See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!
Posted 2007-09-23 12:39 PM (#97572)
Subject: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Just getting around to reading the 11/07
(but it's only SEPT 23rd!) issue of Hemmings Classic Car, and find that the POCI (Pontiac Owners Club, Intl; no relation to the POC --Plymmie Owners Club) had had THEIR annual meet (The POC'ers having met @ the Doubletree, along with most of we FWDLK'ers, for the Mess Belvie proceedings)...occur at the nearby Crown Plaza Hotel.

The article doesn't say when the POCI festivities transpired, but my expert sleuthing revealed that the event's dates were 7/11-14/07.

Anyway, as the HCC article states, the POCI'ers had all their 329 member-cars displayed nearby, in the downtown area.

Turns out, the Crown Plaza was having some sort of Super-Duper exterior painting going on.

The 14th was a Saturday, so that's when the dastardly deed probably occurred, to wit: red epoxy airborne paint overspray, from the CP, travelled some two blocks(!) , where it proceeded to rain down upon said collector vehicles, inundating them, and their interiors, creating damage: "...from a few drops, to some cars that are reported to have a sand-paper- like coating."

The painting company "fessed-up and is working through specialists Nationwide Overspray to help hundreds of furious owners get their cars refinished, although we can't imagine that the owners of cars with original paint will ever be happy".

The article's pic shows a very nice looking downtown-plaza-type location.

I wish that I had been able to see more of T-Town, than the immediate environs of the 'Tree, during my 5 day visitation of Tulsa!

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Posted 2007-09-23 4:08 PM (#97611 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: RE: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 2338
Location: central oklahoma!
yeah, tulsa has been a strange story in recent years.

i'm 46, and for basically all my life (up to a point), tulsa had okc whipped in the rivalry of which was the better city. it seemed like okc was permanently broken and they weren't ever going to fix it. then, a few really strange things started to transpire. first, in a late '80s, okc was repeatedly not only abandoned by anchor companies, but spurned by new suitors. it got so bad that in desperation, the plan of MAPS was formed. at the time it started, it only passed by a bare majority. anyway, tim mcveigh also decided to take his mad campaign against the federal government to the murrah building, causing SIGNIFICANT damage all over an already dilapidated downtown okc area. however, because MAPS had just passed literally days before, there was already in place a local funding mechanism to improve okc, spread around, but including downtown and bricktown. the bombing ironically created national interest in okc, as well as traffic from the curious and well-wishers. and suddenly, okc blossomed like it hadn't since the time between statehood (1907) and the Great Depression.

meantime, something weird was happening back east. tulsa, always a progressive, unified, hip city that would not only pass local bond issues but get them built ahead of time and under budget, decided to get really, really weird. downtown tulsa shared some of the same mistakes that urban renewal had created in other cities, but that wasn't what really made things different. tulsa had always had a commission form of government, with the commissioners elected at large. however, under the threat of lawsuits, tulsa changed to a council form of government with wards. now, almost two decades later, the effects are becoming glaringly clear. while the big rival okc has now become a national model on how to repair a broken city, tulsa has shown itself to be completely devoid of leadership.

when offered the new oklahoma aquarium, tulsa said "no thanks", so it went instead to jenks. the success in jenks has led not only to a succussful museum, but a complete thriving riverside shopping district that shows no signs of slowing down. meanwhile, tulsa decided to boot out longtime amusement park owner robert bell from the tulsa state fairgrounds. they are now arguing over a ridiculous proposal on the river that literally fights the forces of nature rather than working with it. they can't get a bridge built to neighboring bixby. and their answer to maps is to put the new arena in an area near where we were, where there is no population and no pedestrian attractions, rather than in the natural spot about 1/3 of a mile east. tulsa seems intent on making stupid mistakes.
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Posted 2007-09-23 8:55 PM (#97655 - in reply to #97611)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
...And THAT's why the C.P.'s inept painting contractor allowed that overspray to occur, and to waft over onto the Poncho car show?
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Posted 2007-09-23 10:31 PM (#97676 - in reply to #97655)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 2338
Location: central oklahoma!
yes! ineptitutde is the order of the day. and that's why they acted like foward lookers coming to stroud was threatening competition that must be stopped. and why the "parade" that directly competed with the announce stroud-to-tulsa cruise (which effectively killed the cruise) was run by a bunch of Ch**y guys and we weren't invited once we got there.

tulsa has been a great city with a great history. however, they have REALLY been losing it within the last 10-15 years. everybody is concerned about "what's in it for me?" other than the greater good of tulsa. if they'd been thinking of other people, they wouldn't have sprayed the ponchos (or any OTHER cars that might have been there).
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Posted 2007-09-24 2:09 PM (#97729 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
DURN (or is that "BURN"?) them Ponchos !!!.................
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Red Ram
Posted 2007-09-24 5:34 PM (#97759 - in reply to #97729)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 303
Location: P la P, Man
Strange, you'd think we'd have heard about an ensuing brawl? I guess the Pontiac owners would rather take it to a judge. :P
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Posted 2007-09-24 5:37 PM (#97761 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca 'all' about it, in the 11/07 H.C.C .

