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From: Daven Anderson
Email: 1961fury<at>
Remote Name:
Date: July 17, 2003
A lot of people don't realize how hard it is to run ANY website, especially when you're not running it for profit and don't have the latest equipment! Under difficult circumstances, Dave has managed to make this one of the best Mopar sites (and THE best Forward Look era site!) in existence. Dave spends a great deal of TIME on the maintenance of this website, (sort of like if you were a car mechanic and spent an extra 4 hours a day fixing poor people's cars for free, or a doctor making free housecalls after office hours) and it's his right to delete any 'war' threads that indeed take up a lot the limited amount of 'total active characters' that this server's software can support (that's why this borad crashes every so often). I would say to critics, if you don't like the way Dave runs this website, start your OWN 55-61 Mopar website and see a bit of what Dave has to put up with, for yourself! Thanks for this site, Dave!