coronet - 2009-03-02 12:16 PM
The Lenses i bought have All the Correct wording on them,, Can anyone confirm these are Original NOS and Not Re-manufactured..
This was the Description from the Auction..
"1959 Chrysler NOS parking lamp lenses in the original Mopar packages I opened for the
first time for the picture. Part Number 1754894."
According to my parts book the number is correct for 1959 Chrysler except, of course, 300 . It appears original. Are the lens envelopes look old to you? |
Posts: 2721
    Location: Minneapolis | Clive, as long as the numbers and letters embossed on the lenses are correct, they would be authentic. I am sure they are real, why would someone repop '59 Chrys lenses and try to pass them off as original? Its not like they are '61-62 lenses. |
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | Took the 56 Dodge for a ride Sunday and hid it back in the garage for mondays 12 inches of March Snow! Today just shoveling! And looking foward to spring!HAPPY MOTORING! "WISH I WAS IN L.A.!!!" Victor... |
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | Mounted the rearaxle and also put some 3" lowering blocks between the axle and leafsprings under the '57 today. now I might have some 'scrubline-issues'...
Or just hoping I don't get a flat...
Posts: 249
   Location: Spencerport, New York | Hey Clive, Definitely original lenses in original packaging. Even looks like you got the IBM card they used to control stock! Hope to see you back in the states sometime. Dick Whelan
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | I started my car today and posted two videos of her at an idle, on youtube. And took some pics as well I will be posting here.
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Posts: 3969
         Location: DFW, TX | BigBlockMopar - 2009-03-02 5:51 PM
Mounted the rearaxle and also put some 3" lowering blocks between the axle and leafsprings under the '57 today. now I might have some 'scrubline-issues'...
Or just hoping I don't get a flat...
That is going to be really REALLY REALLY low bud! I can almost promise you that you are going to run into issues with the driveshaft touching the transmission tunnel.
(I do)
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | Yeah I know Doesn't life suck sometimes? LOL
I've noticed with this 3" drop I only got 1.5" of room left above the driveshaft. The pinion-snubber will be touching the body pretty much all the time I'm afraid.
I could get some more driveshaft-play by giving the axle a little more downward angle, but it won't be much.
With the possible scrubline issues I might be tempted to just do a 2" drop and still use 60-series tires to keep the carheight lower.
So... what's your solution?
Posts: 3969
         Location: DFW, TX | Remove the snubber and don't allow anyone to sit in the back seat, lol!! |
Posts: 254
    Location: Victoria Australia | Had the same problem with my '61 Newport with the same lowering blocks. With people in the back the diff hit under the seat and the rear wheels hit up in the wheel arch every time I hit a bump. Racked them off and now no problems, ever eliminated my brake squeal. I too have been thinking of only going for the 2" drop. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | These cars weren't meant ot be SLAMMED to the ground without major problems..... |
Posts: 3589
      Location: Blythewood, SC | Thanks to a cold and rainy weekend, I just got around to washing it.
I think I will ride to China-Mart and get a B-day present for my ol' college buddy. It's a nice 70 degree day today, and that just screams Plymouth. |
Posts: 3969
         Location: DFW, TX | dukeboy - 2009-03-05 12:03 PM
These cars weren't meant ot be SLAMMED to the ground without major problems..... Or have 500hp 440s ripping the tapered axles apart...  |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Cleaned and polished the tail- and backup lights inside out. Created new gaskets. Found one bezel was broken. Anyone have a crome bezel for 55 Custom Royal Lancer to sell? |
Posts: 3589
      Location: Blythewood, SC | Cleaned her up, then got too involved in changing the speakers in the truck to go for a ride.
I did sand and paint the "new" 1957 tag to submit for registration for the car though. South Carolina finally allowed year of manufactur tags, so I'm trying to get my act together with that. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | 57burb - 2009-03-05 3:32 PM
dukeboy - 2009-03-05 12:03 PM
These cars weren't meant ot be SLAMMED to the ground without major problems..... Or have 500hp 440s ripping the tapered axles apart... :bleh:
No,No, there Burb....No tapered axles for me....I run the heavy duty stuff.... 
Edited by dukeboy 2009-03-05 9:02 PM
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 614
  Location: Kingston Springs , TN | I removed my old padded dash and scraped/sanded/dremmeled off the old foam...
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Posts: 69
  Location: Central New Jersey, USA | Spent yesterday adjusting the front brakes on the savoy. Now it stops kinda straight... lol. Some time this spring it's getting all 6 wheel cylinders replaced to go with the new master cylinder. Now it actually kinda stops, can't wait to see what it stops like with new cylinders.
Oh and tommorow it's going for a cruise down the street to my dad's /6 club meet.
Edited by marcar1993 2009-03-07 9:23 AM
Posts: 197
    Location: Mid Michigan | Spent the last 3 days converting the 56 Dodge to a dual master cylinder(68 charger manual).
All new steel and rubber lines. All new wheel cylinders, New brake shoes.
Bled the system fixed the leaks. And now we have good brakes.
Just need to get brake light switch figured out. |
Posts: 189
    Location: Detroit | I took her out of storage, gave her tires some air and topped off the transmission fluid, then took a nice highway ride (25 minutes). I'm about to change the oil! |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 614
  Location: Kingston Springs , TN | Put the new dash in (took about an hour).... Looks great! (That spot on the right side above the glove compartment is not a wrinkle...must be the way the light is hitting it!!!)
Edited by My57Saratoga 2009-03-08 2:17 PM
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Posts: 2932
       Location: Lemoore CA | That does look nice, is it a premade pad and cover? If so, where did you get it? |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 614
  Location: Kingston Springs , TN | Got it from Just Dashes in California: they pre-make them for the 57 Chrysler.
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | Hey MY 57 saratoga could you post some photos of your car I use to own a 57 saratoga Aqua and black and it had the nicest interiors that chrysler use back in 57 and I would like to see if yours is the same.The dash looks great! HAPPY MOTORING! VICTOR... |

     Location: Colorado | Adjusted my valves and polished windshield trim since the glass was put in a couple of days ago. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I have cleaned, inspected and checked a Auto-Pilot unit, which will be mounted in my Saratoga. Evenings and nighttime, I've been working on my translation project of the '60 Chrysler Manual. |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 329
    Location: Claremore, Okla. | Went out & burned some rubber - had fun. Trying to figure out were all I'm going to this year. |
Account Suspended
Posts: 2827
      Location: At "The Rock" in upper East Tennessee | About to drive mine to town to pick up parts for Nathans car. I think mine now has the title of "shop car" . Funny how when you first get 'em back on the road you try and keep every spec of dirt off but after a couple of years of driving everyday they become "just another car".
Oh well, it's what I wanted her for was to drive. |
Posts: 27

| Today I replaced the fuel pump on my 56 Royal Golden Lancer, D500 engine. It has been years since I have replaced a fuel pump and so I struggled a bit putting the new one on since the actuater lever was under pressure when the holes were aligned. After struggling with a couple of "almost" got it tries, mumbling, I sheepishly went to turn the engine over just a bit and "Whaaa Laaa" it slipped right in place and now works like a charm. How quick we novices forget. Dan |
Posts: 254
    Location: Victoria Australia | Put the back seat back in. |
Posts: 194
    Location: Utah |
That dash looks great! Since there are no prices on their website, would you mind sharing how much? It is Saturday, or I would call them. Thanks, Mark |
Posts: 175
    Location: The Netherlands | After a lot of sheet metal work in the last few months my Sport Fury received the first layer of paint. It is just the base coat but next weekend it'll be painted red again.
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Alex - 2009-03-21 9:31 AM
Put the back seat back in.
I bet that was more easy then getting it out!
So - how did you get it out?? |
| Did something with the '56 Dodge today:
Took a short drive... Cleaned it up... Found a fuel leak... changed the fuel filter... found a transmission leak... put it up for the day.
Edited by Nathan D. Manning 2009-03-21 8:06 PM
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 614
  Location: Kingston Springs , TN | old mopar guy - 2009-03-08 9:18 PM
Hey MY 57 saratoga could you post some photos of your car I use to own a 57 saratoga Aqua and black and it had the nicest interiors that chrysler use back in 57 and I would like to see if yours is the same.The dash looks great! HAPPY MOTORING! VICTOR...
Here's a few pix of my car...it's a driver... (I know the arm rest should be solid blue but I need to get some more fabric!)
Edited by My57Saratoga 2009-03-22 2:59 PM
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Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | I was watching my car today out the window and trying to see if a Social Security spy was trying to video tape me! lol |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I took the Saratoga out of the winter hibernation and drove the first cruise.
Edited by wizard 2009-04-04 3:25 PM
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       Location: Parts Unknown | Hardly a day goes by I am not doing something that will ultimately relate to the cars. Several nights a week I work on the shop plans. Over the last week I removed a patio and dug underneath to find the sewer line. Today I am jacking up a shed and moving it to the front of the property. So many little details that all require way more time than you would think. In the end, it will mean a heated shop with a lift and enough space to house two completely broken down cars, and an additional unheated area for six more. Not that I want six more, but you know how open space has a way of inviting things to occupy it !  |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Replaced the worn Ball and Trunnion joints with new parts from Andy Bernbaum and a good friend with a 12 ton press. Tomorrow the drive shaft will go back on the car. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7213
    Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada | I re-installed the carburetor today ( rebuilt last Monday night ), adjusted it and put all new tune up parts in the car. The car fired up with one short crank ( put a little gas in the rebuilt carb to prime it ). It hasn't ever idled as nicely as it does now, since I bought it last June. I took it out on a couple of trips, about an hour's worth of driving. We had great weather today, sunny and mild. Next up will be the AAJ Brake conversion on the front wheels. |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | i got a package from canada... used my trusty screwdriver to put my new dented headlight ring on! hey presto, a complete set! now just have to work on getting a complete set in nice condition... will get to installing my new gauge surround later on... cheers adriana  |
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | Mike .That car is so nice I'm in love. The interior is great I wish I still owned mine it was a twin to yours I'll try to dig up some photos ! HAPPY MOTORING in that GREAT machine! Victor.. |
Posts: 2679
| Today, got my 516 heads, collecting parts for the winter rebuild, this coming winter....
Installed new idler arm bushing and Accel electronic ignition distributer last week.
Runs great and the front end is so stable now.  |
Posts: 2905
      Location: little rock, AR | I've been working on a overheating problem or the sending unit is bad on my /6. I've ordered a new sending unit to see if that is the problem. I adjusted the valves and changed the oil. My goodyear WWW will be in this week. Three of the tires on the car now are originals from 1960. I hope I'm going to like riding on bias ply tires. I couldn't pass up the deal I got on them. My car is under "members ride" '60 savoy 4dr. |
Posts: 3951
         Location: Bama | I bolted up my new hydraulic throwout bearing to my 833. Of course it was mailed without the oil seal that rides on the input shaft. Now I'm waiting for that to get here.
Hydraulic throwout bearing set ups for Mopars are 3X as expensive as chebby and Fraud. |
Posts: 3951
         Location: Bama | In order to see the picture, you will have to put a uc in place of the ** in the url. |
Posts: 38
 Location: lubbock, texas | Went from this (1st Pic), Found this ugh... (middle pic), to this (3rd)
Edited by arieck 2009-04-08 2:31 PM
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Looks real nice with the "face-lift" - what was that gunk under the manifold? |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7213
    Location: Victoria, BC, on Vancouver Island, Canada | Sven, all of the B engine intake manifolds had a sandwich of foil covered pink fibreglass insulation under them, I think to prevent vapor lock.
Edited by imopar380 2009-04-08 3:22 PM
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | I entered it in a DEMOLITION DERBY (not)...... |
Posts: 38
 Location: lubbock, texas | As to the gunk... Ian is right, it was definitely insulation but I think it became a nest for some animal. I didn't put it back, do you think that will cause problems? |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Mounted the front emblem. It was painted on the outside but after removing the paint it was in pretty good shape. I've polished the face and painted the back and Im satisfied with the result. Not like brand new but match the rest of the car.
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Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | 55crl That looks great! |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Nice work Tord! I enjoyed the open roads in the beautiful Swedish spring weather.
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 Assistant Administrator
   Location: Highlands, Texas (20 miles east of Houston) | I unearthed mine from an 8 year hiatus, and have begun working on the car again at a much more aggresive pace.
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Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | That insulation by the intake manifold is to prevent the gas from boiling out of the carb, when you shut off the engine. If the gas boils , it floods the engine, and takes a while to start unless the car has been sitting a couple of hours----hence the 20 second "grinding" to get those mopars started, if you try to restart the engine in less than an hour or so, if engine was warmed up.
HeJ wizard, You look better with that "Bra" hat you had.
As to what we did with the car, We had it loaded up with a bunch of Swedes, Kent, His brother Peter and a friend I call "max" cause I can't pronouce his real name.
We first went to a car show near Newport Beach Calif, then we cruised on down to Aivar's Beach Pad, had breakfast, then went to a Classic car dealership.
Was a great day, The Swedes behaived and so did the car
Edited by 1959Dodge 2009-04-13 3:17 PM
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | What? no alcohol-induction? |

     Location: Colorado | Started mine after a few weeks of bad weather! Then drank a couple of beers and starred at my car! |

       Location: Parts Unknown |
The City map says my sewer line sits four feet off the corner of the house, 2.8 feet down. This relates to the cars because I have to find it to put in a new one for the shop where the cars will be kept, once built. I dug a 4x4 hole down 3' and found a massive rock. I went all the way over to the house, still no sewer pipe, still no edge to the rock ! So, I turned and dug the other way to about 8', ..... still no pipe, still no edge to the rock !
My brother witches, so I had him come out and locate it. He put it off the house about 15'. I sunk another 4x4 hole down about waist deep and hit more solid rock. This left a narrow bit of dirt between the first "ditch" and the new hole. Figuring I better check under that spot before going even further away from the house, I found the pipe in a narrow slot cut in the rock some 5 feet down.
All this took about 12 hours over the course of a week of dodging rain and snowstorms. When I started tonight, it was sunny. It began to rain, which turned to pelting hail. Now it is sunny again !
All I want to do is wrench and weld. I know it will all be well worth the trouble, but all this "crap" between today and actually working on the cars seems insurmountable.
Drive on, soldier !  |
Posts: 38
 Location: lubbock, texas | Here is one vendors take on the insulation under the manifold...
Intake Manifold Silencer Insulation Kit
This Intake Manifold Insulation was used all through the 1960s,
and into the 1970s on Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth big blocks,
except hemi. It's not likely to have been used on 440-6 engines,
and it's not likely to have been used on mid-1970s-and-later high
performance blocks.
Its purpose was listed in parts catalogs as "Valve Tappet Noise
Reduction Silencer Package." Some say its real purpose was to
prevent the intake manifold from cracking due to heat. Some say
it was only used on air conditioning cars.
Those who have observed many original engines have seen its
two pieces tucked under the intake manifold.
It is POSSIBLE to install these exactly-reproduced pieces after your manifold is
already in place, but it's much easier to do like the factory did. The pieces were placed
on the pan, large piece in front, small piece in rear, then the manifold was bolted in.
These pieces should have engine paint overspray.
These silencers are a heavy aluminum foil filled with a fiberglass insulation pad.
The foil is correct in size and shape. The pads are a pair that don't look like each other,
nor did the originals. The edges of the pads are sealed correctly. Retainer not included.
$25.00 a set (+ $9.75 S/H)
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Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Hey, how many people saw Thord's '55 CRL in the WPC monthly magazine? Looking good Thord........
I did put together another 1/4 window on my '5 (C)RL. I've gotten a copy of Williamson's study of '55's and I'm going to run my IBM Card and see if mine is a true CRL, or just anothe RL............Walt |
Posts: 1812
     Location: Slidell La. | Been suffering with bad carbs since my new motor in Sept 07 . My new Edlebrock 750 keeps getting trash in the needle and seat . Can t afford another new one , so I ve been going thru used ones . Latest one is a Street Avenger 650 , rebuilt it and it just wasn t acting rite for quite a while now . Yesterday , had time on my hands and weather was great , went and found a vacum leak and found that the accelerator pump aduster thingy had slack in it when you hammer the pedal causing it to stumble . Feels like a different car now . Took it for a drive and for the first time in a long time , I actually enjoyed it . |

