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From: Daven Anderson
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Date: November 24, 2002
Time: 23:34:15
What do you do when getting a new interior for your car? If your car is a '57 Chevy, you have several vendors. A '68 GTX, you call Year One or Legendary. A '58 Fury, you hunt the ads for NOS and custom interior makers (not exactly one-stop shopping). NOW: What do you do when getting a new dial-up modem for your computer? If it's a Windows computer, go into any computer shop. If it's a Mac, you have to look a little more,for an Apple store or a computer superstore with a Mac department. If it's a Linux computer, you'll be looking for a while and when you DO find one it will certainly cost more than the other two system's modems (at least you get a quality piece and not a generic Win-Modem!).