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From: Mike Myhrvold
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Date: August 12, 2002
I just purchased the linkage rod that connects the 2x4 carbs from Kramer Automotive Specialties. It is a repro of the linkage for the street hemi. It is almost identical to the linkage from my Fury. The differences that I can see are the slot in the "progressive" end is a little longer and the shoulder mounting bolts are larger. One of the bolts has an additional part on it to connect the return spring. I even tried interchanging the parts with an original set and the threads are the same so you can use the new ends on an original rod or vice versa. If any one wants pictures, email me and I will take some. I am sure other's are selling this linkage also, Kramer sells for $95.00 and their phone number is 724-285-5566.