Hi Don,
I'm assuming you are taking steps to bring up the oil pressure before firing it up?
There's probably a lot of personal opinions here but I like to stay to the low end of that RPM range - not much more that 2,000, and as far as duration I've run break-ins for 1/2 hour or more. I also like to have a fan blowing under the front of the car for additional cooling while it loosens up. (Assuming said knucklehead wired the fan to turn in the right direction, but I digress.)
The other points I've debating over a beer is the radiator cap. I like to leave it off at first to see a good burp before I pressureize it but people consistently tell me I am stupid on this one.
I wish I was there - nothing better than a fresh lilght up!
On Monday, June 2, 2014 7:25:22 PM UTC-4, Donald Gallimore wrote:
Got the Motor in the car. With a new bore and new rings, what's the proper procedure to break in the motor?
It does have Brad Penn Break in Oil. I was told to bring the engine to temperature and then let it run between 2,000 and 3,000 for 15 or 20 minutes. Change the oil and go racing.
Akron Don Gallimore