This is where knowing the Ditzler (or DuPont, etc.) codes come in handy. The Medium Blue code Ditzler 12625 was used on Plymouth and Dodge A and B body cars. Ditzler code 12721 was used on Dodge 880, Chrysler and Imperial models. Custom 880, Chrysler and Imperial models were all built only at the East Jefferson plant while the A and B body models were not built at East Jefferson.
Plymouth called their 12625 Medium Metallic Blue Poly while Dodge's 12625 was Medium Blue Metallic. The Dodge 880 12721 was called also Medium Blue Metallic while Chrysler and Imperial was Coral Blue Metallic.
And all of them were code D.
The Ditzler paint chip sheets list the paint names, corporate codes, and Ditzler codes as above.
Vancouver, BC