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 poor choice of words. lazty media would have been more appropriate. 
Having grown corn i guess i feel I know a bit about it. Having bought it in huge amiunts to run a feed lot it is something I used to keep an eye. on daily. 
Seed last I heard was about 100 bucks a bag. That is good seed like the very best. might be more now
Ethonal in commercial grades has been around for years. Just not in the volumes we would need. I dont really care what it is made from. The point I was making is I always hear a barrel of ethonal compared to of barrel of crude oil. That is the point I was making. Whatever or whereever you wish to start (i take some issue with in the seed silo deal but that is your choice) the point I am making is a barrel of ethonal compared to a barrel of gasoline.  not a barrel of crude.   That is the point. 
A tonne of corn does not cost that much to transport either having drawn many many wagon loads. It takes 3000 lbs of corn to fatten a young steer.  
I dont dismiss anything out of hand. i just dont trot down a road because I heard it on TV or some one wrote it.  As far as the media  goes I am a sceptic there as I feel they are hired more for their pretty face than their abilty to think. I grew up with a engineer for a father. I tend to question a lot of things . Sometimes things people say just  dont make sense. If it actually takes that much fuel to grow a ton of corn we should stop eating it and using it right away! In fact the facts arent quite as they are presented. That is what makes me upset. So follow a barrel of oil from say the three most common sources.. The middle east. Venezula and Canadian tar sands. See how much energy was used to get it to the refinery and refine it and how much usable fuel it actually produced. Work in the price factor too.  Do the same for a barrel fo corn . no reason why it could be in  barrels. Find the common point and I know it will take a lot more corn than oil to make the same amount of usable fuel.  So far no one has they just spout figures they heard because they like them.  We are resitant to change. it is human nature. We tend to like what fits our way fo thinking. Somethimes sitting down and thinking wthout our emotions involved can give very different results. Not everyone can. Not everyman can think why do i think that? Why do they say that. D how did they get that result  and Did they actually get thatresult. What would happen if.? and so on. Some are impresssed by who said it. Some can block the fame ous speaker and think through. Not everyone though.  
Anyway As you can all see i am an proethonal guy. It interests me a great deal. I know i will probably not bearound should it ever become the fuel of choice  but i would still like to run it and experiment with it in my retirement years. I guessI have said enough on the subject and all are free to believe what they want . I will leave it there I think. I stand by my comment though. respectfully. 
If I had my real desire we would have gasline for ever with 98 octane at ever station. Since that snt going to happen I am exploring other ideas. 
 Don D

Author of
Return to Deutschland (True Adventure)
Old Reliable (Mopar)
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