       Location: Parts Unknown |
I had a similar "stumbling" problem with my Coronet. Rebuilt the carb twice - the second time had it done professionally, put electronic ignition on after repeated tune-ups to correct the problem ..... still it choked for a moment when you gave it gas.
Turned out to be stuck stators in the TF. The 4-speed install cured that !
Posts: 2905
      Location: little rock, AR | I've had charging probs in my '60 Savoy. Replaced the voltage reg. today and that cured my problem. I put my Goodyear bias wide white's on this weekend, oh what a difference. Little by little its coming back to its fomer glory. That little slant loves to go!!! |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Those jobs could have been done earlier this winter. Been a little lazy in the winter. Have painted spare wheel plate and right now I assembles into sterio and cousin's son who is 11 years may help, will begin on time.
I built a nice box to sterion which may be at floor, box Lined with the original fabric and vinyl and chrome trim.
I prefer + cable hidden in the screen so that it is original, like in the engine.
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Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | i did this to my dear oscar...
the side mirror, side chrome strips and the inside window surrounds, and door trims are off now too, this is soooo stressful....
Edited by suburban61 2009-04-16 4:36 AM
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Posts: 1316
    Location: Belgium, 40 miles south of Brussels | Just to have the slight impression that my resto project is moving along, I fitted some trim on the rear fender.
Think of it as a kind of motivational workshop ...
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Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Where's the stress Adriana? Working on your car is susposed to be relaxing, allowing you to become absorbed in the moment, letting you put the cares of the day aside and think about the good steps taken toward your final goal. HOORAY, Progress made, one less thing to do....................... walt
Edited by wbower3 2009-04-16 3:46 PM
Posts: 255
    Location: Acton, MA | I started it up for the first time this spring and moved it to it's new parking spot:
During the winter I had to rent a spot because I was out of space.
I guess I also have to figure out where my power steering fluid is leaking out (lost about half of it during the winter).
Rebecca |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Rebeca Nice garage and fine DeSoto 58 |
Posts: 255
    Location: Acton, MA | Thanks. I just got the lift a week ago. Now I don't have to pay for a parking spot for the Desoto (it can come back and be with it'sn friends).
Rebecca |
Posts: 2905
      Location: little rock, AR | Rebecca, I see you have the grill off of the '50 Buick. We have similar taste in cars. Mine are '60 4dr savoy, '50 Buick Super 2dr, plus 4 other oldies and I 'm contemplating a '57 NY'er. Nice cars and lift. Dorsey |
Posts: 255
    Location: Acton, MA | actually it is not off. that is a spare that I picked up cheap. Could not resist.
Rebecca |
Posts: 255
    Location: Acton, MA | http://www.pangalacticconsortium.com/cars/garage/imgpages/image008....
you can see that the grill is on the car.
Rebecca |
Posts: 2905
      Location: little rock, AR | Yea, I need a better one for my '50. But too many cars and not enough $$$$. People gather around the '50 and the Savoy at car shows. These type of cars people just don't see many of. |
Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | That's a very nice garage indeed! Sure wish I had one for sure (though my neighbors probably also wish I had one!). A couple days ago, but I delivered the crankshaft to the shop so they can finally finish the engine rebuild (after 1 1/2 years!) Jay
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 467
      Location: Sweden | Took my New Yorker out for the first time this season, Still have some details that needs attention.
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Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Jörgen your NY is so nice.
I begin to mount in sterio in the weekend in Windsorn. I knock together a wooden box which I dressed with the original vinyl and cloth left over from interior. And I took an insert from the dashboard (I have one more over in bad condi) as decorative moldings. And on and off the device to the active bass box built in and I put a 59 radio button. Took about 5 hours of work with the box.
So I do not want the box visible so you just lift it off.
Edited by Windsor59 2009-04-17 2:45 AM
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Yes Jörgen, I think I see a dead bug on the radiator mesh
It's so beautiful in the sunlight - happy motoring! |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Aah yes Jocke, the problem with modern radio/CD's in old cars - it's difficult as we discussed on the phone, but you made a good compromise with your "beatbox"! The thing I like the most is that you made it with Velcro attaching strips and multiple cable connector, so that you can demount it in a blink of an eye for shows. The dash insert gives it a touch of the dash and makes it "melt in" better. |
Posts: 108
 Location: North of Sweden | Took it to the paint-shop today for the final paint-job
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Wow! Serious renovation, that will be a super-nice car! |
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | I look at that and can picture it done ! Great job! Keep us posted! HAPPY MOTORING! Victor.. |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Hi Lasse, Your Saratoga being one off the finest renovaiting at a 59 Chrysler I have see. I know how much work/time you has working with it. |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia |
cooking and op-shopping is relaxing... pulling your car apart is stressful, i am impatient and i dont know how much i should do and where to stop, want it to still look as original as possible without looking like a bomb, and i just never want to restore a car again, my next car will be a presentable original car, that i can get registered with only a little mechanical work... i seriously cant sleep and if i think about it to much i cant breathe!! adriana  |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | n1gzd - 2009-04-16 4:49 PM
I started it up for the first time this spring and moved it to it's new parking spot:
During the winter I had to rent a spot because I was out of space.
I guess I also have to figure out where my power steering fluid is leaking out (lost about half of it during the winter ).
oh, i absolutely adore your buick... love the red rims!! adriana |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Yesterday I finally figured out the puzzle and got both 1/4 windows reinstalled in the car. Discovered that the glass shop cracked the driver's door window at theback edge, but found it after I had taken them home. Oh Well? Now it's crawl back under and install the driveshaft, correct the linkage on the P/Flite, pull the pan back off and weld up the leak BEFORE I fill the engine with oil and ZDDP. One thing at a time........................lol, Walt |
Posts: 255
    Location: Acton, MA | suburban61 - 2009-04-19 6:02 AM
cooking and op-shopping is relaxing... pulling your car apart is stressful, i am impatient and i dont know how much i should do and where to stop, want it to still look as original as possible without looking like a bomb, and i just never want to restore a car again, my next car will be a presentable original car, that i can get registered with only a little mechanical work... i seriously cant sleep and if i think about it to much i cant breathe!! adriana : (
Ha, I am restoring 4 cars at once. I know exactly what you are talking about (can't sleep etc). I enojoy working on my projects except when I don't have something to drive (problems with all of them at once).
Rebecca |

       Location: Parts Unknown | n1gzd - 2009-04-24 1:39 AM
suburban61 - 2009-04-19 6:02 AM
cooking and op-shopping is relaxing... pulling your car apart is stressful, i am impatient and i dont know how much i should do and where to stop, want it to still look as original as possible without looking like a bomb, and i just never want to restore a car again, my next car will be a presentable original car, that i can get registered with only a little mechanical work... i seriously cant sleep and if i think about it to much i cant breathe!! adriana : (
Ha, I am restoring 4 cars at once. I know exactly what you are talking about (can't sleep etc ). I enojoy working on my projects except when I don't have something to drive (problems with all of them at once ).
The "stress" comes when the mindset is more focused on the destination than the journey. I remember looking at cars that way all too well. When I finally found my Adventurer (a constant stress for many years), something clicked. It was SO FAR gone that I didn't look at it as a car, but rather as a project - like building a house, .... one step at a time. If you don't, you get so overwhelmed it takes all the fun out of it. I remember watching my old friend Jim take a wasted hulk and, piece by piece, turn it into a nice body again. I had never seen such a turn around and after that took great pleasure in heavy body work.
It is also a whole buch intimidating when you don't know the car. Once you know every bolt and where it goes, there is no worry about putting it back together wrong. That comes with time.
Just take your time and enjoy yourself and your project.
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Doc D. You got that right. In the shop, no noise, no telephone ringing, no secretary demanding attention, no client whining in your ear because it's taking too long, trying to remember how the piece in you hands goes back after two years, that's the stress relief for me. Taking my time, figuring it out and doing one thing at a time. Walt |
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | ...broke the power steering belt.  |
Posts: 151
   Location: Perth, Western Australia | Had a mate help me pick up the motor and box and a another couple of other friends popped it into the big hole at the front end. Then walked around the back and smiled at it all coming together.
Big M is helping out and is sending some bits Downunder for me.
Then back on Ebay to look for more bits.
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 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | Well for the past two days I've replaced the rear wheel seals, bearings, shoes, etc. And I took it for a test drive last night when I was done and the rear end locked up on me again within ten miles of the house.
I don't know what's causing this, since it did this last summer so I'm pulling it all apart checking all gears and bearings in the carrier as well. I might just put a newer style rear end in it. But not sure what fits my car, besides the really expensive E body 8 3/4 |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | Well Yesterday afternoon I pulled a tapered axle 8 3/4 3.23 sure grip from the 1962 parts car, so I'm going to use the axles and third member in my housing in the 57 Windsor. I was quite happy to find out that rear end is in great shape too! |

     Location: Colorado | My engine was running rough so I changed my wires, cap and rotor...........wallah!! Should have done that about three months ago.
Edited by 58 Ray 2009-04-26 11:26 AM

       Location: Parts Unknown | Jacked up and moved a shed to the front of the property, leaving room for a new dog run where the shed was. Built the dog run, so that is done. That leaves no permanent structure up front where the new shop will go. Have only to empty the garage and remove it and locate the water inlet at the house before the actual construction can start.
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | Went to the "spring dust off" show in Staten Island with my 56 Belvedere conv Its 90 degrees in New York today! This is to hot for april !So Im home early and sun burnt! Happy Motoring! Victor...
Edited by old mopar guy 2009-04-26 3:06 PM
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | Saturday we went to the Spring Fling--an all Mopar show in Van Nuys Calif.
There were 4, 59 Dodges there. 2 Convertibles, a Red & white Coronet, 2 door hardtop
that the restoration was just finished (John, Big M) supplied some of the parts.
And Mel was there with her 59 Coronet 4 door.
Aivar was there with his "New Ride"--a 60 Black Polara Convertible with a 383 and ram insuction.
We had some fun , on the way home and whilst Aivar's wrencher, Warne, drove my 59 home,
I manned the camera and we got some footage of Aivar's "New Baby", "Highballin' it Home!!!!
I'm not fussy bout my car, I bought it to enjoy it and I will let other ppl drive it, and I allow folks to
put their kids in the car and take pictures. (I guess I should try that joke somebody else mentioned)
after they get the kids in the car , I will tell them, "I don't mind at all, and I will keep an eye out for the car's owner
Gary |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | took my sub to the body shop... when i was driving off i felt like i was giving my child up for adoption... my yard is so bare now... i feel really sad adriana |
Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Gary, thanks so much for your attitude with kids. I see more and more folks with "hands off" signs on their cars even at local cruise nights. Though, I understand those with restored vehicles, it makes it difficult to keep the little ones continued interest in these. Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago when my son and one of his clasmates and I went to a local cruise night, all the FL's I saw there had these signs. But, luckily, an older gentleman with a road racer car (like a formula car), (probably much more cash in his that the FL guys), offered the boys to sit in his car so I could take a picture, when he noticed I was warning the boys "not to touch." I thanked him greatly and the boys loved! He commented that its how you keep the young ones interested and that letting the kids sit in his car was one reason to have it, he said it wasn't much fun just parking it in a lot and looking at it! What a great attitude! Not, that I don't understand some of you guys, but try and do something to get/keep the little ones interested. You can't take it with you! Jay
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | I don't know what the big deal is with those "Don't Touch" signs are there paint jobs such lousy quality that ya cant wipe off a fingerprint, or whatever?
Gary |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Well allow me to try and explain...The inevidable "oopsy" will happen alot more frequently if you allow the average public to "Grope" your car...While I do allow certain folks to sit in Chrisitne and the General Lee, it's ONLY after they have proven to me that they RESPECT my car and me...If they come up to them Expecting to just touch and feel all over it, then I get real ill really quick, as my motto is, if you didn't Build it, clean it, or drive it here, Don't f**kin' touch it! Period!
I guess it's just a different Car show croud then when I was coming up, but I wish I thought My dad woulda seen me doing what I've seen some kids do RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR PARENTS....knowing full and well that if "Little Johnny" or "little suzy" were to have an "oopsy", they first of all, COULDN'T, but wouldn't pay for any damages, as their line of thinking seems to be "Well, if you didn't want it touched, you shouldn't have brought out for the public to see it" This is NOT the reason car shows are put on...WTF ever happen to look, but don't touch? Yes, fingerprints wipe right off, but I didn't just spend 4 hours wiping on my car just so some little kid can put fingerprints all over it..
Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-27 12:42 PM
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10086
     Location: So. Cal | I went to the fling also, but in my Barracuda. Of all the cars there, I was most impressed by:
1. a green '70 Satellite with a 2yr old "driving it" in the driver's seat and the father looking on proudly. He told me he takes her for short slow rides around the yard without car seats so she can really enjoy it and you could tell by the way she acted with it.
2. a jaw-dropping cream '70 Satellite wagon in the swap section, loaded with blankets and pillows in the back and 4 little siblings playing a game. This family was using this great car for what it was intended without fussing about ruining upholstery or paint. Forgot to bring my camera out of my car. Darn! that would have made a nice picture.
Paint never lasts. It gets chipped and scuffed in no time. But memories last forever. For me I try to involve my son as much as I can so that we can hopefully share a common interest as he gets older. Even if he doesn't enjoy cars as much as I do, at least we will have a lot of good times together that we will be able to look back on. Unfortunately, my daughters have zero interest in cars. Oh well, maybe they will when they get closer to driving age.
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | LAst Weekend i Attempted to Start Both the 59,s.. The Dodge was Dead so took the Chrysler out for the Sunny Afternoon,, This Weekend i Charged the Battery and took the Dodge out,, Both Cars have been Stored All Winter, But once started Drove Faultless,,, Glad the Weather has finally Improved and Looking Forward to the Coming Sunny Months,,,
. |
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | Going back/up to Gary's comment, I was at a WPC Club National meet, in the mid-80's, somewhere, when a well-known,
then, 300C owner (name available upon request; now deceased) was outside in the parking lot, attending to his black car.
The upholstery looked so inviting that I happened to reach into the opened side windows, and caressed the upper passenger's
side seat leather.
Mr. nice guy (did I mention that the b-a-s-t-a-r-d's dead, now?) said "Please(???...) don't touch the car".
...don't think that I voted for his car, in the attendees' show-judging.
Edited by d500neil 2009-04-27 6:17 PM
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | I think there's a fine line with the" do not touch" thing . I was at a car show in about 1968 ( I was 7 )with my grandfather( Not a car collector) ( Italian , never owned a car till he hit a horse in 1955 and bought a 55 Plymouth ,only car he ever owned.)and the owner of a 1916 Buick touring let my grandfather put me behind the wheel! That started it all I have owned over 150 Vintage cars , and years after this i became friends with the Buick owner (he had it till his death a couple years ago now his son has it)But I think to keep the younger generation interested is very important, Or some day our old cars will have no caretakers and will become worthless scrap! I also think if you restore your car so mint that your afraid to take it to a show or cruise night,with out standing guard over it ! You should just leave it in the garage!
But thats just me! HAPPY MOTORING! Victor... |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 496
| I was at the show too. So were my kids. And they had fun.
Their lesson for the day was: The only car you can touch is mommy's car.
Max made sure nobody else touched the car, and Leo played a fun game of "drop the ball into the top of the grille and watch it roll out the bottom."
If anyone drives their car on a road, it will get far more damage than a few tiny fingerprints. Little kids don't wear rings and watches! If you want it perfect, leave it in a glass case and take the bus.
Where will this hobby be if kids leave a show with a memory of some old dude yelling at them?
(max and leo.JPG)
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       Location: Parts Unknown | C-300 - 2009-04-28 7:04 PM
Where will this hobby be if kids leave a show with a memory of some old dude yelling at them?
You got it all wrong. My best memories are of the old dude with the DeSoto yelling at us kids to get off his lawn. Had he never yelled, .... who knows, .... I may have never taken an interest in all his old junk, including his car (?).
Most times the old dudes were yelling at us kids is because we were up to no good and pulling the kind of pranks only kids who own no property or have no job to lose can risk attempting ! We had the times of our lives back then and it would not be the same without the memories of Mr. Fudge hollering "Alright you F$#@ing kids, ... I'm gonna come out there and break your $#@ D+nmed necks" !!!!
Now that I am getting old, I am practicing my curmudgeonly lines.
"You young whippersnappers are all hopped up on the dope"
"Hey you kids, ... get off my lawn !"
I plan on growing big, bushy eyebrows and letting my ear hair cover them like a briar patch. Oh yeah, ... and don't forget the black dress socks with the polyester shorts !  |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | Doctor DeSoto - 2009-04-27 7:21 PM
Most times the old dudes were yelling at us kids is because we were up to no good and pulling the kind of pranks only kids who own no property or have no job to lose can risk attempting ! We had the times of our lives back then and it would not be the same without the memories of Mr. Fudge hollering "Alright you F$#@ing kids, ... I'm gonna come out there and break your $#@ D+nmed necks" !!!!!
Get with the times, Brent.
Now you have to say, "I can't touch you 'cuz you're minors, but I've got a six foot-five fifteen year old nephew just out of 'juvey' who'll kick your ass for $200!"
That line works VERY well.
K. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | "Their lesson for the day was: The only car you can touch is mommy's car."
Ok, Say they had a lapse in memory and decided to touch another persons car? what then?
I know the General Lee is NOT a F. Looker, but the principle is the same here...Yes, little kids have fingerprints, but I watched one with a small 1/24 scale, METAL, toy car, walking in and out of the cars at "Dukesfest" one year...I also watched one of the guys act VERY calm about it and didn't say anything at that time...The very next minute, the "oopsy" happened....Yep, little joe stumbled and fell against one of the cars (Not mine), but the end result was inevitable....Dude went OFF! Told the lady who we guessed? was the mother of the kid, all kinds of "Parenting" things she was doing wrong...He then began to tell her how she OR her kid could even begin to emagine the time, money, and work that went into the car that "Little Junior" there just put a huge gouge in....He then began to inquire about the cost of repairs....She of course denied any wrong doing as her son couldn't have hit his car.....I watched all this happen and even told her that I saw "Little Joe" fall and catch himself against the car, scratching it in the process..She began to tell me where I could go and that she wasn't paying for anything as neither one of us could PROOVE it was HER son that damaged the car.....
Ever since then, I've been leary of "Junoir", even around Christine.....Don't get me wrong here, there's always the one little kid that has the correct up bringing to be at a car show...I have offered to put them in the driver's seat of BOTH cars in order for the parents to get a picture for his buddies at school....Those are the ones you guys speak of so highly, but I'm refering to the other side of the coin that goes with this....The ones that think they can pick, prod, poke, and generally touch anything they see....Like I brought my car out simply so they can pick at it....
Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-27 11:36 PM
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 496
| Wow. Lots of assumptions on this site. Plenty of us have had perfect cars -- and know that they were only perfect the second the restoration was over. Most of us also know the difference between looking and touching -- my wife has made that clear to me. I like that whole blind thing, though -- I'll run that by her and get back to you!
And what's with the all-caps YELLING? I don't know about the rest of you, but my cars bring me joy... not anger and plans for incarceration. So some (blind?) guy touched it. Now you have something to do to "repair the damage" and post to this thread. If the car is so mint it must not be driven much. That sounds like a lot of fun! I guess you could post, "I trickle charged the battery today and worked on flat-spotting my tires."
So to get back on topic... what I did to my FL car today was...
wiped off a few tiny fingerprints and some dribble, cleaned the bug carcasses off the grille and windshield, and touched up the two stone chips I got on the way home from the show. And now I can say,"People were drooling all over the car!" To me, that is not only cool... it's very funny!!  |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | "Where will this hobby be if kids leave a show with a memory of some old dude yelling at them?"
Well, I guess they will grow up to be an old guy that gropes the other guys seat fabric, then doesn't understand why people get so pissed off............ |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 496
| Ok, dukeboy... we'll call up the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang child catcher and lock them all up under the castle. We'll even lock up the good little children - on the off chance that they may slip up or have a "lapse in memory."
I'm amazed at some of the posters on this site. Were you ever young? Did you leave your humanity in the glove compartment?
Accidents happen, of course... but if you choose to go to a show in a public park on a weekend... you have to understand the risks. And it's not just the little kids. They are the least of your worries!
There are dogs on chains, adults on bikes, old people with walkers, people in wheelchairs, blind people with canes. Where will the worries and complaints end?
We are talking about old cars. Old, mass produced transportation devices. Now... if anyone touched my kids or my wife... then you'll see me angry. But my car?!?!? Come on.... A little perspective goes a long way guys.
My point is... if you have a feeling that something horrible might happen to your car, make sure the car is insured, and stay close to it all day. Just be careful that the guy in the Carmy doesn't cut you off and slam on their brakes while you are on your way home.
If you don't want to chance it, leave the car at home -- and hope that there are no earthquakes, fires, floods, UFO landings, etc. that might hurt your most precious posessions.
Sheesh. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Look guy, I'll put it to you like this.............If you actually built every square inch of your car, I'd think you'd be along the same line of thinking....If it helps you to understand, touching my ride is like me touching your wife....Some things are just understood correct? You don't get our way of thinking and it's fine...But don't try and tell me It's wrong to complain when it should be understood that you keep your hands to yourself at car shows...
Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-28 12:09 AM

