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Re: Newport -61 from 4dHT to convertible kustom

From: Veera Virkki
Email: tapani.kojo@lvi-eristyspalvelu.inet .fi
Date: March 03, 2001


Here´s some facts why we are thinking to customize our -61: we bought it feb -94 and it was a driveable project. During over 6 years we totally restored it to be a factory original. Then in may 2000, when we just had it finished it burned, and only the front of the car is ok. now. So we were thinking what to do: Put it on the junkyard? No... Do it again to original? Too expencive ... Maybe custom? Let´s think about it... We sold the original engine & trans and some small parts (moldings etc.) and the car is now in garage. I know that in Sweden some guys made -57 deSoto from ht to cvt and nobody crusified them, I have seen the car and if I didn´t know ... Our car is going to be a cvt with hardtop, no ragtop. And I can guarantee that the world is not going to loose some nice and easy project. ( All the glasses are broken, there is no interior anymore, the body is badly damaged...)So if you don´t want to help, then don´t, but don´t do it for wrong reasons...


Last changed: March 03, 2024