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From: Bob O.
Remote Name:
Date: January 19, 2003
Time: 19:00:35
Casey, thanks for the reply. I'm happy with the answer for the #120-193 (my original typo was #120-183) being 0.093" since that is the secondary metering jet. But I'm not too sure about the #120-252 since it is the main metering jet and apparently much bigger than 0.052". Also the #16-165 metering rod that fits in it is (according to my cheapo JCWhitney vernier caliper anyway) 0.082" necking down to (originally I believe) .0065", and I can take that 0.082" section of the metering rod and it fits with room to spare in the #120-252 metering jet...... I am guessing that the jet is around the 0.090" mark. So there must have been some other type of numbering system in 1961? The "252" is VERY clearly decipherable on both main metering jets.