       Location: Parts Unknown | A little perspective is right.
When was the last time you saw a 58 Fireflite convertible ?
Now, when was the last time you saw a kid ?
I'm only giving you one guess, but ONE of them is common as dirt.
Toss them little booger-eatin' monsters off a bridge and go polish your car !
We have an old locker like the one from Cool Hand Luke we put the kids in when they get out of line. Of course, that is AFTER the flogging.
(Tongue firmly in cheek)
Personally, I would not restore a car to such a level that I sh-t my pants every time it might get a scratch. That would take ALL the fun out of it. On the other hand, if someone has wonton disregard for the eleventy-billion-skillion hours it took to resurrect this rust pile, I would not waste any time squaring them up. There is a balance there, but being the guy who puts the cuffs on bad dudes (and dudettes), I am not one to sit and watch bad behavior go unchecked.
Personally, I think parenting has become a ridiculous charade of mamby-pamby boo-boo kissing and a bunch of kissing of another sort. A good ass whooping (or threat of a repeat performance) kept kids of my generation from doing a lot of stupid things and generated a level of respect before we kids even knew what respect was. After we got older it began to make sense. I heard a lady today telling another how her two boys, ages 17 and 18, refused to get a job and were laying a guilt trip on her and her husband for not providing what sounded like a "trust fund" like all their friend's parents were doing ! Sounds like two kids whose parents never delivered the appropriate measure of "respect" when the time was right. Now, they have a couple of freeloading douchebags who think they were born into royalty on their hands. Nice work, mom and dad. My state has over 18,000 parasites like that in our prison system and we all pay $35,000 a head per year to give them all a little room and keep them off the streets. Because SOME people refuse to grow up and be parents, we all get to be caretakers for a staggering mountain of buttheads who never were lurned no gooder.
Kids are great when the parents are great. By degrees, it goes downhill from there.
Now, what were we talking about ?
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1084
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand. | My point is... if you have a feeling that something horrible might happen to your car, make sure the car is insured, and stay close to it all day. Just be careful that the guy in the Carmy doesn't cut you off and slam on their brakes while you are on your way home. If you don't want to chance it, leave the car at home -- and hope that there are no earthquakes, fires, floods, UFO landings, etc. that might hurt your most precious posessions. No thanks, I'm not going to leave my car at home because people can't control their children. Or "stay close to it all day". I enjoy driving my car, like the way it was designed. My problem is with irresponsible people who don't give a darn about other people's stuff, that they have worked long and hard to achieve. Take a look at the picture above, of the kids in the car, one playing trampoline on the front seat. How long you think the ForwardLook fabric is going to put up with that before it gets tears in it? Or a big dent in the headliner where cute little Johnny bounced a bit too high. "Oooh there there Johnny, never mind, it's only a completely irreplaceable headliner, we can always go out and buy a brand new Camry..." Buy them cheap chinese toys to play with. When they are old enough, they can work at a horrible job long enough to be able to afford the things they want. It is not OK to touch other people's stuff, completely unnecessary, and it does cause damage. :-)
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 496
| Dude...
You are funny... because the people who know me know that I have been in this hobby since I was born. I have restored dozens of Mopars, most of them from the Forwardlook years. I have owned (and my father has owned) several low-mileage "reference" cars that only made my restorations even more accurate. I have worked for Metalcrafters -- building Chrysler concept cars from scratch. I grew up around a collection of the most rare forward look cars there are. Not just rare. The most rare.
I can also tell you that none of you have any conception of "building every square inch" of anything, until you have built a concept car from absolute scratch. From sheet steel and english wheels, to handmade glass and one-off cast plastic parts. Even then, I was part of a team of over 100 people who built those cars. Even when I was working at Metalcrafters I saw the cars for what they were... CARS.
I have restored cars to show quality... but I would never consider what I did "building every square inch."
If you think touching your ride is like touching a woman, well, hmmm.... I don't really know what to say.
And don't talk about my wife like that. It's plain rude.
When a car is restored, it is a thing of beauty. From that day forward, it will only degrade. Sure, we can hope that it will be well preserved, but it will never be as fresh as it was the day it was done.
I remember one of my trips to the Pebble Beach Concour d'Elegance. A man showed his Duesenberg and won his class -- a very high honor. After the show, when the cars were leaving, he took off for the trailer area with a roostertail and a dust trail. I thought that was the most amazing thing EVER -- and other people assumed the guy was crazy! I ran to the loading area and caught up with the guy. I asked him, "Why the dirty burnout?" He said. "Kid, I spent $350,000 restoring this car because I always wanted a Dusenberg. My restorer wanted it to win an award. It did... and now I finally get to have fun with my car!" With that, he smiled, got in the car, revved it a couple times and tore off down the road with another burnout.
As with anything in this hobby, we each have our opinions. but one thin I learned early on -- never make assumptions... because you might end up being wrong.
Some here don't know me, yet those who do are probably enjoying the commentary.
Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | The problem is --lack of parenting.On the one hand, you see children who are well behaved , respectful of others property and do not yell and scream when in public. and they listen to their parents. On the other hand you have the parent that does not pay attention to what their kids are doing, let them just run amock , give them no quidence except to yell at the kids who generally don't pay any attention- .These are the parents that become quite indignant if someone holds their kids accountable for mis-behaving. These type of parents pass down their own bratty behaviour to their children. Go to a resteraunt and observe--You can spot the difference in a short time....................MO |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Whatever guy, I can see by your last post you just don't understand......"If you think touching your ride is like touching a woman, well, hmmm.... I don't really know what to say."
I'll say this, you touch my ride, and I'll show you rude.........
Edited by dukeboy 2009-04-28 1:02 AM

     Location: Colorado | Hmmm.....interesting turn to the thread. Anwyay, back on topic. Nothing to exciting but I finished polishing some windshield chrome and re-tightning some exhaust manifold bolts! Waiting for better weather to really finish up some stuff!! Cruising soon. 
Edited by 58 Ray 2009-04-28 1:07 AM
Posts: 254
    Location: Victoria Australia | You girls should start a new thread, maybe call it something like ' Bitches Bitch Corner ' |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | Well today I'm going to pull my axels and third member from the 57 Windsor and get the sure grip axels and third member ready to go. I need a new thrust block kit so I'll be waiting a few days for that.
I agree with Chaney, once my car is done I don't want anyone but the people who respect myself and my car can touch or even sit in it.
This is not a cheap hobby and any damage is too much damage when it can be avoided. |
Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | All I can say is "sh$t happens." Sometimes it happens out of no one's fault, just an accident. If you don't want any chance of an "accident" keep your car at home, or rope your car off and let one-at-a-time "approved" folks go with you to look at your car. We have TONS of lawyers around today who are more than very willing to file a lawsuit on your behalf against children and their parents. I just wish our car was in enough shape to drive to a cruise night and have a kid bump into it!, but, sadly, we still are only able to stare at it in the driveway way unfinished. So, that is what we did today with our FL.........oh, and check to see if the SSDI spies are watching to see if I go do some work on it! LOL (darn, I could really use a shop to hide in! lol) Jay :-)

       Location: Parts Unknown | I see two problems here.
Bad parenting - meaning two sessimally mature humans (able to conceive offspring) who think that is as far as the responsibility goes, and ....
Those persons who think car shows are an acceptable and desirable form of entertainment/expression.
A call to the Valley a couple years ago. Found a 12 year old girl in a stuporous state. A bag in one hand and a can of paint in the other, .... a gold circle "painted" around her mouth and nose. The dog had the same ring. No parents within miles. WTF ? They had some drinking to do and left the kid to navigate life. Probably for all of her 12 years.
And then there is the same parental mentality type who feels the need to shore up their perceived status with some car show ribbons and trophies.
Humans are little more than animals that have an enhanced ability to reason. Some of us made it farther out of the woods than others. To not recognize this means you are part of the problem. If children were taught to do the RIGHT thing instead of what was "fun" or what they impulsively "wanted" to do, we'd all be in a better place. But RIGHT is rarely the easiest route and delivers results slowly. Today we just want our jollies and want it all for free and want it NOW.
Wasn't it Thomas Paine who said, "Give me convenience, or give me death?"
Now, go do the RIGHT thing.
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Started up last Sunday and got out of the garage for the first ride of the year. Went visiting friends and did not take the closest way back home, ending up on a few miles gravel roads. Just like it was in the 50s in Sweden. We have had the most lovely summer weather so I've been driving to work for a couple of days, oboy it draw some attention and my work mates loved to see it.
Driving and show off the car is my reward of this hobby, hide it away in secret isn't my thing. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | That's the spirit m8! |

