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From: alumcan
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Date: November 23, 2002
Time: 22:21:53
There is a guy that I used to work with, his brother ordered a '66 Fury III 2H with a 383 4, and a 'three on the tree'. There is a '66 Chry Newport Convt with a 383 2, and 'three on the tree'. I have seen a small handfull of vairous 1966 FULL SIZE makes with 'stick', three on the tree, 3 sp manual transmissions. So I figured that the Big 3 used 1966 as a cut off date. Because I haden't seen any 'full size' (Fury, Impala, Etc) newer with a 'three on the tree'. But, low and behold, on E-bay last month, was a 160K mile, ratty looking '69 Fury III 4H, with a 318, and a factory 'three on the tree'! So at least Mother MoPar put three on the tree's as late as '69. Anyone seen any later? Full size only. As far as being able to tell you whether the '69 will interchange with a '60,,,,etc, I'm not that smart. (only 6 brane sells) You'll have to ask Hank Dozier, up there in Michigan, or "Einstine" out in Denver. Those two forgot more than most will ever know,,,,. he, he.