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From: Daven Anderson
Email: 1961fury>at<
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Date: January 06, 2004
In the chart that ChrycoPsycho posted, the "A" measurement for 57-64 fullsize car rear axles' (possibly excepting Imperials) flange to flange dimensions would be 55 5/8". The 70-74 E-body rear axle (flange to flange: 56-7/16") is really close, same with the 65-69 C-body (flange to flange: 56-7/16"). I have a '70 Sport Fury C-body rear axle assembly (flange to flange: 57-3/4") in my '60 Plymouth wagon and it looks like it was born there! (Wagons do have more wheel well room!) '71-73 C-body axles grew to 59-1/8" flange to flange, so they're a bit big for F.L. car swap use. '71-73 B-body axles are 57-47/64" F-to-F, so they might work reasonably well. Overall best candidate to swap in the back of an F.L. car is the '65-69 C-body axle, best fit and reasonable in terms of cost and availability.