     Location: Colorado | If you don't want kids around your car hire a pig and offer free kisses. That's sure to get some folks to stay away, otherwise shut up and enjoy!!
Lastly, I polished my sportone trim again before I add the Jim Rawa inserts. |
Posts: 3951
         Location: Bama |  |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | 58 Ray - 2009-05-01 12:38 AM
If you don't want kids around your car hire a pig and offer free kisses. That's sure to get some folks to stay away, otherwise shut up and enjoy!!
Somehow, I can pretty much bet this ain't the tune you'd be a singin' if your car was on the recieving end as soon as you got those Rawa inserts on and they got peeled off the side of the car.......
Won first place, Viewers choice at the cruise night.....that's bout it for now....
Edited by dukeboy 2009-05-01 8:02 AM
| Opened the garage door... flipped on the light... uncovered the car...
I then walked around it to inspect for paint chips or scratches... unlocked the door... and sat down on the driver's seat...
I put the key in the ignition... and thought very seriously about taking a drive.
Then, all at once... my body started to shake with uncontrollable tremors...
My heart started racing and I could feel the blood pumping through my veins.
"What dangers could lurk on the other side of this garage door?!?", I thought to myself.
Terror gripped my soul as I envisioned Kids, Bikes, Blind guys with canes... Huge birds with leaky asses that may poop on the finish!
What if it RAINS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I broke into a cold sweat as my mouth went dry and I felt clammy.
I was too worked up thinking about what might happen... so I got out of the car quickly.
I made it out just before my severe agoraphobia caused me to piss my pants, which could have potentially wet the seatcovers.
I covered the car, shut off the garage light, closed and locked the door... and went back to take a nap.
Then I had a dream about actually driving and enjoying the car as it was intended.
But alas, If only dreams could become reality.
Seriously, though...
I pulled my '56 out from the carport and drove to work this morning in a light rain.
This is coming from a guy who has a low budget and ZERO experience at body work.
If something happens to my car, I have to HIRE someone to fix it.
If I had the tools and/or knowledge to do these things for myself, I'd probably be WAY more "careless" about enjoying my cars.
After all, when they rolled off the line... they were meant to be driven and ridden in.
Edited by Nathan D. Manning 2009-05-01 9:11 AM
Posts: 3156
     Location: NY & VT | Aaron, some of us know your background and your Dad's from old WPC days and true dedication to FL cars... and some will just never understand that possessions can possess you. It will all be rust and dust someday, and so will we. Seems like they just dont' really understand what's important in this life, and you can't tell them either. They just like to berate others with the same old Puritan values of the Scarlet letter days...it's always someone else being licensious and bringing the rest to ruination... geez, someone might be actually having fun somewhere... get a life. |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Go for it, Thord, Nathan, Chaney!!!! The D@@@ things are meant to be driven, to be seen, not locked away as if owned by Scrooge McDuck. Like Jay, I just wish mine was completed to the piont that it was driveable.................MAYBE by the end of Summer????? But, the new tires and repainted wheels are on it now. If only I could get that Da## top windshield moulding back on correctly....................Walt |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | all i can say about this argument is that people, yes should control their kids, because some are out of control and show no respect for other peoples property just like their parents... i get really angry when i see kids leaning all over peoples cars (i suppose growing up with classic cars and the car scene i was taught to respect peoples cars and property early on), how ever saying that a while ago at a car day a dad and his son came up to my dads imperial and they asked if they could get a pic of the son in the drivers seat, which of course we had no problem with... so if people show some respect and go about it the right way well you have no problem with helping or letting them appreciate your car... i understand that people dont appreciate kids putting their hands all over there car, leaning on it or even grown people opening car doors with out the owners permission... all this i also do not care for! once i have my suburban on the road if a young child liked my car and asked to sit in it or even to be taken for a drive in it, well yes i would be happy to oblige, even if they wanted help finding a car or researching one or finding parts for their own or doing a school project about cars or what ever id be more than happy to help... but its clear that some people just dont appreciate old cars or any cars in general and the time, money and love that goes into them... i think if people are happy with children leaning and putting there hands all over their car or even kicking a footy around right near them well then they obviously must not respect their own belongings either...
i remember at one cruise night a while back a tank fairlane pulled up next to dads newly painted 58 desoto (not that that really has anything to do with it) and when the kid got out their car they opened their door and WHAM! smashed it straight into the side of the door where i was sitting (ok, this is not the childs fault, the mum should have helped their child out of the door and the child should have been taught to be careful) but even so when they were approached about it the mum couldnt care less... mark my word, if this ever happened to my suburban or even if i caught a grown person leaning or half sitting on my car, god help them i would do my tree... ok, yes cars are to be used and enjoyed but people just need to show respect for other peoples property aswell as their own and also show some manners, thats how easy it is... i adore kids, but my god some of them are right little s**ts and its often not their fault either... ok if they touch the paint because its shinny and it caught their eye so be it or if they try and look in the window and they hold the door frame, thats fine (and you'd be overreacting if you got your nose out of joint).... well this has become more of an essay about parenting than what i started out typing but hopefully i get my point across... there is a difference and a fine line... its probably hard to get your opinion on this matter across properly in a typed message but hopefully this makes sense... cheers adriana 
Edited by suburban61 2009-05-01 10:30 AM
Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | wbower3 - 2009-05-01 6:58 AM Go for it, Thord, Nathan, Chaney!!!! The D@@@ things are meant to be driven, to be seen, not locked away as if owned by Scrooge McDuck. Like Jay, I just wish mine was completed to the piont that it was driveable.................MAYBE by the end of Summer????? But, the new tires and repainted wheels are on it now. If only I could get that Da## top windshield moulding back on correctly....................Walt Come on Walt! I'm waiting for you to figure it out so I know how to do it when my time comes! LOL They were so easy to take off........why can't they be so easy to get back on? Jay
Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Nathan, man I hope I never get to that point! :-) You said it well. We can rail all day about what parents and kids should and shouldn't do and who should take responsibility, but in the end, no one can prevent every bad thing from happening. A child could be very well mannered and one day he is very excited about something and opens the door to quickly and far, something he usually never does cause he knows he shouldn't hit the car next to him. But, he's excited and wham.....it happens. Even well mannered kids do things for whatever reason that may result in something happening that we wish didn't, but that's life. Like many here, I prefer to have my car out in the public, grocery store parking lot, gas station, where ever, just so I can have the fun of driving it. If something happens, I will deal with it at that time. I will not worry so much that it takes away from my fun. But, like Nathan, I'm not a rich guy who builds cars that cost in the tens of thousands. If a kid opens a door on my car, well, I'll be upset for a short time, work with my neighbor to fix the dent, and move on. I'd rather have a car built less expensively, so I don't have to worry about these things. Those with expensive built cars, just don't take them out much and stand around it to keep people away unless you are there to make sure nothing happens, though that still is no guarantee against accidents. I cannot control how parents raise there children, nor do I wish to. I've got enough issues to deal with on my own. Like the bumper says "s**t happens" and there is nothing we can do to prevent everything bad that can happen from happening. For every ten bad kids, there is one who has eyes wide open for the car hobby and I want to encourage that child to keep it up, for we could lose this hobby if we don't keep encourage the younger generations to keep it going. My son is so excited to have his own car, the only 6 year old I know that owns his own. He knows what he must do to keep it, being good in school, doing what he is told, and helping to work on his car and save money he gets for parts he needs for the car. We just ordered new wheel cylinders from eBay using the $100 I had given him months ago from a cash job I had done for a friend (I'm paying the shipping). He was very excited as we watched the bidding on eBay and when we won it, he was jumping around very excited! That's what this hobby is all about. I am so very proud of him. I'm hoping to teach him to save money and use it wisely, something my parents never did and I pay for that now. So yeah, there are going to be kids and parents who will probably scratch or put a dent in our Dodge, but I don't want to park it in the garage and never take it out for fear something is going to happen to it. There is just too much fun to be had for my family and friends. I hope you all get to have the same fun! Jay
Edited by jsrail 2009-05-01 12:01 PM
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 496
| Last night I opened the hood, sat Max on the fender (oh my, could it have been SCRATCHED??!?!?!?!) of the 56 Dodge and played "what's that?" with him. He asked "what's that?" and I explained. He knows what a generator is and what it does. He knows all about: "carburetor, heater hose, radiator hose, radiator, fan, fan belt, air cleaner, valve cover, and engine." We also worked on spelling... the "SUPER RED RAM" decals made that easy.
As for the whole kid argument. Kids are kids and will do kid stuff -- like put a grilled cheese sandwich in the VCR, or paint themselves green from head to toe. Things like that can happen even with great parenting and constant supervision. Pure evil? -- I think not. Pure fun? Depends if you like the color green or not.
Have a nice day!
Aaron  |
Posts: 265
    Location: North Carolina | 58 Ray - 2009-05-01 12:38 AM
If you don't want kids around your car hire a pig and offer free kisses. That's sure to get some folks to stay away, otherwise shut up and enjoy!!
Ha... I think the next time I see your car I'll sit on the fender and slide off it.. So just shut up and enjoy..  |
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | I'm sitting on both sides of Aaron's fence : OK; big-DEAL if Aaron plops his own kid(s) down, on his OWN car's fender,
and scratches-it-up , but, it IS a big-deal if "Aaron" (metaphorically, Aaron!) plops his kid down on MY car's fender,
and scratches-it-up.
Or, if Mr. Parent allows his kid to run his Radio Flyer into the side of my car.
Finger-prints are one-thing; actual (potential-) damage to someone else's property is something ELSE.
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Chuckie, you need to be careful whose fender you slide off. You could very well end up with the owner's size 12 in amongst the gonads!!!
Adriana Darlin', you're bang-on about parenting. My wife (yeah, I'm married) raised our four to respect other people's property. It was my sister-in-law's son that we adopted that was the problem. His momma and the aunty he lived with before adoption, let him run loose. Took two years and a lot of whoppins to lead him to the straight and narrow. Now at age 35 he's resurrecting vintage autos ( non-Mopar dern it). Still and better yet, I haven't had to whop him in a year or so. They never get too old to discipline, but people forget that fact.
Jay, once I get it figured out, I'm gonne patent/copyright the procedure and then sell it to people. Want to reserve a copy now? You know, get in on the ground floor, so to speak!
Hey Chuck, lest I forget, if you do buy a pig and offer free kisses, be sure you have 'em wash their hands BEFORE they kiss your pig. You don't want IT to get swine flu...........
Uncle Walt. 
Edited by wbower3 2009-05-01 3:06 PM
Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | wbower3 - 2009-05-01 12:03 PM Jay, once I get it figured out, I'm gonne patent/copyright the procedure and then sell it to people. Want to reserve a copy now? You know, get in on the ground floor, so to speak! ........... Uncle Walt.  :bleh: Sign me up Walt! I may have to fly you out to my place! Jay
Posts: 3969
         Location: DFW, TX | I think that's why my beater station wagon is so much fun, I never worry about what someone might do to it.
I've had a lot of cars that were nicer than it is, but obsessing about every minor scratch or flaw takes away from the experience. I enjoy having a car that is thorougly usable, yet I don't mind if I find a whole group of my friends leaning against it. 
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Posts: 1590
     Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Now that looks like fun! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! :-)
Posts: 265
    Location: North Carolina | wbower3 - 2009-05-01 3:03 PM
Chuckie, you need to be careful whose fender you slide off. You could very well end up with the owner's size 12 in amongst the gonads!!!
Hey Chuck, lest I forget, if you do buy a pig and offer free kisses, be sure you have 'em wash their hands BEFORE they kiss your pig. You don't want IT to get swine flu...........
Uncle Walt.  :bleh:
LMAO!!! I hear ya Uncle Walt.. :). The majority of people would get bent out of shape if I did that to their car.  |
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | Got a line on an old Chrysler small block dual point distributer... Pertronix, Here i Come.!!! |
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | Bart_59_Dodge - 2009-05-02 6:54 AM Got a line on an old Chrysler small block dual point distributer... Pertronix, Here i Come.!!! Bought it for $ 50.00... needs to be cleaned up and have to check if the vaccuum advance works, This is an older style dual point with a gasket rather than an o ring to seal to the engine. It is a Chrysler / Prestolite Distributer. Anyone have an idea how old it is based upon that discription? |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Bart, if you post the part number off the unit, some one with the Big Book will look it up and tell you. I saw on another post recently that there can be a difference in vacumn advances, so you might want to find one of those analog distributor testing machines, you know the pre-computer age machine that spins up the unit, and have the advance checked to be sure it's compatible with your intentions. Uncle Walt 
Edited by wbower3 2009-05-03 10:45 AM
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | Tomorrow I'm installing a new starter on the 62 again, I think this is the fourth one. But I'm going to use a newer dodge ram gear reduction unit, so we'll see what happens. Also still waiting on my thrust block kit so I can put the sure grip axles into the 57 and start driving her for the summer. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Demonted the radiator (core all loose from the radiator frame), flushed the engine and the heater core. Will get a brand new radiator core with more channells - giving more cooling capacity.
The thermostate seems strange enough to be OEM?!
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 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | I started unloading my stash of goodies I picked up at Big M, including a V-8 manual tranny, a V-8 generator harness to send as a core to either Y 'n Z or that dude in Canada, as both do spectacular wiring reproductions, a SUPER NICE day/night mirror for my blue wagon, a spare overdrive tranny, some cables, an overdrive pull handle, harness and relay, a matching 3.9 ratio 8 3/4 rear axle, a couple of goodies for my '57 Saratoga, an air cleaner for my buddy's '51 Dodge pickup, a bunch of clips, nuts, bolts and screws, some Solex glass, a flywheel, bellhousing and V-8 clutch set-up, and really cool air cleaner lid.
K. |
Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | Question is tho Kenny--- did you get your 57 Saratoga????? .............................MO |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | MOPAR-TO-YA - 2009-05-10 9:23 PM
Question is tho Kenny--- did you get your 57 Saratoga?????  .............................MO
No, Steve.............I don't have either a trailer nor a vehicle that could tow a trailer. My truck's worn out, oil burning 350 smokes like a WW I destroyer at full speed when the truck is loaded down.
K. |
| wizard - 2009-05-10 11:47 AM
The thermostate seems strange enough to be OEM?!
Donnie noted that my '60 Chrysler held the same thermostat... marked "Fulton Sylphon... Knoxville, TENN."
Knoxville is just about an hour down the road from where I live.
It's neat to see old parts made so close to home... especially when they end up halfway around the world nearly a half century later.
-NM |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Yep Nathan - that's the same thermostat AND it still works like a dream after almost 50 years of service. |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Kenny sounds like new rings, valve guides and/or valve seals are in order on that truck.. But it also sounds like you made out like a bandit at Big M's yard. Did John eyeball the load that went out the door? I hope to be able to see, in person, his operation within the next 12 months, myself.
Uncle Walt |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | wbower3 - 2009-05-11 10:17 AM
Kenny sounds like new rings, valve guides and/or valve seals are in order on that truck.. But it also sounds like you made out like a bandit at Big M's yard. Did John eyeball the load that went out the door? I hope to be able to see, in person, his operation within the next 12 months, myself.
Uncle Walt
John helped me load it. Besides I wouldn't steal from him. His Christine would get me if I did!
But seriously, the truck's engine needs a rebuild and that's that. Too many people seem to be in denial when their engine is tired and starts using a lot of oil. The engine is a used 350 out of a 1974 Corvette. I have an older standard bore 350 which should bore out nicely .030 over and some better heads and intake to build to replace '74 mill.
Oh, and to get back on topic, I dropped off the Poly 318 at the machine shop this morning.
Edited by Kenny J. 2009-05-11 2:34 PM
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Posts: 59
  Location: N.W. FL | I got my bumper and tail-lights hung. I got so excited about the way it looked I had to take a picture.
When I bought this car there was no rear bumper or tail-lights on it... and I couldn't recall seeing a 57 Desoto in person since I was a little boy back in the 50s. Now I know why I bought this car.
Hope to be on the road as a daily driver in the next couple of weeks.
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | FINALLY! I got the 57 windsor driving now, the whole time I thought the rear end was locking up, it was the master cylinder pushrod threaded adjuster was too long and puting pressure on the brakes and all four would start to lock up. I backed it off a good half inch or so. Now the transmission is slipping so I'm going to have to rebuild it soon. Today was the first time I got to drive her more than ten miles, and the first time she's been driven that distance in over fifteen years Also took a picture of my two babies together.
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Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | I think I would try some Trans-X additive with new tranny fluid first, then if that doesn't help, do your band adjustments befor jumping in to an expensive overhaul....................MO |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | I was thinking of doing that since the fluid is twenty years old and been sitting for fifteen to twenty years. I was at NAPA today and they had the Lucas Trans Additive for slipping trans, or Trans-X but didn't buy either cuz I don't know which works best. |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1084
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand. | More likely your linings have disintegrated sitting idle in that trans fluid for 20 years...that's what happened to mine.... If so then you are only in for a rebuild kit, and not a complete overhaul.
Glenn. |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | Does anyone know if it's possible to drop the trans out the bottom instead of pulling it with the engine out the top?
FYI: 57 chrysler 2dr. |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1084
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand. | Yes you can take the trans out from underneath. You will have to have the car up on stands high enough to get the trans out, and the engine will have to have a stand under it also. I did that last year. Glenn. |
Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | 57windycoupe - 2009-05-11 10:31 PM
Does anyone know if it's possible to drop the trans out the bottom instead of pulling it with the engine out the top?
FYI: 57 chrysler 2dr. out the bottom is much easier. Get the car up in the air enough for easier workroom and getting the tranny slid out. Use a tranny jack to pull it STRAIGHT back and to install it STRAIGHT in. I would also make some quide pins to help the installation. Be sure to have the pump drive collar in alignment with the tangs on the converter and the front pump.. Leave the torque converter and the converter housing on the engine--pull the four bolts that bolt the tranny to the housing. Refer to a shop manual .........................MO |
 Expert ,, George Passed away July 28th 2021, He will be Missed
Posts: 1295
      Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | We finally got the rebuilt 383 for our 60 Polara coupe in the front chassis and also test fitted the new R-Car trunk pan in the car. Pictures attached with my son, Chris in the pictures.
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Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | It may be a desire to start renovating again when you see your fine work you have done on Dodge Polara 60. See very seriously out. When everything is painted and the nice new floor. And funny to work together with your son
Edited by Windsor59 2009-05-12 10:00 AM
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Becomes just a little trimming of Windsorn, but will see over the brake servos.
Driven wedding this weekend. Took a trip up on the castle hill, nice view from there.
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 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Actually, this happened the other day on Sunday, but Went out to drive Christine to Mom's house and she cut off..Played with it for about 2 hours chasing everything from the Mopar Performance ECU, to the coil..Crank, but no start..Finally, I did what I should have done in the first place and installed an MSD ignition kit..D@mn, what a difference...She'll "Carry the mail" now for sure....LOADS more torque...No more Mopar Performance kits for me...I thought since it was new in the box, it would give me better service than the junkyard "kits" I've been running, but the control box went bad after only 1000 miles (Orange).... |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I spent most of the day cleaning and checking yet another Auto-Pilot unit - the "right" one - '60 model. Now I have all three of them '60, '61 and '62, all cleaned and bench tested. |
Posts: 42
 Location: Vernon | I just got in from my shop, I spent the afternoon with the radio and a cleaning rag. My 56 2dr Windsor is looking just fine on the inside and I am thinking now that my 540 hp 440 engine would work quite well in this car. I need to paint it and put some decent wheels on it and a cruizen we will go.
Edited by Jacob 2009-05-13 9:35 PM
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | Sandblasted the passengers side backrest frame and springs fot the swivel seats. |
Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | Jacob - 2009-05-13 8:33 PM
I just got in from my shop, I spent the afternoon with the radio and a cleaning rag. My 56 2dr Windsor is looking just fine on the inside and I am thinking now that my 540 hp 440 engine would work quite well in this car. I need to paint it and put some decent wheels on it and a cruizen we will go. How about putting up some pics of your car? We don't get to see many 56 Chrysler two doors. I am kinda partial to them........................MO |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | I cleaned up some faded samples of green door panel material from a '59 Plymouth to see if I want change the colors of my black (with a gray interior) '59 Plymouth wagon.
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 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Jacob - 2009-05-13 9:33 PM
I just got in from my shop, I spent the afternoon with the radio and a cleaning rag. My 56 2dr Windsor is looking just fine on the inside and I am thinking now that my 540 hp 440 engine would work quite well in this car. I need to paint it and put some decent wheels on it and a cruizen we will go.
Yes, I'd like to see this car as well...A 540 HP 440 to boot? Hell yeah, now we's talkin'...  |
 Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 10086
     Location: So. Cal | I personally think that '55-'56 cars and '57-'58 Chryslers need hemi motors. A 440 would be nice, but a hemi would be a lot better. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I mounted my new rebuilt radiator - now it's time for to test if it gives better cooling during long cruising queues. |
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | I've been stripping paint from the taillight-housings of my '57.
Started applying chrome-adhesive material to make it at least look much better than it was painted purple. |
Posts: 42
 Location: Vernon | I found the 56 Windsor siiting in a guys yard, somebody had disassembled the front clip and taken the door hinges out.
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Posts: 42
 Location: Vernon | I am still considering doing this car up as a driver but I am also considering starting on the frame off 60 Saratoga restoration.
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Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | Jacob- looks like a fairly solid 56 there. I kinda like the single bar in the grill- may do that with my spare grill. Where is Vernon? Welcome to the FL site--if I can be of assistance, shoot me a PM..............MO |

