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From: Daven Anderson
Email: 1961fury<at>
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Date: October 20, 2003
In the US, Chrysler changed the crankshaft flanges for ALL passenger car V8's in 1962. The "pre-62" flanges are eight-bolt unthreaded, and protrude out of the engine farther than the "62-up" six-bolt threaded flanges. SO, if you have a "pre-62" crankshaft like your '57 Plymouth does, you have to use a "pre-62" transmission as well. Note that you can put a 67-91 LA 318 crank in your '57 Plymouth engine, and then you can use the "62-up" transmissions behind that engine! All the Australian LA's should have the "62-up" six-bolt crankshaft flange. By the way, it's possible that your Chrysler Royals used the "pre-62" eight-bolt crank flange in their 313 polys until 1964, I've never seen one here in the US but I've suspected that their engines used the eight-bolt "pre-62" flange until the production ended in 1964.