Whatever you do, try to ensure that the glass stays upright, on edge. It is far less likely to break if you do that. -- ~S~ '64 Chrysler 300, AKA: "Leon", 383, 727, 8 3/4 '62 Mercury Comet Custom wagon... a work-in-progress for too many years. On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Gary H. <62to65mopar@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Anyone have suggestions about a good way to ship automobile glass? The door glass from the side of the car. > Perhaps also a small rear glass. Not the front windshield. > > Thanks, > Gary H. -- -- Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one person -- directly to that person. That is, send parts/car transactions and negotiations as well as other personal messages only to the intended recipient, not to the Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! 1962 to 1965 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines: http://www.1962to1965mopar.ornocar.org/mletiq.html and http://www.1962to1965mopar.ornocar.com/general_disclaimer.html. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "The 1962 to 1965 Mopar Mail List Clubhouse" group. http://groups.google.com/group/1962to1965mopars?hl=en.
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