       Location: Parts Unknown | I suspect the Vernon in question is Vernon, BC. About a hundred or so miles north and west of Spokane.
I am liking that 62 Pontiac in the background of one of those shots. Occasionally, Pontiac really got it right !
Posts: 1819
     Location: Vancouver, BC | If the 1956 Chrysler Windsor has its original engine, and it was built in Canada, it should have a 303-cid A block poly engine with a 4-bbl carb.
The 1962 Pontiac in the background is probably a Parisienne 2-door hardtop. Base engine was a 261-cid Chevrolet engine, with the Chevy 283 as the base V8. Probably has Powerglide.
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Crawled around the garage floor almost the whole day, cleaning up around the TorqueFlite, drained the transfluid, removed the pan, cleaned and painted the pan, adjusted the bands, mounted a new gasket, drained the engine, changed the oil to Penzoil single grade HD30, changed the oil filter.
Downs; got myself dirter than the rags I used, my body aches everywhere and my knees suffered the most.
UP's; the car runs really super, the TF changes gears smoothly but firm, I got higher oil pressure from the single grade oil. I took the car for a test-run, going "somewhat" over the speed limits with the windows all rolled down and a FL-grin smeared all over my face! If the car makers gone from this to todays cars, no wonder they're going DOWN HARD. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | From NEIL............
I think that I can 'do' Wizard, one-better, here.
Horrie's T/Flite has been awaiting an overhaul since February; the shop
finally got around to doing the job and
the trannie should be able to be installed by next FRI (awaiting the
receipt of a new rubber front-trunion joint
dust-cover-guy, from Bernbaum's).
Anyway, I just spent a couple days touching up his undercarriage in
anticipation of the beloved event.
With any luck, I should be able to get a pic or two of the installed
transmission and driveline, too.
BTW, not pictured is the windage tray (obtained from Hot Heads) that's
going to be installed; hence the
removal of the oil pan--and replacement of rear main seal, while they
were 'there'....
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Posts: 42
 Location: Vernon | Thanks for the welcome guys! This is a shot of the interior of the 56 Windsor.
Yes I live in Vernon, BC Canada.
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Posts: 42
 Location: Vernon | Chrycoman - 2009-05-15 12:51 AM
If the 1956 Chrysler Windsor has its original engine, and it was built in Canada, it should have a 303-cid A block poly engine with a 4-bbl carb.
The 1962 Pontiac in the background is probably a Parisienne 2-door hardtop. Base engine was a 261-cid Chevrolet engine, with the Chevy 283 as the base V8. Probably has Powerglide.
Yes, it is a 62 Parisian and it is for sale, all it needs is a fresh coat of paint. I can find out how much he wants for it if you like? |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 755
     Location: Big M Automotive's Yard | John gave both Christine and Flo a bath and then a polish. We have a car show in Maxwell, Ca tomorrow and are taking both cars. I decided not to take the Maude (the Desoto) because she needs a complete wash and wax along with interior clean. M'Lisa |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I changed my strut bushings - not a day to late! I didn't have any heavy duty strut bushings, but I had Perfect Circle (made in USA?) new ones.
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Removed the center trim and pieces above the grille, going to replace them with super nice items I've got from Colorado the other day. Thanks Tim if you read this. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | No PIC,s ... But just got back from taking 4 Teenage Girls to their School Prom in the 59 Dodge ,, I got Loads of Great Feedback from their Parents and Friends, But the Greatest part was the Joy of driving it for a few Hrs on a Nice Evening.. ( and getting Paid for it ..LOL ) The Weather has been pretty good recently and the Dodge is being used about 2 times a week and about once a week for the Chrysler..
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 566
   Location: Wichita, Kansas | It's not what I did to MY FL car today, but what I did to A FL car today. Buy one! Picked up a very nice original 59 Coronet sedan that was bought new right here in Wichita on July 2, 1959, by a local school teacher. It has been sitting way up a driveway for a few years, so it really needs a bath, but is a running (but not stopping!) car. What is really cool about the Coronet is it has a Dodge dealer-installed MoPar 'Cool Aire' under-dash A/C unit, installed in 1959 by the selling dealership (it still has the instruction booklet in the glovebox).
After the bath, I will post some pics if anyone is interested.
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 329
    Location: Claremore, Okla. | Out picking up chicks
http://webmaila.netzero.net/webmail/new/21?folder=Inbox&msgNum=0000... |

       Location: Parts Unknown | Subgraded the new front driveway after moving 10 cu. yards of 2-3 inch rock. Have a few conduits to lay before pouring concrete. The excavator will be here in two weeks to continue setting sewer and water. By the end of summer all cars should be under cover and heated !
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | Installed the Mirror-Matic. |
Posts: 2679
| Rebels-59 Coronet - 2009-05-16 5:23 PM
No PIC,s ... But just got back from taking 4 Teenage Girls to their School Prom in the 59 Dodge ,, I got Loads of Great Feedback from their Parents and Friends, But the Greatest part was the Joy of driving it for a few Hrs on a Nice Evening.. ( and getting Paid for it ..LOL ) The Weather has been pretty good recently and the Dodge is being used about 2 times a week and about once a week for the Chrysler..
That must have been a blast. Last year I took my son to his high school graduation in our 59 Dodge, then last week at a car show my car was picked as one car to give rides to kids at the show, we agreed and that was fun too |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I changed the bushing in the idler arm for a "Jamco Magic Power Self Lubricating Idler Arm Kit" This work was really due - see the pictures
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Then, inspired of the work Thord performed with his ornament, I also fixed up my "Golden Lion Shield"
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Good work Sven, it really makes a difference  |

     Location: Colorado | No Pics either, but rebuilt my Ranco heater/water valve today. Will see how well I did when I test it tomorrow! It's kind of pain in the ass to replace that rubber seal but most places want a $100 to rebuild.
Edited by 58 Ray 2009-05-17 11:43 PM
Posts: 2124
  Location: Idaho - where men are men and spuds are spuds | I SOLD IT! (Boo Hoo, Old Brown is gone). But I'm still a Mope R. Geezer so I'll be around to bug you. |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | Hey Ray I gotta do the same to my car, what's all involved in taking everything apart?
Today I took the power mechanism and power seat tracks off my seat and put the manual one back on, I'm going to take it all apart clean and fix it, then re-install. I also replaced the dried into dust seat foam for some newer stuff, now I can drive with my windows down!!
Tomorrow I'm pulling the starter out of the 62 and figuring out my starter/shim issue I've got going on, then need to replace the heater core valve in it. Not really sure what to take apart and where to start. |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Installed the new front end mouldings and also a NORS glove box. I've copied the markings on the back side of the original to the new one.
Making my CRL bright and shiny for the car show at Tjolöholm south of Gothenburg on Sunday 24th.
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Posts: 2679
| 55CRL - 2009-05-21 10:10 AM
Installed the new front end mouldings and also a NORS glove box. I've copied the markings on the back side of the original to the new one.
Making my CRL bright and shiny for the car show at Tjolöholm south of Gothenburg on Sunday 24th.
I waxed my ol ride with Turtle wax, nice and shiny, ready for saturdays show.... |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Thord, I see you got your plastic inserts for the hood. Lookin' good!!!!
Uncle Walt |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Thanks Walt Indeed I was able to restore the one's I had on the car with pretty good result. |
 Expert 5K+ Passed away 30th Sept 2024. You will be missed Chuck!
Posts: 8954
          Location: WHEELING,WV.>>>HOME OF WWVA | I removed the old stromberg and v-covers , cleaned some . just had to set the carbs , intake and the v-covers on just to get some effect . i changed the color or the carbs . how i got black cherry out of anodized red over chrome is beyond me . should have looked like candy red over silver , but it's only a driver-----------------------------------------i think it's koooooooool----------------------------------------later
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | It's so beautiful that God's angels wept Chuck! That is just sooooo old school kool! |
 Expert 5K+ Passed away 30th Sept 2024. You will be missed Chuck!
Posts: 8954
          Location: WHEELING,WV.>>>HOME OF WWVA | Thanks WiZ that's what i'm shootin for------my only fear is these old 94's may leak--------i'll find out probably tomorrow early afternoon but they are in great condition------with my meds , bein out in the sun could be a burning experience--------------------------------------old school MY WAY--------------------------------------------------------later
Ps. my next experiment is going to be with trip stromberg WW's , bout 900 cfm which is equal to one stromberg 2 bbl intake |
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | Below's the result of stripped paint and a cheap and manual "rechroming" of the taillight housings.
The housings where completely painted purple and the original chrome had been sanded down to the copper layer.
I removed all the paint and applied chrome stickermaterial for the time being until I find some decent replacement for these.
Looks good from a small distance...
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | Took a ride in my 56 dodge to Franklin Lakes New Jersey,, the weather is not the best today but turned out nice.Met John Paxos there with his 57 Fury( what a car!!!!)and a couple nice FWs there! A real nice 58 dodge sedan all original,a 55 plymouth,and alot of nice Packards (Spotlight car),and from where I live its a nice ride, hope to see some of you East Coast guys at some events soon .HAPPY MOTORING! Victor.... |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Changed the waterpump and took a test run! |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1172
    Location: bradenton florida | I'm working on my 220 line for my MiG machine and adding a few more outlets over my workbench. It's a PITA for me as I can only work a short time before I have to lie down again to rest my aching back. Making any 1 hour job into a 2 week project. but at lease I'm making progress. . then a clean up. Then it's call the flatbed time.
PS my brother in New Jersey found a great car yard that the owner has kept everyone out of. He talked with him for a while and got the guy to let him in. he called me from the yard and asked me about my car as he found a complete 58 Firesweep there. He talked the guy into letting him take off the rust free fender I needed for $200. The yard owner won't allow my brother to take any photos of the cars for some reason. I reminded my brother that his phone has a camera and he took a shot of the car but he can't figure how to send it to me . ARGGGG. He says there a lot of complete FL cars there but so far I don't know anything else. I'll keep you posted if i hear anything |

       Location: Parts Unknown | Does this brother of yours give lessons in how to sweet talk strangers ?
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1172
    Location: bradenton florida | he might, if you can teach him how to send pics on his phone. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Took "Christine" on a little 1300 Mile road trip......
Edited by dukeboy 2009-05-25 4:49 PM
Posts: 2679
| dukeboy - 2009-05-25 4:45 PM
Took "Christine" on a little 1300 Mile road trip......
A little 1300 miles? Thats a good road trip there.... today... we just cruised our ride around,
went to the steak and shake, other stores.... this past sat went to a car show..... |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Just wait till you see the pics Greg....Heh,heh.....Prolly be up around the end of the week....
Edited by dukeboy 2009-05-25 4:53 PM

