(IT=idle time - RM= roveing mind )
My latest brain F--t is to see if there is any interest within the site members to tackle a betterment for the site.
What I am suggesting is,,,,,, the forming of a committee, by volunteer, comprising of 3-4 members (not Gary, he has enough work on his hands).
Their responsibility would be to list and handle the correspondence of items (donated by the members) on to ebay, craigslist, and amazon type sites, with all proceeds going to a fund in Garys (site) name, to be handled how ever he sees fit.
If some capital is obtained I can easily see benefits coming to the membership in the form of shirts, hats, jackets, emblems, site plaques and other items which would be able to be purchased, even our own space at larger events, it is endless what is possible if the membership were to be active.
and I am sure that all of you have items that could be donated to this cause, not only would it give you more space, but also the great feeling of knowing you helped promote the 62-65 mopars,,,,,,
A simple yay or nay will decide if this is to be dropped or ?