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From: Bob O.
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Date: March 05, 2003
Time: 12:32:29
For once I have to question that, Hank. Numerous different sites say that RB stands for raised deck B, and the LA did indeed have a lower deck height than the A engines (albeit just 0.1", that's still a lot if piston meets valve). It would seem only consistent that if Ma Mopar used RB in one sense, they'd use LA in the same sense. I cannot right away find where I've seen that explanation of the origin of LA, but I know I didn't imagine it. I did find a piece from "The Canadian Guru" Bill Watson, however, on the weight difference between the engines: LA heads each 12 lbs lighter, intake manifold 12 lbs lighter, block 55 lbs lighter = 91 lbs. Much less than I originally thought it must be. The same weight difference as between having a full tank or a 1/4 tank of gas.