       Location: Parts Unknown | I have found that in DRIVING one of my cars in the course of meeting people that doors are opened to me where others have said they got nowhere.
A lot of people I have met out in the boonies are suspicious that some other sub-culture exists "out there" with "cityfolk"-types who are coming out to take all their goodies and rip them off somehow. A few times, even though I WAS wanting to buy something going in, had to just back off and be the guy with a similar interest and share our interest in order just to get to know a guy. I mean, you have to respect that some people are just as interested in what they own, or just don't want to sell, but CAN be interested in just chewing the fat and sharing their interest.
You are going to meet all types, but generally the "hoarding" collector types tend to fall into the introverted and extroverted opposites and little in between. Since I own the car I want, I really don't feel any pressing need to acquire anything more, and would just as soon make a new acquaintance with similar interests as anything else. Kinda freeing, really.
Posts: 1316
    Location: Belgium, 40 miles south of Brussels | Worked towards making the final tunings on the body (doors, hood, ...) before sending her a last time to the bodyman.
Paint is planned in July : Arctic Turquoise and Iceberg White ...
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Looks real good Vincent! Fabulous that you have chosen a paint scheme which is NOT red and white! |
Posts: 1316
    Location: Belgium, 40 miles south of Brussels | wizard - 2009-05-26 12:14 PM
Looks real good Vincent! Fabulous that you have chosen a paint scheme which is NOT red and white!
Yeah ... And you cannot imagine the number of people who thought it would be soooooo much cooler in red and white.
But I always loved the turquoise and white combination on US cars, so for me the choice has always been obvious.
And the good thing is that I have the door panels and dashboard padding color coordinated !!!
Not really a 100% match for the door panels, but it does not really have to ...
Yeah, I know, that interior is not going to be strictly original ... But I find it much better than the OEM plain black and white.
Edited by Chrome58 2009-05-26 8:09 AM
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | It will be just fantastic - I think that the deviation from OEM is period correctly and a nice personal touch - keep us posted. |
Posts: 1316
    Location: Belgium, 40 miles south of Brussels | wizard - 2009-05-26 2:52 PM
It will be just fantastic - I think that the deviation from OEM is period correctly and a nice personal touch - keep us posted.
Thanks Sven !!
Forgot to tell you also that the seat upholstery will be done in white vinyl and blue Belvedere specific fabric (the last one on this pic).
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1084
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand. | Looking REAL good Vincent!!! You are well over the hump now. Keep us updated.
Glenn. |
Posts: 2679
| Got my Chrome tips today, welded them to the adapters, next to weld them onto the cars
exhaust.... maybe tomorrow or the next day..... |
Posts: 189
    Location: Detroit | WAXED IT!!!
Of course, the day after I waxed it the car got rained on. First time in 6 years.
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Posts: 98
| I put 15 miles on the 56 Plymouth during the heat of the day. Yes it's rather warm here in Sarasota already.
I had removed the guts from my thermostat at the suggestion of a friend with hopes that would eliminate the problem of my top radiator hose blowing off when the engine gets hot. So far so good.
The 408 stroker is about half way broken in with just under 500 miles on it. This engine really makes this FL fly.
Doug |
Posts: 1508
  Location: new york | Vincent! What a great job keep us posted with the progress! Love the colors!!!! Who did the door panels they look great!
Im about to do the roof over on my 58, and I was leaning towards a custom interior because all of the problems getting the stock panels, Did it take long to get them done? Good Luck and keep up the good work!
Posts: 1316
    Location: Belgium, 40 miles south of Brussels | FURY - 2009-05-27 12:15 AM
Looking REAL good Vincent!!! You are well over the hump now. Keep us updated.
Thanks Glenn.
You certainly recognized the dashpad I bought from you 4 years ago !!
old mopar guy - 2009-05-27 3:09 AM
Vincent! What a great job keep us posted with the progress! Love the colors!!!! Who did the door panels they look great!
Im about to do the roof over on my 58, and I was leaning towards a custom interior because all of the problems getting the stock panels, Did it take long to get them done? Good Luck and keep up the good work!
Thanks Victor ... The door panels were done by SMS, and it took 10 months between order and delivery.
If you guys want updates on my restoration project, you can read it here : http://www.accf.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7911
It's 14 pages long so far, and all in french I'm afraid !
But I might consider opening a specific topic here on this forum ... Time being the enemy (ain't it always).
Edited by Chrome58 2009-05-27 3:05 AM
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | Look what happened with the paint on my car recently...
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Herman, that's the result of far too many runs at the strip - the paint actually peeled off!  |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I fixed up my aircleaner - now it almost looks too good for the rest of the engine compartment.
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Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Hey Wiz, lookin' good. What'd you paint it with? It doesn't look like rattle-can paint.
Uncle Walt |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Thanks Walt - yes it's rattle can painted. First cleaned to bare metal, then coated with Corrostabile and painted with Motip Acryl 52250 without clear coat (tried that, but it became too reddish in the tone) |
Posts: 264
    Location: Pieksamaki, Finland, Europe | Checked what should be done to the brakes after 16 years without driving.... noticed that brake drums are quite rusty and the rear brakes are actually missing!
Also noticed that there is no driveshaft at all.
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | We have a patch for those issues, he's named John Fowlie / Big M! |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | Took the 59 Dodge to Work, Greased All the Joints and Adjusted the Brakes.. All this was done for the Annual British " MOT Test " .... Passed with Flying Colours as it does Every Year,, And got to use it on a Hot Sunny Day... What a Result...
. |
Posts: 264
    Location: Pieksamaki, Finland, Europe | While waiting news about the driveshaft, emergency brake and missing rear brake stuff from the Big M, I decided to fix the tail lights.
Chrome is fairly good but both red lenses are broken. I have a set of new lenses for replacement but when dismantling my taillights I found out that someone had earlier fixed the broken lenses and glued the red lenses to the white lenses and glued this lens package to the tail chrome with somekind of a SUPERGLUE! So there is no way to dismantle the lenses without breaking them... I guess I have to order also new pair of backup light lenses to get the job done.
Edited by brdtee 2009-05-30 1:58 PM
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Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | We took Betty Lou out on on of the best cruises I have been on. We met up with about 30 classic cars of various makes and went on about a 160 mile road trip . all cars pretty well stayed together and made quit a sight at the three stops we made. A traveling car show with no entry fee! Pot luck chow at the end of the run. Great day- beautiful weather ......................MO |
Posts: 2824
     Location: Snohomish, WA. | Mo, that sounds good. Someday I guess.......
I went out to the shop and looked at my car some more. As soon as my walking boot is off I will get busy again. Afraid welding spatter will catch it on fire now. And I got a lot of welding to do yet.
Mike |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I changed the steering shaft insulator - it was in due time! Seems like all the rubber parts are falling apart after all those years....
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 907
     Location: Magra, Sweden | Drove to a local weekly meeting and parked beside a competitor from 1955. Would never trade the Dodge 
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 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | Looks like the blue '56 Ford is "hitting on" your Dodge and the Dodge is trying to ignore it.
K. |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | wizard - 2009-06-01 1:24 PM
I changed the steering shaft insulator - it was in due time! Seems like all the rubber parts are falling apart after all those years....
This is the curse of desert cars in particular, though we know all rubber eventually rots.
I remember working on my '59 Plymouth back in the mid to late 1980s and having various grommets, bushings, etc. simply crumbling or breaking apart in my hands.
K. |

     Location: Colorado | Scheduled an alignment for Thursday, bought vinyl for replacing the door panels, got parts ready to take to the anodizer, drove around the block on a milk crate for two more miles and then drank a couple of beers and starred at the car for a couple of hours. Not a bad day!! |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I just changed all the rubber bushings for the swaybar! I ordered from KP USA-Bilar a friday morning and got all the stuff I needed with the post directly monday morning - great service!
Did a serious clean-up of the swaybar and all the washers and clamps followed by a touch of paint |

     Location: Colorado | Cut and buffed a few spots on the car. Then I took the sportone inserts and sill plates to the anodizer, can't wait to see how they turn out. Scheduled an alignment for tomorrow. |

     Location: Colorado | Got some of my parts back from the anodizer today. These were just stripped of the original anodizing, now it's a quick polish and a few fixes and back to the anodizer to get anodized. Also, dropped off my grill, eye brow and hood lip trim for stripping. 

Posts: 151
   Location: Perth, Western Australia | Went to the Upholster, nearly there - picking up the finished job next week.
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       Location: Parts Unknown | A guy is coming first thing next week to haul off my old garage, so I've spent the past 2 weeks of evenings packing up "stuff" and moving it to storage. Can you believe how much junk we can pack into a tiny space like that ????  |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Wooah - what a nice work! Mighty fine pattern on the fabric - it looks really splendid. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Nice work.. |
Account Suspended
Posts: 2827
      Location: At "The Rock" in upper East Tennessee | Doctor DeSoto - 2009-06-05 11:11 AM
Can you believe how much junk we can pack into a tiny space like that ???? :stressed:
Yea, Even after you set all of that stuff on fire there is still so much it's hard to believe........ (it's nice to be able to joke about that now).
What did I do with my FL car today?..........Looked at her thinking about how badly I needed to wash her and discovered a new scratch....I think it's from a shopping cart.  |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Damian Very nice seat, like new. Will see more pics at your car |
Posts: 197
    Location: Mid Michigan | Last weekend after six months of car sitting in primer I decided to call a friend and he came over and painted the lower part of my car.

Edited by coronetx2 2009-06-06 6:52 PM
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 755
     Location: Big M Automotive's Yard | Drove Maude into Downtown Williams this morning and put her on display at our yearly car show. She didn't want to go, ran rough and kept trying to die on me but we made it. Of course John drove her home and she ran great. Reminded me of a horse that doesn't want to leave her barn. Fight going out and runs like the dickens back to her stall.
We acutually took Christine (John's 57 Fury), Flo (58 Dodge Custom Sierra), and Whitey the 58 Belvedere John has up for sale.
M'Lisa |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 608
  Location: Madison, Wisconsin | Thought I would share this comment with you. I picked my son up from his 8th grade formal end of year dance last Friday in the 56 Dodge. Once the kids got out of the dance they made their way over to my car in the parking lot. Once my son got in the car I heard one of the kids say "Cody?, No way!" It was fun to give my son a shot at being cool for a short time! |
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | Those are the cool moments Greg.
Last Saturday I painted my '60-NY black and with still partly wet patches of paint I headed out the large monthly car meet here in town.
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1172
    Location: bradenton florida | Not a darn thing. My back took a turn for the worse about a week ago and i haven't even been able to stand up. Terrible stabbing pain going down my left leg that is unbearable. i'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow and have an appointment with another surgeon later this month. Pain sucks |
 Expert 5K+ Passed away 30th Sept 2024. You will be missed Chuck!
Posts: 8954
          Location: WHEELING,WV.>>>HOME OF WWVA | broke off an exhaust manifold bolt flush with head . first time ever. got it drilled and removed , thanks to the drill press my wife got me for my birthday . just barely skimmed the threads but worked like i knew how ! of course after i removed the top end down to the block . man, i cussed that bolt till the angels wouldn't forgive me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-----------------------------------------------------------later
Edited by 60 dart 2009-06-08 5:44 PM
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | Herman, nice under-hood detail.
Were the fenders still wet, when the photo was taken?????
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | The photo was taken at around 8pm I think, and I was done painting the fenders at around 4pm ...
So, yes when I headed out to the meeting that day at around 6pm, the hood and driversside fender were still a bit tacky... lol
Posts: 2337
     Location: Eastern Iowa | Fired up the F, loaded up the Wife and Grandaughters and headed to Dairy Queen.
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Posts: 2679
| finsruskw - 2009-06-09 10:01 AM
Fired up the F, loaded up the Wife and Grandaughters and headed to Dairy Queen.
Thats a beautiful ride right there!!!
Im restoring the Lancer front fender emblems on my 59 Dodge..... I will post pics of them when they
are done....  |
Posts: 2337
     Location: Eastern Iowa | Thanks!!
She really does need a re-paint though. Been 25 years now and it's starting to show big time if you look at her close up. It was only Dulux enamel back then, nothing special.
Would sure like to get a good quality base/clear done on it, but then again I know zero about paint.
Take Care!
Dave S. |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | Yesterday I dropped the trans pan cleaned the filter and everything else, put it back together added Trans-X to the new ATF, adjusted the bands. Also made an adapter for the new 318 fuel pump, and put on a longer heater hose. Took her for a spin she sure shifts better, but still slips when it down shifts so I'm gonna end up pulling the trans and rebuilding it this winter most likely. |

       Location: Parts Unknown | With my poor DeSoto buried under everything taken out of the old garage so it can be hauled off tomorrow, I found the "long lost" color samples I plan for the car in there somewhere. A few weeks back, Danny (57burb) was kind enough to tweak a photo I sent to him to give an idea how the colors will look. The lilac color was taken from the underside of a decklid on a 58 Firesweep Spring Special. The charcoal was from my 57 New Yorker. I really want a period color, and this Firesweep, even in a wasted condition, was utterly breathtaking! I will balance the feminine "pink" with the more masculine dark charcoal instead of going with white typically seen with the softer colors.
Stuff like this keeps me motivated when the going gets slow.
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     Location: Colorado | Finished polishing all my recently stripped aluminum trim tonight, back to the anodizer tomorrow. |
Posts: 264
    Location: Pieksamaki, Finland, Europe | Today I removed transmission and going to get it to the repair shop for maintenance (last driven in 1991/1992). |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | Gave the 59 Dodge Another Good Polish and Drove 3 Kids to their Leavers School Prom.. Have another Prom in 3 Weeks for the Chrysler and Dodge together... Aint Life a 8itch...LOL |
Posts: 56
  Location: Martinsville, IN | I cleaned the garage around mine today. It's been a pain working on it with crap laying everywhere. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Re-installed the Mechanical Clutch fan with a modified radiator shroud (All from the car I originally got the 440 from), and got it to run SO MUCH cooler at idle...I have found that the aftermarket just doesn't make a good electric cooling fans to be used soley for cooling...They all seem to work better when they are used as "Helper" fans...
Edited by dukeboy 2009-06-19 8:28 PM

       Location: Parts Unknown | Jacked up the garage and sent it away. Start laying pipe next week before cutting footing trenches for the new shop.
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 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | Doctor DeSoto - 2009-06-19 10:18 PM
Jacked up the garage and sent it away. Start laying pipe next week before cutting footing trenches for the new shop.
Now that's what I call a mobile home!
I spent some time running the '59 around to keep the seals and gaskets "limber."
K. |
Elite Veteran
Posts: 990
| Took '61 Plymouth seats to shop to be recovered in original fabric bought from SMS.

     Location: Colorado | Installed the front bumper, grill, sport tone inserts, eybrows, etc....................... 
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Went ot a cruise here and found out "Christine" is beinbg talked about all the way down to Danville, which is about 120 miles away! Gotta go down to Chatham Va. next weekend to represent and let 'em all see what they been talkin' bout..LOL.... |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | I requested color samples for the upholstry from Diane. I also went over-budget and purchased NEW radiator and gas caps. Wow, what an exhausting day. Now if soome one would put the AAJ brakes on.....................
Uncle Walt |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | 58 Ray - 2009-06-20 10:34 PM
Installed the front bumper, grill, sport tone inserts, eybrows, etc.......................
Looks very good with new bumber grill.... Good work
Edited by Windsor59 2009-06-22 4:18 PM
 Expert 5K+ Passed away 30th Sept 2024. You will be missed Chuck!
Posts: 8954
          Location: WHEELING,WV.>>>HOME OF WWVA | headers are in , had to custom make two adapter pipes . a little cuttin , a little weldin , a little grindin , not one bend , all cut and weld . still need to adjust valves .---------------------------------------------------later
Edited by 60 dart 2009-06-22 5:33 PM
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1054
   Location: Ny | Lookin good, chuck! Now... how does she sound?  |
Posts: 2612
   Location: Parts Unknown | YEA !!!! LOOKING GOOD, GOOD AS IN GREAT GOOD !!!!! You gotta post some sound !!!! (however that is done ?)  |
Posts: 42

| I dinked around with the rear brakes, cleaned backing plate on left rear. Pretty much waiting on parts
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       Location: Parts Unknown | Is that your own personal lift ? If so, tell us about it. I will be in the market for one this winter and need to start asking questions.
Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | I didn't do anything to my Betty Lou this weekend but spend quality time with her and my wife Friday night went to a cruise- in about 30 miles away---Saturday we intered in our local car show --Saturday night my son and daughter-in-law made a surprise visit for Fathers day and my birthday- took me out for Sunday breakfast and then we four cruised to a bigger car show about 50 miles away --mid afternoon we went to a nice lake for a picnic. After all the time and money investment, it is very gratifying to Cruise in the Chrysler!........................MO |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Go for it Mo!!!
Chuck, I want to know if you're every going to steam clean that engine. specially the bottom along with the suspension? Are the headers commercially available, or were they custom made?
Uncle walt
Edited by wbower3 2009-06-23 11:34 AM
 Expert 5K+ Passed away 30th Sept 2024. You will be missed Chuck!
Posts: 8954
          Location: WHEELING,WV.>>>HOME OF WWVA | Uncle Walter , what i'm doing now is just playin around waitin for winter to come . the old 318 is coming out and a 402 stroker is going back in with an 883 4 speed and 391 gears . by spring it'll be clean enough to eat off of , just like my seneca----------------------------------------------------------the butt plug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---------------------------------------------------------later
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Posts: 1497
        Location: Fairfax, Minnesota | My 361 came with 1 wrong valve cover and both were the wrong color. When I switched to a 4bbl manifold, it had the correct number but wrong color.
So, the weekend before Back to the Fifities in St. Paul, my son and I painted a set of correct valve covers and intake manifold with the correct Mopar Silver(aluminum). We installed a new valley pan and new valve cover gaskets.
Thanks again to the members who helped me out with installing the valley pan (without the 4 gaskets that NAPA recommended).
Ray |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 461
      Location: Brooklyn NY | just came home from a cruise night in Queens NY, nevermind being the only FL car.....the only other mopar was a Prowler....and a 38 Plymouth coupe......Ralph from Brooklyn |
Posts: 5
| NOTHING-there's a stuck 61 Lincoln between the Belvey and the front door....@%$$%@ing Fords |
Posts: 98
   Location: SC | Went today and and dusted her off, dug out the paint too shoot the skirts, installed my vacumn tank for the brakes, and the emergency brake light delete plate. dug out a bunch of new parts so I can get on the mechanicals as this restoration odessy has been a long time in the making.
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 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | Went ot a car show here today and found a guy that is crazier than I about Christine....

