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From: Dave Lisiecki
Remote Name:
Date: February 07, 2003
Time: 15:50:56
The butter-knoge trick will work. The trick is that you have to figure out which "side" (as in which clock-position)to slip the knife under (I've forgotten); then you use the bent-tip to puch back the spring steel clip than holds into a little neck on the shaft. If you get the screwdriver angled right you might get it to work. Someone else mentioned using the GM tool by modifying it by bending the end of the "middle" fork up a bit. Just be careful with the door panel on the first one you try, and when you get the first one off and see how it works then the rest are a piece of cake. There's a K-D tool that comes up on ebay once in a while, but it goes for a lot of money and the excellent butter-knife suggestion works just as fine. I only figured it out after help from this board. Couldn't find it in the service manual.