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Calendars: a bitcher is worth 1000 words, here's the 1st 100.

From: Bob O.
Remote Name:
Date: January 26, 2003
Time: 15:52:43


It's time to voice some more support for Dave. Apart from the fact that it is purely through his efforts that we enjoy the amazing resources that the different pages of the Forward Look site provide us, he also goes through all the hassles in order to produce the calendar every year. In doing so he has to fork out his own money (something around the $2500-3000 mark) up front, and I believe a previous posting told us that he didn't recover his 2002 calendar costs until August of that year! How many of us would be willing to do that for a bunch of ungrateful strangers, as we sometimes might appear. New people to the site might imagine that ForwardLook is a mega-international-conglomerate with cigar-puffing Dave at its head, but after a while they find out different. So anyway, I just wanted to say let's cool it on the calendar issue, or if we must say something how's about a little encouragement to Dave? He has had a lot of unanticipated delays, and he obviously can NOT mail the calendars to us until they are in his own possession. Buggng him won't speed things up...... how would you respond in his place? Because, as we all know, if he doesn't produce the calendar, no one will, and if he doesn't care to run this site any more, which of us is going to step in and take over the job?


Last changed: March 03, 2024