Edited by dukeboy 2009-06-28 9:04 PM
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | Rob - 2009-06-20 9:27 PM
Took '61 Plymouth seats to shop to be recovered in original fabric bought from SMS.
good on you! theres nothing that wrecks a car more in my opinion than incorrect seat material, ok if they tried to make it look original, but it does my head in to see a beautiful car with god awful incorrect interior... post pics when its done!! cheers adriana  |

       Location: Parts Unknown | Put in 100 feet of sewer pipe.
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Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | That's one ugly hole you have there Doc. "Course from your point of veiw, I can surmise that it's a beautiful hole with the sewer pipe laying in it.
Uncle Walt |
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | That's one ugly hole you have there Doc. "Course from your point of veiw, I can surmise that it's a beautiful hole with the sewer pipe laying in it.
Uncle Walt |

       Location: Parts Unknown | Just one step closer to welding on my car !  |
Posts: 3969
         Location: DFW, TX | I took the wagon to a little car show in Arlington last weekend, kind of a hot drive (right at 100* at 7:30) but had a lot of fun. It's crazy how much attention the beater gets.
Ordered some chrome aircraft style seat belts for it. Heard a horror story on the Hamb about a guy whose '56 Buick door opened on a turn and dumped his girlfriend out, killing her. Never had any problems with my door latches, but I don't want to be "that guy" forever.
Also got a set of those helper spring things for it. Not sure it's going to help much, but when you start getting 4+ people in the car, the driveshaft will rub. I'd like to get a STIFF stock height spring for it, but the only options I'm seeing are custom made and that's a little pricey. Still may do it. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7827
       Location: Williams California | Pulled the engine and transmission from the Fury, after a knock became prevalent on Saturday. Tore the engine down, to find several main bearings hammered. I guess I cannot complain, though, I have driven it close to 40,000 miles, and who knows the actual miles on the original engine before that. ---John
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 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | big m - 2009-06-30 1:12 PM
Pulled the engine and transmission from the Fury, after a knock became prevalent on Saturday. Tore the engine down, to find several main bearings hammered. I guess I cannot complain, though, I have driven it close to 40,000 miles, and who knows the actual miles on the original engine before that. ---John
Right on, John! And you have plenty of good music to listen to while you're wrenching.
Gonna do anything with the tranny while you have everything out?
K. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 7827
       Location: Williams California | Kenny,
I will reseal, adjust the bands, clean and paint it while it's out. There have been some minor leaks, and now's the time to fix them. ---John |

     Location: Colorado | Geez...I was going to share that I installed my blower motor but it doesn't compare to putting a Fury on a forklift, yanking the engine and tearing it apart! I will for go posting a pic of my heater blower intstallation!LOL
You work fast Mr. Fowlie! |
Posts: 4134
    Location: Connecticut | When the seat covers in my 58 Plymouth were installed in 1988 (NOS fabric and vinyl), the upholsterer accidentally put a tear in the side panel vinyl on the front driver's seat back. He tried to patch it, but it looked ugly. Today I dropped the seat back off at my upholsterer's with the correct vinyl, so that it can be redone. It only took 21 years to accomplish this.
Expert 5K+
Posts: 5140
   Location: cornpatch county, Southwest IOA | Doctor DeSoto - 2009-06-30 10:57 AM
Put in 100 feet of sewer pipe. I hope you put in oversize pipe in case of massive B.S. ........................MO |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | 57burb - 2009-06-30 4:02 PM
I took the wagon to a little car show in Arlington last weekend, kind of a hot drive (right at 100* at 7:30 ) but had a lot of fun. It's crazy how much attention the beater gets.
Ordered some chrome aircraft style seat belts for it. Heard a horror story on the Hamb about a guy whose '56 Buick door opened on a turn and dumped his girlfriend out, killing her.  Never had any problems with my door latches, but I don't want to be "that guy" forever.
Also got a set of those helper spring things for it. Not sure it's going to help much, but when you start getting 4+ people in the car, the driveshaft will rub. I'd like to get a STIFF stock height spring for it, but the only options I'm seeing are custom made and that's a little pricey. Still may do it.
oh my... thats not a nice story... dad went around a huge roundabout once and mums door flew open, i think we were more worried that the door would get damaged, i never imagined that you could fall out and die... my goodness... adriana |
Posts: 1812
     Location: Slidell La. | 57burb - 2009-06-30 3:02 PM
I took the wagon to a little car show in Arlington last weekend, kind of a hot drive (right at 100* at 7:30 ) but had a lot of fun. It's crazy how much attention the beater gets.
Ordered some chrome aircraft style seat belts for it. Heard a horror story on the Hamb about a guy whose '56 Buick door opened on a turn and dumped his girlfriend out, killing her.  Never had any problems with my door latches, but I don't want to be "that guy" forever.
Also got a set of those helper spring things for it. Not sure it's going to help much, but when you start getting 4+ people in the car, the driveshaft will rub. I'd like to get a STIFF stock height spring for it, but the only options I'm seeing are custom made and that's a little pricey. Still may do it.
Eaton Springs has them , or can make them upon request .Called them this week , said they have over 20k blueprints . Single mainleaf is like 112.00 per side and a complete already built set is 479.00 a pair w/ 65.00 shipping , and thats with a 1 week turnaround . |

       Location: Parts Unknown | narleycharlie - 2009-07-02 6:00 AM
Eaton Springs has them , or can make them upon request .Called them this week , said they have over 20k blueprints . Single mainleaf is like 112.00 per side and a complete already built set is 479.00 a pair w/ 65.00 shipping , and thats with a 1 week turnaround .
I knew a guy who grew up in Eaton Springs once. He had two left hands.
Posts: 1363
      Location: Apeldoorn, Netherlands | While we had some real heavy rain here, in The Netherlands, Neil had a beautiful day up in Bishop CA. His car is finally back on the road and he asked me to post some pics, and a short story. Have a happy 4th of July and here goes: ...I got my car back from the trannie rebuild shop, 2 days ago, and the car seems to be operating/shifting just fine (after having the car be towed to that shop, in early February). The shop specializes in Chubbie stuff or modern MoPar, so it was tough getting them to do the job, part-time/after hours, etc... So, I paid them $2.8K, for their also replacing the rear main seal, overhauling-servicing the driveshaft with new bearings and Ujoint- stuff, and installing the rubber dust boot (that I had found), and their attempting to get a 340 windage tray to fit my car---didn't quite fit, altho it is do-able; just got tired of their repeated attempts to make it fit. So, here's some pics taken today, along with a couple undercarriage-detail shots that I took, at their secondary-remote shop.
Edited by Jim Hoek 2009-07-03 4:15 PM
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 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | Thanks, Jim!
There was an additional view of the engine, taken from the passenger's side of the car, which might show the "MoPar"
decal that I applied to the Delco battery, along with the "Tar Topper" battery 'toupee' (fake-cover).
That shot might also show the XJ-Jag viscous fan clutch (looks just like the OEM-style) along with the 7-blade mid-60's MoPar
fan, which reportedly is/was a Hemi-item.
 Account deactivated by owner's request
      Location: On this barrel | No driveline boot in the back? Where did you get the one for the front? |
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | Nope; no rear dust-covers for the rear U-joint; the front 'trunion' joint has some greased bearing cups which
need to be protected.
These rubber "dust cover"-boots are regularly sold on the evilpay, either individually, or, as part of a front-only, or,
as part of a complete front-and-rear, u-joint overhaul kit.
Note that the clamps holding both ends are installed at 180-degrees separation, for better balancing;
Right now, on the 'Pay, a rubber boot is only being sold as part of a complete front-and-rear overhaul kit, but
these boots are expected to be re-popped, again, soon, and to appear on the market in the relatively near future.
Atlas Obsolete and Kanters & Bernbaum(?) usually stocks them.
Edited by d500neil 2009-07-03 5:02 PM
Posts: 1363
      Location: Apeldoorn, Netherlands | d500neil - 2009-07-03 10:27 PM There was an additional view of the engine, taken from the passenger's side of the car Repaired that, in the original message above.
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | Got tired of tripping over stuff in the garage, so I decided to rip out the dealer installed A/C under dash unit ( since it didn't work anyway ) and test fit - install the swivel seats and Chrysler 300 floor counsol I had picked up for customizing my '59. ( now if I could just find a tach to fit a 3 1/2" hole ) I like how it looks... but I know folks will weight in.
Edited by Bart_59_Dodge 2009-07-04 10:17 AM
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Posts: 129
  Location: Finland | ^Why not? I think it looks kind of cool. Dare to be different? No, seriously I think that fits perfect. It`s like a dream car that Exner never would of thought off?
Me myself has been sanding the Imperials quarterpanels to get it primered soon as possible, can`t wait to get on the road this summer...
Edited by imp610 2009-07-04 5:55 PM
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 558
   Location: Central Ohio | Bart_59_Dodge - 2009-07-03 5:44 PM
Got tired of tripping over stuff in the garage, so I decided to rip out the dealer installed A/C under dash unit ( since it didn't work anyway ) and test fit - install the swivel seats and Chrysler 300 floor counsol I had picked up for customizing my '59. ( now if I could just find a tach to fit a 3 1/2" hole ) I like how it looks... but I know folks will weight in.
I think that looks sweet!!! 59 Dodge interiors are pretty awesome though, they really capture that mid century modern look that I really dig.
I have never commented on this thread! So today I took my 57 to a car show 50 miles away that I have never been to before. It was one of those shows where they close off the main street of an old ohio town. Out of 500 cars mine was the only FL there besides a real nice salmon colored 56 Imperial. Needless to say, my Belvedere drew a crowd all day long! I like these kind of shows best, because its not just car people walking by looking at your car. I love hearing the stories about "the one my dad owned when I was kid" or "the one I wrecked in high school" even if their facts are less than accurate on the car. I also really like when I am arriving or leaving because everybody just stops and stares! Just like it says in the owners manual lol! FL cars are the best!!! |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | OK, Only back from Hols Friday, Done a High School Prom with Both the 59 Dodge and 59 Chrysler.......... Today went to a Local Cruise about 40 Miles away. Including the Dodge there were 7 FLs in total.. I will post PICs later as it is gonw 1.00am here and i am pretty drunk and Tired,, But the cars were,, 59 Dodge,,, 60 Plymouth ,, 58 Belvedere, 58 Desoto,, 55 Windsor,, 59 Belvedere and a 60 Dodge.
Very Cool for a Local Cruise over here in the UK......... PICs to follow Later........
Edited by Rebels-59 Coronet 2009-07-05 8:42 PM
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | Lookie what I just sniped off ebay for that 300 console... This is gonna be SWEET. !!!! It's a vintage Sanyo TACHRAD AM/FM Radio in pristine working order, that looks like a Tachometer. and it'll fit right into that 300 console.
Edited by Bart_59_Dodge 2009-07-05 9:29 PM
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 608
  Location: Madison, Wisconsin | Spent the weekend with my wifes parents, sisters, and their kids. Had a nice BBQ and went to the fireworks to celebrate! Kids talked me into a joy ride in the old buggy. They didn't want to pose for any pictures but the car was not as shy. Happy independence day everyone!
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Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Looking GOOD 56 Royal. I hope mine looks as good when it's oout on the street again.
I did finally figure out the reason I had soo much trouble getting the stainless steel moulding across the top of the windsheild to fit and install. The windsheild replacer had pushed the gasket too high on the pinch weld. So I was able to reinstall it , the instrument panel the interior reveal mouldings and the new park light lenses this weekend. All in all, a Happy Fourth of July
Uncle Walt |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 416
    Location: North Central Alberta Canada | Since this thread started it's safe to say I've put a coat of wax on my car almost every day. My wife will vouch for that. (:
Edited by DVjohn 2009-07-06 7:48 PM
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Posts: 1918
      Location: Hell's Outhouse - a.k.a. Buckeye, Arizona | Every day?
You sure there's any paint left or is it you'd rather coat that baby in wax?
Serious - wax is still a rubbing compund. Just be careful.  |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | I fixed up my generator - there's nothing so bad, that it cannot be made better!
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 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | I dropped the fuel tank in my blue '59 Plymouth wagon. I siphoned out seven gallons of gasoline, then removed the tank. The radiator shop relining is going bad after all these years.
I plan to send the tank to Moyer Fuel Tank Renu. Hopefully, it will be a more permanent solution, as they sand blast the tank both inside and out.
K. |

     Location: Colorado | Installed the original fixed AM radio, parked it in the driveway, grabbed a couple of cold ones and some sunflower seeds then sat in the car and listened to the Rockies play some baseball with my seven year old daughter. Freakin sweet! |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | last week i picked up my newly straightened stainless and had someone else here to give me a quote to paint my sub... and today i bought my forwardlook wagon (oscar) and my sister's ap5 valiant (audrey) a friend... my new ap6 safari wagon daily driver (who is yet to be named)... cheers adriana 
Edited by suburban61 2009-07-19 9:15 AM
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
Posts: 13103
     Location: Southern Sweden - Sturkö island | Actually, it took me a couple of days - stripped the trunk from old silencer/undercoat gunk and brushed all the surface rust. With next to bare metal, I gave it a coat of primer and a top coat. Got me some yards of carpet and made a template out of plastic foil so I could cut and sew the carpet to a snug fit - looks ok to me, even if it's not the "correct" carpet.
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 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | FROM NEIL..............
Had the opportunity to exercise Horrie today, on Company Time (at
$0.70/mile), so took these
couple shots to amuse a few of you, and to amaze the rest...
Those white things, out there, are clouds. We don't get to see them very
often, here.
Don't worry about the speedo reading; at an indicated 55mph, the 2.76:1
rear end gearset produces
around 70 mph.
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Posts: 2679
| Lets see, I was working on my running hot issue, changed the plugs to a colder plug and installed a
high flow 180 thermostat, took the car for a 30 minute ride and all went fine, temp gauge running
in the middle.... |
Posts: 2932
       Location: Lemoore CA | Rebels-59 Coronet - 2009-07-19 6:21 PM
FROM NEIL..............
Don't worry about the speedo reading; at an indicated 55mph, the 2.76:1
rear end gearset produces
around 70 mph. Sure...... get off the road grandpa!!! LOL! |
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | We are getting both Dodges ready for a car show in the local mountains, 8000 feet elevation.
Fortunately both Dodges run cool and always have, and the 64 has had both a 426 and now a 413 engine, wife also had a 66 Coronet 500 with a 383 4 barrel and it never overheated ----so, soo- much for the theory that these "B block wedges run hot". The 59 has a 400 engine with a hot cam, dual 4's , 3 core radiator and a "Mickey mouse"---and I mean really mickey mouse regular fan (Not electric) and no shroud, yet the car always runs cool, can idle along 3 to 5 mph , in the heat of the summer and rarely see it get more than halfway on guage. That is the good news, the bad is the 59 had some vital fluids under it after I parked it yesterday--antifreeze grrrr. I was hoping it was the top hose connection as that was where it was leaking from even added a 2nd clamp, but still drip drip, I happened to push on that metal fitting that the hose connects to, and now the drip turned into a pour---Not good but I still thought relatively inexpensive fix just to have that thing resoldered. Not so, radiator had to come out and the leak was between the top tank and the radiator core---so after having that fixed, plus a new flex hose (to get rid of the mickey mouse hose that was there before (due to the factory AC in the car), and a new thermostat as the engine took forever to come to normal operating temp, New antifreeze etc etc etc, I ended up kissing about a quarter of a 1000 dollar bill , goodbye. Oh well, sure rather have that happen in my garage than half way up a mountain.
Tomorrow we finish waxing the 64 and start in on the 59
Gary |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Wizarz Nice renovaited generator, it's the small details that make it so good .
I got som truble with one lifter, so yesterday I start to screw apart carburetor, intake and to evening I take the R/side top.
I believe that governance is too narrow, the start after the engine was really hot after several hours of cruising, I turned the engine and when I started again, so began the "knock" metallic sound.
So Carlo have a "new" rebuilt top so I go to change. Hope the work being finsh soon
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Posts: 189
    Location: Detroit | I drove it until it literally ran out of gas.
This photo was taken right before that happened.
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Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | Bought this for my Interrior..... I go pick it up tomorrow.
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Posts: 2679
| Bart_59_Dodge - 2009-07-25 8:59 PM
Bought this for my Interrior..... I go pick it up tomorrow.
Went to a Car Show today (do that every Saturday), won me a plaque this time.
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | I love the look of that car with the brows painted, It's BAD A$$ for sure. |
Posts: 2679
| Bart_59_Dodge - 2009-07-25 9:25 PM
I love the look of that car with the brows painted, It's BAD A$$ for sure.
Thanks Bart, but im sending in more chrome again this winter and I think im going
to get the eyebrows chromed.... my wife wants them to stay black..... now im
feeling undecided......  |

