Certainly know I don’t want to take the hammer and chisel approach to removing the outer shell of the lower control arm bushing. I even bought a used 1 3/8-12 tap off eBay to do it the way the manual describes, thread in the tap and using a press to remove the shell. Figuring I would have to take it to NAPA’s machine shop, since I do not have a press.
Are the shells in there too tight to use the trick featured in this article in a vise? Or how about using no press or vise..... Seems like after you weld on a ½” washer..... With a short piece of pipe along with a ½” bolt, large washer and a nut.............. You could tighten the nut and pull the shell out.
I know it was easy enough to press out and in the upper control arm bushings in a vise, with a short piece of pipe and large socket.
moparmusclemagazine.com/ tipstricks/155_0306_control_ arms/viewall.html
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