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From: alumcan
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Date: August 19, 2002
Chris your comment about the dwindling # of radiator shops that will 'rod' one out, is very true! Like dive-in movie theaters. There is a Harley buddy of mine that has a radiator shop that 'rodded' out an aluminum radiator for me! (He's not much more older than you) VERY TRUE that 'rodding' is messy and time consuming. Eric learned his trade (like you) from an 'old timey' master. When I found this out, it shocked me. The 'master' Eric learned from, 'old man Baily' invented (?) the crossflow radiator, and it was used at the Indy 500 back in the '40's and 50's. Imagine that! Someone from West Viginia inventing something that was used at Indianpolis! Eric told me that old man Baily had free lifetime tickets to the 500! Yes, it is cheaper and quicker to run down to Auto Zone/Advance Auto Parts, and buy a chincy made foreign radiator, than to have a 'craftsman' labor over one with experienced hands! You guys ought to see what Vernon Walker of Walker Raidator works, Memphis, (hunka, hunka, burnin' cool) Tennessee, charges the Street Rodders for some of their radiators! Some are in four digits! The only sloutions to the FwdLk rads, is either haveing a custom one made by someone like Walker ($)(It will look and cool better than new!), or try and find a radiator 'craftsman' that can re-core (probably not the OM look) a new (better cooling) center section with the OM top and bottom tanks. I'll give you an example. Eric custom made me a radiator (only $350. in '96) for my DeSoto Hemi powered DeSoto Rod. He used a '51 Buick top tank, (OM '48 DeS top tank couldn't take 15 pounds pressure) the OM '48 DeS side sheets, the OM '55 DeS fan shoud and bottom tank, to match my motor. The center section (core) was a standard four row for the 'roundy round'cars. My 2 cents,,,,