     Location: Colorado | Nice Greg!
I got all my door glass, window chanells and belt stripping put in today. It's pretty cool to have windows! |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 963
       Location: San Antonio, TX | It was kinda sad watching it happen. I stripped every possible usable part. It only weighed 2100 pounds on the scale today. I wish I could have saved it, but the rust was really, really bad.
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Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | I don't see much rust on that Imp-body though.
Why didn't you cut the fins off and make another $500,- with those on a benchseat orsomething?
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | macedon - 2009-07-25 11:52 PM
It was kinda sad watching it happen. I stripped every possible usable part. It only weighed 2100 pounds on the scale today. I wish I could have saved it, but the rust was really, really bad.
bad rust? where? oh, this is so sad to see... i wouldnt care what condition it is in, i dont like seeing pics of cars meeting there demise, i get all nostalgic and think of when it would have been all shiny and new sitting in a dealership or special ordered to someones taste, cruising around in its hey day serving its new owner... and then i wonder what went wrong along the line for this to be the end result while others are still kicking in restored or unrestored condition... to me no two cars are the same, each has its unique beginning, option list, life/ story... i just think its sad thats all... adriana  |
Posts: 1480
        Location: Australia | 59CRL - 2009-07-25 9:11 PM
Bart_59_Dodge - 2009-07-25 8:59 PM
Bought this for my Interrior..... I go pick it up tomorrow.
Went to a Car Show today (do that every Saturday ), won me a plaque this time.

im usually all for originality but my votes goes to leaving it black... how do you like the '59 plates? ive wanted to get a set of 1961 ones for ages... happy with yours? adriana |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | Mean,t to Post this Last Saturday.. ........................................... ..................
1959 "White Lightnin " SOLD IT
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 Elite Veteran
Posts: 963
       Location: San Antonio, TX | Oh trust me it was rusty. The roof was even rusted through. It had been "restored" a while back with foil tape and bondo in the trunk, rockers, doors, quarters, decklid, hood, fenders. The more I got into it the more rust I found. I gave up when I found the B pillars rusted through. |
 Expert 5K+
Posts: 6203
    Location: Big pimpin' | 59CRL - 2009-07-25 9:11 PM
Bart_59_Dodge - 2009-07-25 8:59 PM
Bought this for my Interrior..... I go pick it up tomorrow.
Went to a Car Show today (do that every Saturday ), won me a plaque this time.

VERY COOL Greg!! Bout time, as your car deserved it....I'm kinda partial to the black eyebrows too...LOVE that CHROME!! |
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 963
       Location: San Antonio, TX | BigBlockMopar - 2009-07-26 5:06 AM
I don't see much rust on that Imp-body though.
Why didn't you cut the fins off and make another $500,- with those on a benchseat orsomething?
I didn't like having to scrap it. But cutting the fins off a FL car is like cutting the tusks off of an elephant. Not cool.
Edited by macedon 2009-07-26 10:05 AM
Posts: 2679
| suburban61 - 2009-07-26 6:49 AM
im usually all for originality but my votes goes to leaving it black... how do you like the '59 plates? ive wanted to get a set of 1961 ones for ages... happy with yours? adriana
The front license plate? I like it, still get people asking me "What year is this car?"  |
Posts: 2600
   Location: Upplands Väsby, Sweden | Rebels-59 Coronet
My dream is take my Windsor over to US and running at our roads, large open landscapes so beautiful and American
Taka me to stop by one half fate besinmack |
Posts: 129
  Location: Finland | Ok, I will show you what i did today. I found a few rustspots on the decklid... Ok, I`ve known about them for years Well, discovered while sanding, that by counting there was 6-layers of paint on the decklid and offcourse some bondo... So I scraped the hole shabang (decklid)off paint;
Just to let you know that I ain`t just sitting here and doing nothing... Hahaa!
Edited by imp610 2009-07-26 5:16 PM
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | 59CRL - 2009-07-26 10:51 AM suburban61 - 2009-07-26 6:49 AM im usually all for originality but my votes goes to leaving it black... how do you like the '59 plates? ive wanted to get a set of 1961 ones for ages... happy with yours? adriana The front license plate? I like it, still get people asking me "What year is this car?" ; ) I get some of the same reaction, but really interesting ones from cops.
Edited by Bart_59_Dodge 2009-07-26 5:19 PM
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Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | Don't feel bad about getting asked what year the car is. My License plate (and it is on both the front and rear of the car)a is, R59Fins, yet I get asked all the time "What year is it" One guy who was following behind me, and then pulled up when I stopped for a read lite, asked me if it was a Cadillac
Go Figger
Gary |
Posts: 4533
    Location: Ripon, WI | narleycharlie - 2009-07-01 8:00 AM
57burb - 2009-06-30 3:02 PM
I took the wagon to a little car show in Arlington last weekend, kind of a hot drive (right at 100* at 7:30 ) but had a lot of fun. It's crazy how much attention the beater gets.
Ordered some chrome aircraft style seat belts for it. Heard a horror story on the Hamb about a guy whose '56 Buick door opened on a turn and dumped his girlfriend out, killing her.  Never had any problems with my door latches, but I don't want to be "that guy" forever.
Also got a set of those helper spring things for it. Not sure it's going to help much, but when you start getting 4+ people in the car, the driveshaft will rub. I'd like to get a STIFF stock height spring for it, but the only options I'm seeing are custom made and that's a little pricey. Still may do it.
Eaton Springs has them , or can make them upon request .Called them this week , said they have over 20k blueprints . Single mainleaf is like 112.00 per side and a complete already built set is 479.00 a pair w/ 65.00 shipping , and thats with a 1 week turnaround .
Something tells me it is probably alot faster than that right now..... |
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | I just replaced the air shocks on my 64 Dodge, Gabriel Hijackers, with Monroes. Last time Kent was in town we loaded up the 64 with "God" sized Swedes, 4 or so of them(Well 2 Yanks). Every time we hit a bump you could hear the tires hit the undercarriage. With the new Shocks, She outta be able to haul a dozen Swedes around now. I prefer the rear end of my car not droop in fact I like it slightly elevated, folks get a better view of the Exaust, the diff, etc etc, when they make a mistake and challenge one of the Dodges. The air shocks arent Expensive, Monroe shows $72 for a pair for the mopars, alto I bought from my tire shop and had them install, so I did pay a bit more.
Gary |
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | I, too, do not like the 'slammed' look in a FWDLK'er, altho some of us do prefer that appearance----as did the FACTORY,
back in the day, accentuating the lowness and the length of our cars in its advertising.
I like my cars to stand up, "on point" so to speak, instead of appearing to slither around, as if the springing had broken
on them.
Posts: 2244
    Location: Yorba Linda, Ca | AT LONNNGGGGGG Last we Agree, Neil.
I thinhk I get some of it from when we were Kids, it was popular, at least here in S Cal, to lift up the rear of the car. I don't have them as High as back then, but like you, I dont like the rear, hanging low, to me it looks like the springs are getting weak(and they probably are) so as women tend to lift their "upper torso", as the age, I lift the "Lower Torso" of my car LOL
The cars get better mileage that way too , as they are always going "Downhill"
Gary  |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | I installed the generator belt and tightened all the electrical connections at that junction block on the core support, as well as the junction block itself. It's 110 out there and the generator got hot from the sun beating down on it. I'll adjust the belt tension after sundown.
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 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 461
      Location: Brooklyn NY | Cool car! I'm for the Black eyebrows also. But me...I would chrome the hood ornament.........Ralph from Brooklyn |
Posts: 1444
      Location: Oconomowoc Wi | My Back Buckets came in from JC Auto and I popped them in for a quick test fit. Although It all needs to be reupholstered, Im almost glad at this juncture that I have mismatched fronts and backs, so I can decide which I like better. Im leaning toward the look of the front seats over the back seats. Can anyone I.D. the make and year of the fronts from the upholstery pattern? Just wondering.
Edited by Bart_59_Dodge 2009-07-28 8:12 PM
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 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | I didn't do this today, it was closer to two months ago now, but I've been extremely busy!
I also forgot to mention, I hit 100,000 mi in this car!!! 
Edited by 57windycoupe 2009-07-30 4:35 PM
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 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | I'm going through boxes of '59 Plymouth stuff. Dug out an extra mirror and gasket and mounted it on the '57 Saratoga.
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Posts: 75
| Dreamed of the day I can actually start working on it in earnest... |
 Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!
Posts: 19146
       Location: bishop, ca | Kenny, et al, for anyone who drives a FWDLK'er with a driver's side rear view mirror located where this one
(typically) is, if you buy a large convex rear view mirror, and 'weatherstrip-glue' it to the face of your mirror,
you will find TA-DAH: that that location is PERFECT for the convex-guy's installation. You will have a wonderful
panoramic view along the left side, and behind, your car, without the traffic, back there, getting all-miniscule on
I haven't put a convex mirror over on the right side (it's probably way too far away to do much good), but, if you
position that mirror face as far inward, and downward as possible, you'll find that that mirror DOES work to
show you a (small, but important) portion of the grille area of a car which might be driving in your blind-side,
on the right of your car.
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | I've had one on my '59 plymouth for years.
BTW, they do a good job of decapitating pigeons without sustaining any damage during the process.
But that's a story for another thread.
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Posts: 129
  Location: Finland | I have been busy today, in the morning I was welding on my wifes car and in the evening I mounted my new fuel tank under the Imperial with new sender and filler tube gasket...
Also connected the fuel line with new tubing that I installed allready few years ago. The hooks were ordered long ago from Year One since they also was missing... I made the fuel tank straps myself at the time that I fitted the tank.
And while I was fuzzing about around the car I hooked up the horns to work to, since I have been working on the electrics on this car for a few days now. While I`m waiting for some parts to arrive, I plan to get this car out of garage this summer to take it out for a little testdrive...
Edited by imp610 2009-08-06 4:41 PM
 Elite Veteran
Posts: 1084
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand. | Where did you get the new fuel tank from? Looks nice. Original looking finish, much better looking than silver paint!.
I need one for my 57 Plymouth, and I'm not going to buy one of them painted chinese ones.....
Glenn. |
Posts: 129
  Location: Finland | Glenn, the tank is Spectra Premiums #CR12A that is for 62-63 B-body car. At the time that I was buying a tank for my car there wasn`t any, so I bladdered thru catalogs at work and this was the nearest of measurement.
For my car it is about an inch too short and then it`s a little bit small with 15-gallons only but it doesn`t bother me. The fuel sender I got from Vans Auto.
Christian. |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | Gave my '57 a pair of complete tail light assemblies for the first time in who knows how long:
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 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 468
      Location: Cushing, Wisconsin | My car has been sitting in my father's garage for fifteen years so I decided to wax and buff her with Zymol, here is a before and after pic. I spent a week shining up the potmetal and chrome, with Turtle Wax Chrome Polish & Rust Remover. I am more than pleased with the way she shined up. 
Edited by 57windycoupe 2009-08-07 11:29 AM
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Posts: 3589
      Location: Blythewood, SC | Backed it out of the garage to use the lift. Then put it back away. |
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | Fumbled around today with wiring for the keyless entry system I'm re-installing in the '57. Man I hate wiring.
Posts: 3589
      Location: Blythewood, SC | Drove it to the parts store for oil. Filled the gas tank. Washed and vacuumed it. |
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | Toyed with the idea of turning my Saratoga into a Windsor police interceptor clone :
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Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | How about you take some polish and make the ol' girl shine again..?
I got the keyless-entry stuff working today, only to find out only 2 of the 4 buttons on both transmitters work, and the 2 buttons that are working have their functions crossed over... :/
 Inactive by user's request
  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | BigBlockMopar - 2009-08-08 2:55 PM
How about you take some polish and make the ol' girl shine again..?
I was only joking.
I'd rather get it running well, first. Besides, I have to wait until the pinched nerve in my right shoulder/neck is better before I do any polishing.
K. |
Posts: 3575
      Location: Netherlands | I knew you were joking. I was aswell, albeit a bit sarcastic, hence the smiley.
Why not buy a local kid some ice-cream and make it polish the car for you.
Posts: 3905
       Location: Northen Virginia | Fatmat day, and it work
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Posts: 75
| After reading what all everyone here has done to their cars, I am inspired to work on mine tomorrow. I suppose cleaning it up a bit, and putting the front bumper?/grille assembly back on the car would be nice. Then it wouldn't look quite so derelict.... Maybe if I am feeling particularly motivated, and it doesn't get too hot, I'll try to fire the old beast up, though I won't let it run too long as the radiator has a hole in it. My fault for being in a hurry... Perhaps if I get a lot done, I'll post some pictures when finished.
CaptCarl |
Account Suspended
Posts: 2827
      Location: At "The Rock" in upper East Tennessee | What did I do in mine today? Went on a beer run. |
Posts: 4134
    Location: Connecticut | Replaced the spare trunk lid with the actual trunk lid on my 59 Dodge. Looks better, but still sits too high, even with latch all the way up. Next step is to slice 3/8" from the trunk latch base and reweld. That should get it where I want it.

       Location: Parts Unknown | Made it a slack day and only moved 3 wheelbarrow loads of dirt before going to a party. Picked up a nice pile of form material for the footings, Will be cutting foundation trenches this week. |
 Board Moderator & Exner Expert 10K+
     Location: .Norfolk..Mafia.. ,England UK | Last weekend i stripped the Dash Cluster and removed the Clock on the Dodge.. Cleaned and Lubbed it up and got it working,, Hasn,t worked in over 5 years since i owned the car,, Gave me a chance to also fit the Chrome surround around the clock which was always missing.. MEL kindly donated it a while back.. Drove it around yesterday and the Clock has Gained 15 Minutes in 7 Days... I can Live with that as it is a Novelty to just see it working..
Edited by Rebels-59 Coronet 2009-08-09 9:37 AM
Walter passed away on Jul 29, 2014. We will miss you, Walt!
Posts: 5358
      Location: Heaven Above (Formerly Oklahoma City,OK) | Put the new seat cover on the rear seat back, stripped the rear seat springs, wirebrushed off the rust, painted 'em and put on the new batting, foam and burlap. Also put the new seat cover on the rear and front seat bottoms, and stripped the old seat covers off the seat backs of the front seat. Stripped the old covers and batting off the interior rear seat trim panels and made patterns to sew up the new vinyl for them, bead blasted them and gave them a good coat of scrap rattlecan paint, measured the patches and cut the patches that I'll have to bend and weld onto the bottom edges where they had rusted away. It's sure sad that when this '55 (C?)RL was pulled out of the river/lake that no one took the time to properly dry it out. Sure making a lot more work........LOL
Uncle Walt
Edited by wbower3 2009-08-09 12:33 PM

     Location: Colorado | Went out to visit my sister. I love that Tereador Red sometime she looks red somtimes she looks real orange. I now have a whopping 29 miles on her! 
Posts: 75
| Well I went out and worked on Virgil for a bit today. Nothing major though. I cleaned up the engine bay a bit. Looked around for the motor number to record for Ed Petrus. Got some gas out, along with an old pump and regulator. Hooked it all up, and cranked it over a few times. It wanted to run, but wouldn& |