Guess that it didn't make "World News Tonight".
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Posted 2007-09-24 11:35 PM (#97824 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: RE: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 2932
Location: Lemoore CA
You could have also posted this under the revenge/curse of miss belvedere.
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Posted 2007-09-25 10:33 AM (#97854 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 3581
Location: Blythewood, SC
Full story:
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Red Ram
Posted 2007-09-25 12:26 PM (#97860 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 303
Location: P la P, Man
Man, I'm glad that didn't happen when we were there. I would've had to help them redecorate their lobby. With a tire iron.
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Posted 2007-09-25 5:03 PM (#97895 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
Weren't they renovating the C.P. when youse-guys were staying there?

And YEAH; this does sound like a "Revenge" thread posting....
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Posted 2007-09-25 5:33 PM (#97898 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
The correct/easist protocol, after reading Brian's article-posting, would be for each injured party to notify the C.P. and
the painting contractor OF their damage-claim's existence (filing a claim) and THEN to contact their own auto carrier,
and to pursue a "Comprehensive" loss-claim, so that the individual-owner will receive the duty-and-care from his own
insurance company, and not be at the tender-mercies of the "paint-removal" contractor, which will have been hired
by the painting contractor's liability carrier.

The owner's-carrier will then Subrogate (a fancy word for 'get-its-money-back') the actual repair/refinish costs against
the bad-guy's insurance carrier.

The car-owner, however, would have to pursue a separate claim, for the amount of his Comp-deductible, as his own
carrier can only go-after the money it actually spent (and not the deductible-amount) on repairing the car.

The car-owner's deductible-amount is not typically difficult to get reimbursed, if/once the bad-guy's carrier accepts
liability, on a claim.

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Posted 2007-09-25 6:23 PM (#97905 - in reply to #97898)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 2338
Location: central oklahoma!
under oklahoma law, you are not required to use the contractor suggested by the liability insurance carrier.
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Posted 2007-09-25 6:34 PM (#97906 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
OH, YEAh-siree !!! in CA, too (& probably in most-other states) a claimant doesn't have to cow-tow (or is that : "Cow-TOWN??")
to any insurance company's hired-gun-expert, but, a lot of times, their approach is very s-moo-th (accent on the "Moo"")
so that the injured party says what-the-hell, and the claim goes down the moo-toilet, from there.

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Posted 2007-09-27 2:05 AM (#98117 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Go getum Neil, You should be contacting them and get in on some of that insurance money. I bet some of the car owners do get the big screw. Hope it turns out ok in the end. Man it just go's to show the world is full of stupid people and most of them are blocking me so I can't get to work on time you know.

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Posted 2007-09-27 8:37 PM (#98232 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
I don't chase no ambulances!

'Sides, I ain't licensed in OK, but, one of the Poncho-ees just might reside in my geographical handling-area!

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Posted 2007-10-11 1:52 AM (#99657 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Not even if it were a 57 Dodge Ambulance, You never know maybe they can look you up if they do live around you Neil. :o) .

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Posted 2007-10-11 8:04 PM (#99732 - in reply to #97905)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 144
Location: Tulsa,Oklahoma
59savoy - 2007-09-25 5:23 PM

under oklahoma law, you are not required to use the contractor suggested by the liability insurance carrier.

you also can't hunt whales.
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Posted 2007-10-12 6:34 PM (#99827 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
But, you CAN, at a big gambling-casino!
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Posted 2007-10-12 9:04 PM (#99840 - in reply to #99827)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 2338
Location: central oklahoma!
you a lawyer, neil?
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Posted 2007-10-16 1:49 AM (#100188 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
No Dave, you should know Neil is our fellow Dodge Guru, Who needs geeves when we have Neil :o) He can find out almost anything to do with our Dodge fin cars. Besides you remeber what Shakespear said about lawyers LOL you should watch out for those writter types Dave I dont think there as fond of your personality as we are. LOL

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Posted 2007-10-16 10:35 AM (#100213 - in reply to #100188)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!


Posts: 2338
Location: central oklahoma!
actually, what ol' willy said was that if we want to deprive the people of their rights and liberties, the first thing we do is kill the lawyers. it really wasn't an insult, but a compliment.
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Posted 2007-10-16 8:52 PM (#100293 - in reply to #100213)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Exner Expert 19,174 posts. Neil passed away 18 Sep 2015. You will be missed, Neil!

Posts: 19146
Location: bishop, ca
I think that the 1st thing that Jimmy needs is Spellcheck.

Dave, I'm no lawyer (I just think like one) I've been a multi-line independent insurance adjuster is 11/4/74----33 years, soon;
long-enuf to know better, by now---had my own practice/biz since 1985.

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Posted 2007-10-18 3:10 AM (#100435 - in reply to #97572)
Subject: Re: See? THAT'S why we stayed at the 'Tree!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 370
Location: Mishawaka, IN.
Yes I should use a spell checker, a million pardons please.

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